InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Thanks MoN! Just need a couple of South G roots now, then I'll be good.

Solid roots Dutch. I never claimed that roots won't grow through the mesh. But having seen plants with roots bound inside the mesh I make it policy to take it off. Takes three seconds and then I've done one more thing that ensures the best start to my plant. It's one of those things I can't think of a reason not to do.

Great point Shed! I’ll try it the next time I usepeat pellets! Think I may try rapid rooters this time!
Everyone has their own way of doing things. I have good luck with paper towel method. After it cracks, I put it into a solo cup of plain roots organtic soil. Seems to work for me so I have always stuck with it. Same thing with clones. Once I see roots I plant into plain roots organtic. As far as the brand of paper towel. They all have worked well for me. Even taco Bell napkins. Lol. Congrats on the cloning Shed. You got this ;)
I am damn near 100% germ rate when using the paper towel method and then coco. That's the way I have always done it. Most of the good growers here do the same. This is the first I have read advising against it.

I am going to give the rooters one more shot on this grow because if it doesn't work I will just start another. I don't have a tent full I am trying to keep vegging in unison. I may cut the mesh before they go in to the hydroton if it pops up in the rooter.
Happy Saturday all! Started raining here around 6:00 last night and kept it up until around 10 this morning o_O. Starting early this year and I hope some of it reached the places we store water. Here it mostly runs off into ocean.

I jarred up a couple of short branches of the AK-47 and it settled at 73%. Back on the drying strings they went. Maybe with the rain gone it will dry out a bit so I can cut them down and jar them with the dehumidifier. Oh well...the longer the dry the less the chlorophyll.

Oh, the sun just came out...that's nice!

It was time to plant the AK-47 cutting that rooted in the cloninator. I have no idea why one would root and the others don't even show root bumps!

Here was the cloninator this morning:

Here is the AK with the fishbone roots:

Some soil, then the cutting:

Then the rest of the soil, pack it down gently, and watered with water from the bucket. I get it really soaked since they are water roots. Grow baby grow! If it does, it will be AK-47 o_O:

I cut a stem off the Sour G and put that into its spot in the cloninator, and labeled it such.

One last pic today...the Peyote Critical tap root is on a mission. Unfortunately, it's out of room so I suggest it put out other roots instead. It's not like it can grow south forever!

That's what I've got today! Let's see what you've been up to...


Glad you're passing that flushing info around. The anti-flush army is spreading to increase yields across the land!

I had read that about ash color and I don't get it. My logs burn with white ash too. I assume it's related to how dry it is but I have no idea.

I think that early auto strains were less stable, but even now, stress will send an auto into early flower (mine were heat stressed). Without stress, it is whenever the plant feels like it's mature enough to propagate. Fast strains will do that earlier obviously, but some of the Brooklyns went over 110 days (Preston :)). Mine was down in the early 70s outside.

Whether an auto will get rootbound will depend completely on how old it is when it goes into flower. If you have a plant that flowers at 50 days it could have used a bigger pot than one that flowered at 30 days. And felt pot plants may not get root "bound" because the roots don't ever circle the pot, but they do get so dense that the plant suffers from a lack of soil and a constant need to water.

HubbaBubbaSmelloScopes? Really? :eek:

The clone game is on point now. Shed you are now the professional clone god.
Thanks Norcali! Temps certainly seem to be the key and I'm just using water straight out of the hose in the bucket. No pH, no nutes, and since I'm not running the pump 24/7, no ice! The Sour G seems like it might be a bit more stubborn than the AK.

This Star is Born is much much better than the Streisand version. I don't know if you saw Bette Midler's The Rose but it's based on the life of Janis and I like that when it came out. That and I'm in the crowd scene for the final concert. I haven't found myself in the shots yet but I was waving a blue frisbee. Maybe when it's out in 4K :).

Great flick both were... I was talking bout the similarities to the two flicks......... Way back were,, I listened to alot of peoples talking about PHing the water in a cloner. MY ph was a tad off,,, so I'd throw some shit in and it was outta line the other,, so I'd try again.. Never worked.............. F'ed up more than one batch
The YMMV at the end of posts always seems like a postscript that no one really reads. Better to say things like "I have found..." or "From my experience..." Making pronouncements and then sticking YMMV at the bottom doesn't take the edge off it the way you think it does.

And if peat wrapping has less tensile strength at the end it's probably too late for some roots at the beginning, when an unimpeded path might be beneficial for the sprout. At the end it doesn't matter. Much easier to remove at the beginning as the peat hangs together on its own.

Sometimes I feel that peat pellets weren't really designed for cannabis. That tap root comes on really fast after they germinate and I have had plenty of issues with, not the netting being bio degradable, but with snapping the tap root off. I don't germinate cannabis in peat pellets anymore. I have a tray of bonnie cups that I germinate in with plain soil, then transplant to another pot after a week or so. I also don't use paper towels but I can see why others do. I tend to soak my seeds in purified water for 8 to 12 hours and then they go right into the soil. I have a 100% success rate so far. There a a million ways to skin a cat and if you find something that works for you, then that is all that counts. From my experience. ;) LOL Shed.
The YMMV at the end of posts always seems like a postscript that no one really reads. Better to say things like "I have found..." or "From my experience..." Making pronouncements and then sticking YMMV at the bottom doesn't take the edge off it the way you think it does.

Sorry, I have to disagree a little more intensely now. Show me any great teacher/ comedian and I'll show you someone who understood the concept of keeping the audience on it's toes by varying the intensity of the sudden accelerations and stops unexpectedly without warning and at unexpected places so they learn to grip the reigns and pay attention instead of giving them time to daydream and look out the windows on a boring journey.

Another thing they know is when to ring the bell or thank the audience.

I've installed more than ample road hazard signs throughout, I've put them before, during and after. Don't try suing me for your lack of ability to take responsibility, my lawyers are better at cross. This is a General Statement, not directed at anyone, but since I have everyone's attention I'll throw it out there. I may be a NEWB here, but I've had some go-rounds on some knucklehead music forums that would have most seeking cover. Don't be fooled by the wit and looks, the whole book by its cover thing for those I've left behind. Sorry, one of my biggest pet peeves, no one take it personal.

On that note, class dismissed, you've been a wonderful audience. Have to prepare for next class/ show and it's all the way in the next wing/city.

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