Jimmy C's GLR Grow With A 250W CFL

Jimmy C

New Member
Hello to all and welcome :peace:

So this is my first grow using BPN, so thank you to Corey for hooking me up :)
and this will be my first time using the GLR(Gas Lantern Routine) method.

I will be growing 3 plants at a time, and the following seeds I have & will be using is:

x3 Greenhouse Seeds Co. Cheese - Feminised
x1 Seedsman Original Skunk No.1 - Feminised
x1 Female Seeds Pure AK - Feminised
x1 Nirvana Wonder Woman - Feminised
x1 Delicious Fruity Chronic Juice - Feminised
x1 Delicious Cotton Candy - Feminised
x3 Herbies Big Bud #2 - Regular
x2 Seedsman California Skunk Haze - Regular

The Gas Lantern Routine(GLR) is a light schedule of 12 hours of light, 5.5 hours of night, 1 hour of light and 5.5 hours of night again.

To start off, I have planted the seeds straight into the soil.
The seeds I decided to use first is Cheese, Original Skunk No.1 and California Skunk Haze.


Very nice looking journal so far! I have used the Gas Lamp Routine and it works great!! you will be pleased :)
Im in whats the pros of gas lamp routine
@Icemud, cheers man, I hope all this turns out well!! :)

@growrook, the pro's is that it will grow a lot bigger due to the lighting schedule and that it won't take so long to flower when you switch to 12/12, some people say to have a diminishing light schedule for flowering to replicate the sun patterns of the days getting shorter, but as this is my first time using the glr method I won't be trying it just yet.
glr means your light is only running for 13 hours out of 24, so electric costs are lower, the life time of the lights last longer,
i have used glr with the grow im doing now, it gives the best growth i have seen, clearly these plants do grow in the dark, and glr does exactly this, the plants grow like crazy, faster than any other light schedule, 24-0 is quick but the root growth is slow so the plant suffers further down the line, glr lets the plants grow at their best, it also puts the plants into over drive, and if you use deminishing light for flower then it boost them even further, how ever getting the deminishing light schedule right is a bit harder and more for experienced growers, something i have not yet tried,

with glr my seedlings show sex around 2 weeks or 3 at the most, the plants grow like crazy. when you flip to flower they go strait into flower so no long wait, it shortens the amount of veg time needed due to the vigourous growth.

so im using glr for all future grows and using 12-12 for flower as its easier to manage.

subbed my friend, your going to love glr schedule, after the first week the plants grow like crazy,
with the bpn make sure you download the feeding guide and dont use the guide on the back of the bottle, the one on the bottle is more for fruit and veg, the one on coreys site is designed for these plants, so follow that and you wont have any problems what so ever with nutes.

also i noticed you planted direct in soil, this is also a good idea, the seeds grow sooner, paper towel method stresses the seeds and when you transplant them it causes stress to the fine hairs on the tap root, and if you was using regular seeds you would have a higher male to female ratio, make sure though that you keep the soil moist where the seed is, what i did is make sure the soil is wet before putting the seeds in, like give the pot a good water and let it stand for few minutes, then put the seeds in, then all i do is give the top of the soil a good spray with water 2 or 3 times a day, if it dries out ill then pour a cup of water onto the soil, but it should not be needed,

im glad im along from the start, its going to be interesting to see how well you like glr, mate trust me, it works better than all other lighting schedules, ill find the info on it and post the link for you all to read, it tells you some amazing stuff, it explains why this works best
@ jimmy c, reps coming your way mate for trying glr, i guarantee you will love it that much that i know you wont use anything else, their is no place on the planet where these plants naturally get 18 hours of light, look how well out door plants grow, glr clearly proves plants benefit and grow a whole lot quicker than using 24-0 or 20-4, i have tried them all, glr is what im sticking with, its cheaper, the temps are easier to manage as the light is not on so long, the equipment lasts longer, the plants love it, they show sex a whole lot sooner, the veg time is shorter as the plants reach the height you want a lot sooner, when you flip to flower they go strait to flower, so makes it quicker, the plants seem more healthy, can you tell im loving glr, ill find the link as it goes into detail why glr really does work well,

i see your liking herbies as well, stick with herbie and he really looks after you, plus his prices are by far the cheapest, his single seeds are dirt cheap, you can just buy 1 regular seed for less than £1.30 or $2.00 and you will always get 3 free seeds even if you buy just 1 cheap pick and mix seed, you will get 2 nice regular free seeds from a great strain, and the other free seed is always a fem or fem auto, he also throws in the odd bonus items as well like extra free seeds, i got 4 seeds with my last order, plus a tin of mints from royal queen seeds, plus a wrist band from royal queen seeds, plus stickers for cars, plus laminated plant markers to stick in the pots so you know what your growing, when you place an order drop my screen name to herbie in a msg and he will look after you, after you have ordered once or twice then when you place the next order send him a msg with the order telling him how pleased you are with the service and his prices, and then see what herbie sends you with the order you have placed, he looks after regular customers, even if you only buy 1 or 2 seeds at a time like i do, well worth it, :Namaste::Namaste
lol Cheers for the reps dude :)
Sweet man, well I'm excited to see how this grow goes but not trying to get my hopes up just in case because you never know if something is going to go wrong and well I have you to thank for the heads up on that Herbies seed site! I think I may buy a few more seeds on Friday, not too sure on what strain I would like, but something that will be more of a head high rather than a couch-lock strain, which reminds me I bought some weed which was apparently from Amsterdam but it tasted so nice and smooth and had a real good head high, and the best thing was my mouth didn't feel like the Sahara deserts! lol so I might look into something like that if that is even possible lol
And thanks for the tip with Herbies mate, they are a top quality website with speedy delivery which I really like, and plus when I ordered from them last the gave me a fem seed of the Delicious Cotton Candy read I read about on the net and sounds like it will be a stonkin good plant, not sure how the grow will be but there is only one real way to find out!

Yea that's exactly what I did to plant my seeds and I keep the soil moist by spraying it twice maybe 3 times, and I couldn't help myself but have a peek at the seeds to see if they have popped, which they have and I should expect to see them sprout on out through the soil tomorrow hopefully :) ...But in future I will resist to have a sneak peek and just wait patiently.

Oh and I have a question about the bpn, can I use it as soon as the seedling has sprouted or should I wait a few days?
JimmyC I use the GLR also and I am liking the results. I five weeks into flowering and I'm using the diminishing light schedule. I will be switching to 10/14 today and the buds are growing. Now we get to watch your grow and I'm pulling up my chair.
Hell JimmyC this is my first grow and I can't recommend anything. I have had really good results from the GLR in vegging so I can, yes that is good but we are just starting the sixth week of flowering and I will have to say my burmese Kush has buds that are nice and tight and around 2" in diameter. I just got back from the garage and putting the girls under 14 hours of dark for week 6. All the buds are very sticky and I'm having a hard time waiting. :circle-of-love:
id stick with glr for veg and then use 12-12 for flower, at least till your comfortable with the deminishing light schedule, it would be to easy to make the plants hermie, so for me its to much of a risk, so im using glr for veg and 12-12 for flower, at least for this grow anyway, i dont want to risk and problems.

i cant see you having many problems, bpn seems to work perfectly, just use the guide you can download, then you wont have any nute problems, the best part about bpn is that you can start feeding at the lowest schedule as soon as the 1st set of real leaves are growing, so not the round seed leaves but the next set, you can then start giving bpn that early, how ever i have tried it and got no problems, but i think their is enough in the soil for the first week or 2 so i dont usually start the bpn that early, i did try it to make sure it was ok and it was, gave me no problems what so ever,

cant wait to see how your grow goes, i know your going to be happy with glr, it works wonders, and for herbies, you cant beat them, just send a msg with your order saying for from the 420mag site, then once you have placed a few orders herbie really starts looking after you, i tell everyone about herbies, i have had no problems with any seeds and they always turn out perfect when grown,
awe sweet man, yea I will do! I'm thinking about buying another Skunk#1 fem seed and use it as a mother to try and make my own strain, but the problem is that so many strains have Skunk#1 in their genetics :/ I'm gonna have to do some research on what would be a good partner for her.

Lil update, Cheese and Skunk#1 have now pulled through the soil just waiting on Cali Skunk Haze, I'll post some pictures later on, hopefully Cali will have peeped up to say hello :)
Hey folks, this is a plant from my previous grow that I thought was male, but now I am thinking it is hermie can anyone confirm to me what it is?

And...Here is my 3 lil seedlings :) they're 1 day old now.....


Skunk #1

California Skunk Haze
hi mate, looks like the plants are starting to grow then mate, the first week will be slow but after the plants got roots and its starting to benefit from the glr then they will really take off, you will be chuffed with the results of glr,

the plant in the pic is male mate, you see them 2 spikes in the middle of the pic, to the right of it is that ball which is what makes you think its male or hermie, well if it was fem or hermie then behind them spikes you would see to white hairs growing from behind them, but as we dont see these then this points to the fact its a male, how ever males show sex sooner so chances are its just a male, a hermie usually starts off fem then starts growing bananas which then tells us its gone hermie.

i tried finding out if you could make a male go hermie, we have all seen fems go hermie but not males, so i wanted to find out if males go hermie, i wanted to try and make what is called a super male, its something i have seen rarely on the net, but i tried to make a male go hermie and it just wouldnt happen, their is no reason why it cant happen but it just didnt happen for me, if i get some males this time then ill give it another try, im hoping 1 of my autos is male so i have some pollen from an auto so i can them put pollen on a couple of buds sites on every fem plants, this should then give me lots of auto seeds, plus the bonus is it will be my own strain their knowone else has tried, so im hoping to get at least 1 male from the 2 auto regular seeds i plants, plus they are a purple and blue strain so crossing these with fem plants should give me some really nice results.

ive not tried breeding yet but this time round im going to, i got my 6 plants in flower so once they have finished everything in my small veg room will be put under the hps under glr till ready, the autos will be under 24-0 till finish, so my mission with the next round of plants is to make my own seeds, and hopefully auto seeds, but ill see how i get on.

another thing im trying this time is something with the autos, i have been reading that autos need some dark to start the flowering process, so you can grow them under 24-0 but then give them a few hours of dark then go back to 24-0, this then starts the flowering process, but others say they will flower even if their not given any dark, from what i can tell this is strain related, some will flower and some need a few hours of dark to start the flowering process before going back under 24-0, so im going with 24-0 and im hoping that i can let them veg longer before giving them a few hours of dark and this should increase yield, it might get me know where, they may still start to flower under 24-0, but i should know after 2 weeks as autos usually show sex around 2 weeks then slowly flower from then on, so i just got to play the waiting game now
That sounds sweet mate! Good luck with that :) I really want to have my own strain, but finding the right partner can be a bit difficult as I want Skunk #1 to be the mother and quite a lot of strains already have this in their genetics.

Yea I think you're right with my Big Bud #2 being male but a bit further up on the plant which I noticed on Saturday is that one of the other balls have the string bits coming out of it, and just but going on my last two males they never had strings come out of them but I will keep him non the less and possibly collect the pollen from him.

and I had a wonderful surprise when I bought myself an 8th, I had found 2 seeds in the bud! and it was a real nice smoke so I will plant them later on and hope they'll germinate! One problem is though that I don't know what the strain is, I did ask but all the dealer said was that it's some kind of Chronic.

Oh and Don man, I have noticed already how wicked the growth is with the GLR, the roots with all 3 plants have already started to go through the pots holes at the bottom! I couldn't believe it! I think I may have to even transplant them to my big pots at the end of this week.
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