InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

This time when I sow my seeds I will soak my peat pellets in a very mild voodoo juice solution.
.25ml/L see how that helps stimulate!
Unless anyone has expertise in not to do so!

Personally, I wouldn't. If someone has gastric bypass you don't lay on the Doritos and lemonade. For one, they'll be transplanted in days, and your making with the fluffy pillows, as well. Nope. They germinate and grow in sidewalk cracks. Worst thing you can do is treat them like a hot-house flower. YMMV
If you water in irregular cycles, it induces t

Personally, I wouldn't. If someone has gastric bypass you don't lay on the Doritos and lemonade. For one, they'll be transplanted in days, and your making with the fluffy pillows, as well. Nope. They germinate and grow in sidewalk cracks. Worst thing you can do is treat them like a hot-house flower. YMMV

When you clone, have correct Ph water ready in a container so you can put the cuttings directly in it and prevent air lock. Cut the stem at a 45, and this is most important, scuff the end of the stem with a sharp object the last 1/2" to 3/4". The goal is to leave ragged tendrils, the more the better, these will become roots when the hormone hits and re-purposes them. Obviously, dip in roots-r-us and stuff. Again, the tendrils will become baby roots quickest, even the smallest is good.


Should have mentioned to shave the tendrils from the bottom to the top, from the end of the stem towards the foliage. Almost like peeling a banana, but different. It's the most direct, kink-free path to the foliage as opposed to opposite.

Also, the scuffs allow more surface area to be exposed to the hormone regardless of tendrils, speeding getting the first foothold.
Great discussion gang! Thanks busted for all the visual on root systems...very easy to understand that way :thanks:.

I know roots can grow through the mesh around a peat pellet, but do you think it slows them down at all?
I always open the top and bottom of the peat pellet when I plant a seed in it. The bottom to prevent the tap root from breaking when I TAKE THE COVER OFF WHEN I PUT IT IN SOIL! I have seen too many pics of restricted roots stuck in peat pucks to leave them on. No harm in removing the covering, and better safe than sorry.
I'll bet dollars to dognuts paper towels are one of the biggest killer of seeds going. The residues from processing and production are what does it.
You may be out a bunch of dollars busted. There are loads of experienced growers here with 100% success rates germinating in paper towel. I'd guess it's more temperature that is the problem with that method than anything in the paper towel.
This time when I sow my seeds I will soak my peat pellets in a very mild voodoo juice solution. .25ml/L see how that helps stimulate! Unless anyone has expertise in not to do so!
Distilled water for me until I see fade on the cotyledons. Then weak grow nutes.


Cracking Sunday everyone! Let's see what's happening on the left side of the bike shed this morning. You may recall that when I took cuttings on Sept 30th. I dipped one each of Sour G and AK-47 in Dip'n Grow and stuck those two in ProMix HP in solo cups. Here is what I found this morning on the AK-47:

Well what do you know! Here is the top of it, and it will live uncovered now:

The Sour G isn't showing me root(s) yet, but here is the top...anyone see new growth in there? It's keeping its lid on for now:

And rather than just lift the lid on the cloninator to peek at the ends of the stems, I pulled each one out individually to inspect for root bumps. I didn't find any, but I did see this on another AK-47 cutting!

Two for six in there this go round so far:slide:.

I saw A Star Is Born last night and recommend it even if you didn't like the Barbra Streisand/Kris Kristofferson version. I'm off to a birthday barbecue and the sun is out so I hope everyone has a great Sunday in store.

The ones who use paper towel either already thought about it beforehand and purchased accordingly or got lucky the brand they use is good, for a couple of examples.

I didn't say every, I've germed veg for years until I hit one brand/roll. I lost one round of seeds, started over, ran out of towels midstream so grabbed different. The different sprouted, the others did not. I've seen it reported quite a few places in my wanderings.
I'll test out that biodegradable claim next seed I drop (might be a while though). Not by leaving it on the peat (that would be absurd) but by burying it in the soil when I plant. Then we'll see if it comes out intact at harvest. Dollars to doughnuts says it does :).

Roots lift sidewalks, don't coddle. A little struggle is good across the board in life. Some of it will be still there, it's not puff the magic peat net. The real test would be to test it's tensile strength as compared to new. Paper towel to crepe paper, I'm guessing.
The ones who use paper towel either already thought about it beforehand and purchased accordingly or got lucky the brand they use is good, for a couple of examples.

I didn't say every, I've germed veg for years until I hit one brand/roll. I lost one round of seeds, started over, ran out of towels midstream so grabbed different. The different sprouted, the others did not. I've seen it reported quite a few places in my wanderings.
Correlation doesn't equal causation, and saying that everyone else either researched their paper towel choices or got lucky seems like an easy out. There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Roots lift sidewalks, don't coddle. A little struggle is good across the board in life. Some of it will be still there, it's not puff the magic peat net. The real test would be to test it's tensile strength as compared to new. Paper towel to crepe paper, I'm guessing.
Losing tensile strength does not equal biodegradability. I take the cover off and I personally recommend that to others here. Feel free to disagree but restating your theory doesn't make it universally true.
I’m 3/3 with the peat pellets leaving the net intact. I’m 18/19 with paper towels for getting seeds to crack. Maybe the paper towels that have claimed seeds and the peat that has claimed seedlings are just culling the weak. Lol.
Doesn't have to disintegrate, just be weak enough for Banner to split the shirt without summoning Hulk.

I'm not saying don't use PT, just be aware there may be contaminates on some. Find a brand and test some lettuce seeds on one would be a cheap test.

Trying to share info with all, been trying to YMMV every post but I guess I missed one. Sorry for the confusion, carry on. :cool:
Doesn't have to disintegrate, just be weak enough for Banner to split the shirt without summoning Hulk.
I'm not saying don't use PT, just be aware there may be contaminates on some. Find a brand and test some lettuce seeds on one would be a cheap test.
Trying to share info with all, been trying to YMMV every post but I guess I missed one. Sorry for the confusion, carry on. :cool:
The YMMV at the end of posts always seems like a postscript that no one really reads. Better to say things like "I have found..." or "From my experience..." Making pronouncements and then sticking YMMV at the bottom doesn't take the edge off it the way you think it does.

And if peat wrapping has less tensile strength at the end it's probably too late for some roots at the beginning, when an unimpeded path might be beneficial for the sprout. At the end it doesn't matter. Much easier to remove at the beginning as the peat hangs together on its own.
And now your making babies..... Congrats... I'm betting you'll get most of them to root. I don't add anything to my cloner as far as ferts. They will grow in plain water for acouple afew weeks before they start to show yellowing. Get a good root start and they won't miss a beat in growth. I know afew that use a weak flower fert in their cloners. Last thing you need in there is nitrogen. That promotes leaf growth,, and you want to concentrate on root development. Phosphorous is what you need for root development... And just atad of it..Like 15-20% of basic flower nutrients. But once she has roots going and is in dirt, she can have a weak grow ferts. Make sure you use a new razor blade to make cuts and keep as clean as possible..... I knew ya do it... Dead summer is hard for me to clone to,, even tho I have a cooler room to clone in. Temps are the key.

BTW A Star is Born was a great movie........ It sounds like a day in the life of Janis Joplin. Haven't seen the new one yet.. But it's a great movie. 4 stars in my book
And now your making babies..... Congrats... I'm betting you'll get most of them to root. I don't add anything to my cloner as far as ferts. They will grow in plain water for acouple afew weeks before they start to show yellowing. Get a good root start and they won't miss a beat in growth. I know afew that use a weak flower fert in their cloners. Last thing you need in there is nitrogen. That promotes leaf growth,, and you want to concentrate on root development. Phosphorous is what you need for root development... And just atad of it..Like 15-20% of basic flower nutrients. But once she has roots going and is in dirt, she can have a weak grow ferts. Make sure you use a new razor blade to make cuts and keep as clean as possible..... I knew ya do it... Dead summer is hard for me to clone to,, even tho I have a cooler room to clone in. Temps are the key.

BTW A Star is Born was a great movie........ It sounds like a day in the life of Janis Joplin. Haven't seen the new one yet.. But it's a great movie. 4 stars in my book
Thanks Norcali! Temps certainly seem to be the key and I'm just using water straight out of the hose in the bucket. No pH, no nutes, and since I'm not running the pump 24/7, no ice! The Sour G seems like it might be a bit more stubborn than the AK.

This Star is Born is much much better than the Streisand version. I don't know if you saw Bette Midler's The Rose but it's based on the life of Janis and I like that when it came out. That and I'm in the crowd scene for the final concert. I haven't found myself in the shots yet but I was waving a blue frisbee. Maybe when it's out in 4K :).
Here is the root system off my WW1 and I left the peat pellet intact from day1
You can clearly see it pulled it apart and made sure to not worry about the mesh !

Strong plant is strong roots a little weak mesh won’t stop them !
Hey, congrats on the new roots Shed! :yahoo:
Look'n good...
Thanks MoN! Just need a couple of South G roots now, then I'll be good.
Here is the root system off my WW1 and I left the peat pellet intact from day1
You can clearly see it pulled it apart and made sure to not worry about the mesh
Solid roots Dutch. I never claimed that roots won't grow through the mesh. But having seen plants with roots bound inside the mesh I make it policy to take it off. Takes three seconds and then I've done one more thing that ensures the best start to my plant. It's one of those things I can't think of a reason not to do.
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