MC's K2 Special Grow Show

madame crash, your grow is beautiful, what other plants are in there? why dont you include them?> are you shunning them?
@ FirstTimer - Thanks for the info! But it looks like I am not going to need the beneficial nematodes right now. The Fungus Gnat Predators are kicking butt in there! WooHoo!.. 🤘 :rocker:

I also put sticky yellow bug strips in there to catch the adult gnats, but there are hardly any left! Maybe one or two lonely little stragglers flying around but that's it.. Mother Nature's Got her own Weapons of Mass Destruction... He he he he heeeee... :15:

@ highlifeisdalif - Thank you for stopping by my journal! :grinjoint: There are at least 10 other plants in the room of mixed varieties. It gets really confusing trying to do more than one strain at a time in a grow journal. So to show off the K2 Special to the best of my abilities, I'm documenting only that strain this time around .... :hmmmm: :smokin:

No Problem. Glad to here they are working. I might be needing them myself. I hate the little shits.. very annoying.

So what happens when they run out of fungus gnats to eat? Do they just die?

:hmmmm: ............. you know, I don't know.... lol....

That would be my guess. But since each adult fungus gnat can lay 200 - 300 eggs, I'm guessing the predators will be fat 'n happy for a little while anyway.

I also sprinkled them around the floor of the room by the base of the pots so any nasty eggs that might be hiding under the plastic get munched as well.

Man, all I can say is that the predator bugs really do seem to be working. Before trying them I was spraying insect killing soap in the room every day with very little effect. The swarm would be knocked back a little but within 2 days the gnats were always back in force.

Not any more!!!! :cheesygrinsmiley:

Okay - So friday was supposed to have been the first night of 12/12 but we're having some problems with timers.... We had a cheap digital timer in there, that was .. well.... cheap.... so it never actually switched the cycle, and they were on 18/6 all weekend. :rolleyes3

So, last night the dang thing switched the light off at 6:30PM for some strange reason - 3 1/2 hours earlier than what it should've. (It was set to turn off at 10:00PM) Which means their dark cycle was interrupted at 10:00PM when we replaced the crappy digital timer with now what appears to be an equally crappy regular (non-digital) timer... 'Cause the light was supposed to switch on at 10:00AM today, but it hasn't so far.... and it's really getting irritating. :skeptical:

So, I'll get some new pics up when the light actually does turn on..... But for now...

We replaced the HPS bulb on Friday in anticipation of going to 12/12... so when this whole stupid timer thing gets straightend out we'll be good to go.

Update Time! Our K2 Special are now 25 days old.. the pics were taken yesterday at day 24 of veg.. The timer switched off at 11:00PM last night, and came on at 11:00AM this morning, so they've had 1 full night of 12/12 plus another 15 hours of darkness the day before due to the timer problems.

One of the plants has shown sex as Male, and has been removed. He was the smallest of the 3 plants..... go figure....

Here are the two that are left so far..
The biggest K2 Special - this has been the healthiest plant of the 3 since day 1..



Next - looks nearly identical to the other, but is a little smaller .. :Rasta:

Both In the room...



Finally - A comparison shot: The rest of the plants in the room have been vegging for a month longer than the K2 Special, but the K2's have almost caught up already! :clap:


Due to space constraints, I decided to wait to transplant them until they show sex . If they are female, they will be potted into a 7"x7"x7" (approx 2 gallon) containers for flowering.
madamecrash said:
Okay - So friday was supposed to have been the first night of 12/12 but we're having some problems with timers....

Give some thought to a hot water tank timer. They're simple to wire into a panel and you can run up to 2, 20 ampere circuits if you get one rated for 220V. I'm using one and am running 2, 1000 watt HPS and a single 600 watt HPS on 2 different circuits. A 1000 watter and the 600 watter share one circuit and the other 1000 watter and all the fans are on another circuit. The timer cost $35 at Home Depot. Look back by the hot water tanks. They're called "the little gray box". I'll take pictures of the setup if you'd like :smokin:
i had trobles with a timer once, they are furiating little things, good luck madame....
Thanks Guys! I think the timer thing is all straightend out now. I wanted the lights to go off at 10PM and come on at 10AM, but so long as it's working now... I don't want to break it again by trying to fix it... lol... :geek:

Me and electricity are not good partners.... I won't even jump start a car... (insert chicken noises here _______ ) :cheesygrinsmiley: :laughtwo:

Thanks Akornpatch! The leaf twisting thing is because they've been sitting a foot away from the oscillating fan their whole life... It makes the leaves twist and bend like airplane propellers.... I leave the fan on 24/7 - even during the dark period to prevent Powdery Mildew from getting a hold.

Super low humidty will cause leaves to twist also - and it's been a steady 20% in there even after watering all of them..

Every time I read your journal is a reminder that I am almost 1 month behind LOL.
I like your journal MC, just wish I had a better jump on mine.
Hi MC! :cheesygrinsmiley: Wow, I'm really impressed by your growing! I have to ask - do you have a background in horticulture? How did you learn about growing with fungi and all of the things that you blend together? Is there a book you use?

That room is great. After looking thru these threads I'm wondering how many homes with stairs have grow rooms below! Did you put together the room yourself or have help? Did you follow someones plans?

When is it 'normal' to be able to tell if a plant is a boy or girl? Does it differ by strain? I have one that's 25 days since 'planted', and at the 3rd leaf level there are little v's sticking up. I'm hoping this means it's a girl? or is it too early??

One of the stems is very light in color, almost white, but the leaf looks fine. Could this be a characteristic of whatever type it is? It's bag, so I have no clue what to expect. Any advise is much appreciated! :adore:

you will be able to tell if its a boy when hes ready, otherwise your in luck..
Urdedpal - I feel ya there.. My last crop had to be pulled only 3 weeks into flower due to Powdery Mildew. Man - it sucks having to start behind schedule.. Our stash jars are looking pitifully empty now 'cause we didn't have anything to fill them while these vegged & flower. :skeptical:

Justme_Pooh - Thanks for reading my journal! Naaw, I don't have a background in horticulture or anything. I've spent hours and hours on the net reading all kinds of gardening sites & forums (not just MJ) where all the master gardeners hang out. Then I've messed around with dozens and dozens of seeds/clippings/plants trying out what I read.. :geek:

And every night we walk our dogs around the neighborhood, we look at all the houses trying to see who has a perfect shed for growing, or perfect basement....or a heavily fenced yard for no apparent :laughtwo: :smokin:

My boyfriend is the technical genius and construction guru behind the room. I do all the growing and plant care - he usually stays away from them as much as possible.. lol...:smokin: As far as learning how to construct it - the space is so small there really is only one way to do it with the equipment we have.. :hmmmm:

highlifeisdalif - Thank you for helping Justme_Pooh with the answer.. :Rasta: :allgood:

Male flowers look nothing like buds.. they look like little green grapes dangling in bunches off the plant. :smokin:

Well, the things that looked like v's now look like the beginning of little leaves at the base of the stems of leaves. (I confess, I truely haven't ever grow one of these before, let alone anything else from a seed). My family is teasing me about my 'baby'. :laughtwo:

Wish my dh was handy like that! My dad is, but I don't think he'd help with one of those. Like I'd have the guts to ask!

I have to say, you're an inspiration!

Keep the info coming, please...thanks!
Knowledge is power... and i never get enough from reading outstanding responses that other knowledgable growers give out, Underpal, MC, Stix, ect I have learned alot from just reading there threads. And I still refer to them. Gonna start my own journal as soon as I get my seeds in and some other equipment. love your journal to Mc and keep on growin.:smokin:
more pictures......
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