InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

i dont really see any clues that points to a pest ... for now ... beautiful pic with the backlighting shed ... your improving :ganjamon: just kidding hihi ... sorry i had some scissor hash ;) you know what that means ...
anyway BT looks really good ... shes gonna reward ye handsomely me guess :goodjob:
Hey buddy I could sure use your expertise in indentifying what we think is eithier
Thirps, mites cause I saw some red on one of them pics in my bomb seeds thread . If you don’t mind please popping over when you get a chance I’ve been just lately adding DE and hitting with neem oil got z9 going now instead of h2o2
Been over a month battling these pest

All help I’d be greatful for :Namaste:
I new you were a man of good taste.
I'm a Londoner that married a Septic :D. Has your Mrs got you drinking tea yet ?

Good luck with your bug battle. I got to ask. What's your reasoning for taking your plants outside? I could maybe get away with that here, but haven't because of the risk of bugs/hassle. Whats the advantage?

I can appreciate a good novel and tea before bed .
Why take the plants outside? Um...the sun! I'm an outdoor grower who supplements the sun with lights. Seems silly in Los Angeles not to let my plants soak up the sun:).

No tea for me! The only English thing I've picked up from 'er indoors is words and expressions.
One would assume one had taken up on the tea party in the garden lol
Early in the dementia process, re-orienting someone is best, but later in the process, it really doesn’t do much good, and can just frustrate the caregiver as well as the person with dementia.
My grandmother had a type of dementia, but not Alzheimer’s dementia. It pretty much broke my mother trying to care for her at the later stages. By the time my grandmother’s body died, her personality had been gone for years. It made for an odd mourning process.
Quite true BB. The best thing we can do is listen and figure out what's going on in their head. I was referring to the stage where they no longer can identify their loved ones or their relationship. No reason to say "I'm your son" when that would just confuse them. My dad doesn't know my name or who I am to him. He just knows we have a good time together.
Plus you get really large arms from moving the plants around. Shed works out guys.
All lower back AW!
One would assume one had taken up on the tea party in the garden lol
Nah, neither I nor my plants drink teas :).
Alzheimer's is hard on everybody. Just play along and be whom ever they think you are at the time. If you are strangers, see what "time" they are in, for example: before marriage and kids? After? And go from there. Keep telling over and over in a calm voice, my name is x you are my grandpa... You have x children... Your spouse is/was x...
It is hidden in there.
Takes a lot of patience.
I don't believe in trying to remind them of what they've forgotten. Reminding dementia patients that they are losing their memory can be upsetting, confusing, and create anxiety.

Let go of the past and accept the new place your loved one occupies would be my advice.
Had 0 experience with Alz until the last couple of years and didn't understand it at all. Now that i am in the middle of it i understand this. It really is a horrible way to exit this planet. All we can do is be around to make sure they are comfortable and try to keep them occupied with what soothes them.
Yes, I helped my neighbour with his wife.
She was doing dishes (one plate) over and over, her old job was a seamstress and she would fold newspaper pages as if they were pieces of material.
I was "just following along" we would talk and discuss what ever was on her mind.
It is sad if it happens to a near and dear, but you need to "get out" of the old relation with the affected person.
It is painful to watch your family member go through this. :hug:
Had 0 experience with Alz until the last couple of years and didn't understand it at all. Now that i am in the middle of it i understand this. It really is a horrible way to exit this planet. All we can do is be around to make sure they are comfortable and try to keep them occupied with what soothes them.
I'm so sorry this is something you have had to go through Kismet. You are exactly right about comfort being the top priority. It's a confusing place to be, losing your mind, and the rest of us have to be the best we can. When my dad began going through this, I changed the ring tone on my phone so when he or the assisted living place called it was a calming sound and not "Back in Black" like the rest of the numbers get! Helped remind me to be centered when I answered.

If you ever want to vent feel free to do it here. We're sympathetic ears.
It is sad if it happens to a near and dear, but you need to "get out" of the old relation with the affected person.
That was the most difficult lesson. To move from having a father to having a kind old man that needed me to take care of him. Took a while.
We need to take her car keys away. But she told my sis she would kill her lol.
Those are the worst things to have to cope with.
Need to hide them when she doesn't see. There is no way to reason with them.
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