Medical Grow

It's a it at Home dePot. 10,000btu.

The 3 lights also lower the RH, due to the radiant heat.
Hmm sounds like I have the very same unit...seems like I still need all the lights and C02 to dry things out like you. (and less fog would probably help :))
Hmm sounds like I have the very same unit...seems like I still need all the lights and C02 to dry things out like you. (and less fog would probably help :))

Hey Snow!

Getting the room dialed in is the most important thing! A perfect environment with the other parts of the grow half-way decent can make for
some really fine product!, I'm having a hard time writing this. I just had some SLH from my a clone I grew with regular OC and tap first try with the CRF's. I'm super smart for about 4 seconds, then my mind snaps to the next thing and before you know it, I can't even type a simple post without a project in between paragraphs.

Anyhow, my current sitiashin is pretty lucky. There's actually some humidity in the air here, so with lights out I'm running 50, and lights on running 40 or so after a few hours. So, the swamp cooler blasts out moist air for a few minutes an hour, which also cools the room and blows out an amazing amount of air. I think the plants pretend they're growing on a cliff, overlooking the Pacific in Southern Mexico and a little blast of fog just blew over them. Yeah....sure.....that's it.

Anyhow, the clones are starting to get a bit healthier.
It's interesting how that progressed:

They first got darker green and the leaves got waxy
Now, they're starting to perk up and a bit of new growth is coming out. They weren't the healthiest clones, but I think they'll be OK in a week or so. I'll veg them until they get some nice leaves, then flower.

Once the flower commences, I'll start popping seeds.
Well, things are going well!
The clones are starting to shape up, and have grown quite a bit in the last few days.

I had to spray some Floramite....found a couple of mites on the girls. I have a No Pest Strip....but when it comes to mites, I don't mess around. So, that's my last spray with Floramite for a year. If I need to spray again, I'll use another miticide, like Forbid. No more than once per year, per product. I like my mites weak and helpless....not strong and immune.

I've got 15 more clones coming Monday:
Blackberry Kush and hopefully Super Lemon Haze.

I'm using the fabric Air Pots for the next batch. I'll get a pic or two when that happens.

Regarding soil:
I still plan on mixing my own custom soil, from raw material, but as I was discussing the subject with my buddy at the hydro shop, he showed me this product:
Power Flower Soil - Plant It Earth

It's pretty much what I was hoping to do on my own...already mixed and ready to go.

So, the first batch of clones are in Amended FFOF, with OC+ and my micronute mixture.

The next 15 will be in Air pots, with the bottom half Power Flower and the top half an organic Coco/peat/perlite/guano/Wormcasting/etc. soil. The top half isn't nearly as hot as the bottom half....and I'm told I'll need no nutes for the first 60-70 days.

I'll be adding snowstorm and molasses to this grow.

Finally, I've some seedlings vegging under the T5.

Temps are "perfect", although now I'm questioning my night time temps of 65-67. I'm thinking of going a bit warmer....maybe 70.

Like I said, I won't be taking too many pics this time, just important updates...but since it's been awhile here are a couple.

I'm really looking forward to getting back to seed growing...or at least getting a better quality of clone....these were so dang ragged! But they're getting much better and should end up being just fine.

This one is a Jack Herer:
If that Blackberry Kush is anything like the pheno I have, You're going to love it.
Those clones look like they're putting on some growth.

I was thinking of testing 1 with OC+ .. but simple - 80/30 FFOF & Perilite and OC+.
Should I PH the water? comes out at 8.5 ish.
any tips are welcome.
If that Blackberry Kush is anything like the pheno I have, You're going to love it.
Those clones look like they're putting on some growth.

I was thinking of testing 1 with OC+ .. but simple - 80/30 FFOF & Perilite and OC+.
Should I PH the water? comes out at 8.5 ish.
any tips are welcome.

This particular Blackberry Kush looks like someone sprayed it with sugar. Very strong smoke.

Whether or not you pH the water depends on the total alkalinity of the water.
Get a pool test kit, test your TA and if it's under 100, there is no need to pH.
If over 100, you have a choice of mixing 50/50 with RO, or pHing down to about 6......but if it were me, I'd mix with RO.

My last grow was with exactly the mix you're talking about....I did not pH the water.

Hey Doc -
What is the light source these girls are under and what's their approx age?

They are under a Lumatek 1000watt HPS. The clones are about 2 weeks old.

Thanks for stopping by!
Your cleanliness is hitting me where I live. You clearly are getting your room dialed in so that adverse microorganisms should be a minor problem if at all. By now, you know of my fetish for sanitary grow-rooms. Yours is beautiful.

Sorry in advance because I know that I missed it, but are you using a custom soil mix?

Clearly, I didn't have much to say. 'just dropping by. Oh, I know what I wanted to ask you. Cervantes contradicts himself in a minor way in "The Bible" advocating a 24/0 vegetative cycle and later advocating the more traditional 18/6 cycle. Have you ever vegged twenty-four hours per day?

Have fun!
For smoke, I'll be attempting to make a "secret" soil blend, which I'll share with all of you.

Roots organic top half of pot
Custom organic soil blend lower half
Perlite, OC+.

Have you explained your special soil mix yet? Would you mind explaining in a bit more detail on your Custom organic soil blend? And are you saying the bottom will consist of only perlite and OC+ - as in the OC+ will only be on the bottom and not mixed throughout?

Your journals have turned me into a believer of OC+ and am trying to concoct the BEST soil mix to use it with and how to best mix in the OC+. My ultimate goal is to make a super simple maintenance garden which will only need to be watered, and perhaps a weekly feeding.

On a seperate note, currently I have 2 soil plants of FFOF. I feel the nutes will be running out soon that came in the FFOF and will have to start feeding them. I plan on using OC+ instead of buying some expensive nutes. How would you suggest me to best implement the OC+? Should i just sprinkle some on top and just water as usual? Or should I mix it in the top 2 inches or so?

FINALLY, what will you be adding to the hempy waterings besides just the OC+? Will you be using the special mix you blended in your Un-Lucky thread?
Thanks so much for your contributions Doc! You are quickly becoming someone I really look up to and try to follow to the dot! :)
Dear Doctor -
I've worked w/ clones only few times, 3x from ez-clone, once from dome&tray, but none looked your size! 2-week old under 1000 hps is exactly what I wanted to hear; were they rooted in your 'mix' or the light-warrior you've got me looking into?

Maybe things are just bigger and better on the blessed west coast, but for now I'm booking an appointment w/ my shrink to deal w/ this nasty case of 'clone-envy' that kept me up last night!

Got a funny one for you - I mixed-up my (your) pre-mix formula of:
7 cups gypsum
3 cups lime
4-oz (1/2 cp) epsom
1-oz (2tbls) Borax
Got up real early (4:30AM on the 8th to catch the New Moon), had my coffee, one more look at notes, and began my transplanting into the 7x7x9 containers. Had my FFOF, ProMix, Perlite mixed, got a little manic (yeah, it happens around here), DUMPED ENTIRE PRE-MIX INTO RUBBER-MADE CONTAINER, and chose my 6 most beautiful girls from seed [3-Black Widow, 1-Pineapple Chunk, 2-NLxBB] and was ecstatic at their overall root structure due to your pictures of your 'mini-hempy' mix w/ base cushion of perlite. Sprayed them down w/ Don't Bug Me and tucked them in to their new beds that I figure hold 1.5gal so opted for the 'high' end of OC+ therefore dispersed about 15gms 1/3 from top and the remaining in the top covering...
I was totally psyched!!!
Couple hours later... 'something' is not quite right in my psyche... go back over my notes, back to your journal page (UnLucky 12/12 P36 - #536) and saw, for the ump-teenth time your inscription on the lid stating:

Instantly felt sick to my stomach!!!! My poor girls:-(

Raced-off to my trusted supplier (40+ miles away...) got new bag of OF, raced back to my babies basking under 1000-hps at the tender age of 21-days after germination and begged them to forgive me.

Then I figured something like 'what would a wanna-be doc due...' and I calmed down and decided to accept the current situation as a serendipitous opportunity.

I waited.

By this Friday, one Black Widow was looking terribly unhappy, so I opted to transplant her into a 4.5gal container with NO PreMix due to whatever she would bring along w/ her from her 'hot' original screw-up due to my over excitement.

The other remaining 5 gals are still in the 'too-hot' mix and one or both of the 'B/W's' will be transplanted into a more normal mix today or as/when required.

The Pineapple Chunk and NLxBB are showing no distress what-so-ever, but will get balanced-out with more mix w/in week or so. All are still vegging @ 18/6 and chatting up a storm.

The point of this babble? Well, you said to 'know' your strains and on this run I'll get to peek intimately into 6 strains (the above mentioned plus Midnight X-Press, SharksBreath, and RockLock).
More importantly, these girls are forgiving beyond my simple human understanding. They will continue to do their best to arrive at the pre-appointed location of dna-encoded outcome.

I have much to learn and am so grateful that my classroom medium is not some nuclear substance!!

Anyway, I've got Per-Mix potion in OF / ProMix / Perlite just waiting to be PROPERLY distributed over several grows and a chastened human ego that hopefully will slow down next time!!!

Thanks for being there and I hope to grow some of your seeds someday... SOON.

With Highest of Hopes and best intentions,
I Still AM
Have you explained your special soil mix yet? Would you mind explaining in a bit more detail on your Custom organic soil blend? And are you saying the bottom will consist of only perlite and OC+ - as in the OC+ will only be on the bottom and not mixed throughout?

Your journals have turned me into a believer of OC+ and am trying to concoct the BEST soil mix to use it with and how to best mix in the OC+. My ultimate goal is to make a super simple maintenance garden which will only need to be watered, and perhaps a weekly feeding.

On a seperate note, currently I have 2 soil plants of FFOF. I feel the nutes will be running out soon that came in the FFOF and will have to start feeding them. I plan on using OC+ instead of buying some expensive nutes. How would you suggest me to best implement the OC+? Should i just sprinkle some on top and just water as usual? Or should I mix it in the top 2 inches or so?

FINALLY, what will you be adding to the hempy waterings besides just the OC+? Will you be using the special mix you blended in your Un-Lucky thread?
Thanks so much for your contributions Doc! You are quickly becoming someone I really look up to and try to follow to the dot! :)

Thanks for visiting my journal!
On this particular grow, I don't know if I'll be doing any hempy buckets. I may do one or two just out of love and loyalty, but I am running an organic soil garden.

Hempy is fantastic for:

highest "stonerproof" rating.

However, if a person wants to grow the finest, most exquisite weed possible, organic is the way to go!

So, that brings me to the soils.

I will be amending FFOF or Roots Organic or maybe even another brand with my "pre-plant" mix, which consists of 80-4-1 gypsum, epsom salt, borax. This comprises the top half of the pot.
I also have a coco based organic mix that I'll be using for the top layer....just trying to find out which I like better, etc.

For the lower half I was going to mix:

Roots organic
Blood meal
bone meal
Bat guano
a bit of dolomite

let it compost for 30 days and use in the lower half of the pot.

However, I learned about a product called "Power Flower" from McClelland Ranch. This product is nearly exactly what I was planning on mixing myself, so I'm going to try it out, using it right out of the bag in the lower half of the pots.

This will mix will mean I will not have to add any nutes for 60 days or so. I'll add the micro's (my "weekly mix") as needed, but no NPK type nutes.

Late in flower, if they start looking hungry, I'll add OC+ to keep 'em green till they finish.

So, It's been my opinion all along that if you want to grow above average weed (average being dispensary weed) hempy is the shortest distance between A and B.

But if you want to grow really special, memorable, reputation building soil!

That's what I'm going to try.

I'll settle on my own "secret" soil mixes in a few more grows but this Power Flower sure looks attractive.
Dear Doctor -
I've worked w/ clones only few times, 3x from ez-clone, once from dome&tray, but none looked your size! 2-week old under 1000 hps is exactly what I wanted to hear; were they rooted in your 'mix' or the light-warrior you've got me looking into?

Maybe things are just bigger and better on the blessed west coast, but for now I'm booking an appointment w/ my shrink to deal w/ this nasty case of 'clone-envy' that kept me up last night!

Got a funny one for you - I mixed-up my (your) pre-mix formula of:
7 cups gypsum
3 cups lime
4-oz (1/2 cp) epsom
1-oz (2tbls) Borax
Got up real early (4:30AM on the 8th to catch the New Moon), had my coffee, one more look at notes, and began my transplanting into the 7x7x9 containers. Had my FFOF, ProMix, Perlite mixed, got a little manic (yeah, it happens around here), DUMPED ENTIRE PRE-MIX INTO RUBBER-MADE CONTAINER, and chose my 6 most beautiful girls from seed [3-Black Widow, 1-Pineapple Chunk, 2-NLxBB] and was ecstatic at their overall root structure due to your pictures of your 'mini-hempy' mix w/ base cushion of perlite. Sprayed them down w/ Don't Bug Me and tucked them in to their new beds that I figure hold 1.5gal so opted for the 'high' end of OC+ therefore dispersed about 15gms 1/3 from top and the remaining in the top covering...
I was totally psyched!!!
Couple hours later... 'something' is not quite right in my psyche... go back over my notes, back to your journal page (UnLucky 12/12 P36 - #536) and saw, for the ump-teenth time your inscription on the lid stating:

Instantly felt sick to my stomach!!!! My poor girls:-(

Raced-off to my trusted supplier (40+ miles away...) got new bag of OF, raced back to my babies basking under 1000-hps at the tender age of 21-days after germination and begged them to forgive me.

Then I figured something like 'what would a wanna-be doc due...' and I calmed down and decided to accept the current situation as a serendipitous opportunity.

I waited.

By this Friday, one Black Widow was looking terribly unhappy, so I opted to transplant her into a 4.5gal container with NO PreMix due to whatever she would bring along w/ her from her 'hot' original screw-up due to my over excitement.

The other remaining 5 gals are still in the 'too-hot' mix and one or both of the 'B/W's' will be transplanted into a more normal mix today or as/when required.

The Pineapple Chunk and NLxBB are showing no distress what-so-ever, but will get balanced-out with more mix w/in week or so. All are still vegging @ 18/6 and chatting up a storm.

The point of this babble? Well, you said to 'know' your strains and on this run I'll get to peek intimately into 6 strains (the above mentioned plus Midnight X-Press, SharksBreath, and RockLock).
More importantly, these girls are forgiving beyond my simple human understanding. They will continue to do their best to arrive at the pre-appointed location of dna-encoded outcome.

I have much to learn and am so grateful that my classroom medium is not some nuclear substance!!

Anyway, I've got Per-Mix potion in OF / ProMix / Perlite just waiting to be PROPERLY distributed over several grows and a chastened human ego that hopefully will slow down next time!!!

Thanks for being there and I hope to grow some of your seeds someday... SOON.

With Highest of Hopes and best intentions,
I Still AM

I started shouting, reading your story about how you dumped the whole mix.....NO!NO! You only needed a little bit! That's a lifetime supply! My wife said, "What's wrong?"

"wonderwill is going to kill his plants!!" Well, she thinks I'm a little too into this stuff.....go figure.

I did exactly the same type of thing using Reverse, from Dutch Master....I mixed it completely wrong and nearly killed all the plants. We all do stuff like this from time to time.

Just transplant 'em. Save the dirt and use it as your pre-plant mix for future grows....if it'smixed in well, maybe a cup of Pre-planted FFOF per 2 gallon pot?
I'm doing it now!
Just thought I'd let you know how my path is unfolding right before my eyes.

I'll let you-all know if my girls forgive me...
Your cleanliness is hitting me where I live. You clearly are getting your room dialed in so that adverse microorganisms should be a minor problem if at all. By now, you know of my fetish for sanitary grow-rooms. Yours is beautiful.

Sorry in advance because I know that I missed it, but are you using a custom soil mix?

Clearly, I didn't have much to say. 'just dropping by. Oh, I know what I wanted to ask you. Cervantes contradicts himself in a minor way in "The Bible" advocating a 24/0 vegetative cycle and later advocating the more traditional 18/6 cycle. Have you ever vegged twenty-four hours per day?

Have fun!

Hey bro!
My "custom" mix is discussed in the posts preceeding this one.

Regarding veg times, I've never vegged more than 10 days. On my last grow I didn't veg at all, so I'm not a good person to ask about that.

I've heard that roots grow better in 24/0 and foliage in 18/6???? I could have that backwards, and it may not even be just hear stuff.

I'll stick to 18/6, however, if for no other reason than it saves electricity and I think plants need a rest. No facts to back up my idea....just seems right.
This particular Blackberry Kush looks like someone sprayed it with sugar. Very strong smoke.

Whether or not you pH the water depends on the total alkalinity of the water.
Get a pool test kit, test your TA and if it's under 100, there is no need to pH.
If over 100, you have a choice of mixing 50/50 with RO, or pHing down to about 6......but if it were me, I'd mix with RO.

My last grow was with exactly the mix you're talking about....I did not pH the water.

The Blackberry Kush I have looks like it's daily getting new sprinkles by the 420 fairy :yahoo:

I'm off to the hydro shop, they test water for free.

Thanks for the info Doc
>This will mix will mean I will not have to add any nutes for 60 days or so. I'll >add the micro's (my "weekly mix") as needed, but no NPK type nutes.

To use this "weekly mix" do you just mix them in a gallon of water like usual dry nutrients or am I missing something? Also, would this mix work well with hempys as well or is it for soil only?

Do you have any good reading on exactly what MicroNutriants are? I notice you are a great resource of great reading material :D I have also heard of Macronutes..

I am torn between whether I willl go strictly soil or hydro next run. I love the fact that hydro such as hempy grows so damn fast. Yet I agree that soil tastes much better - also organic soil seems to be what everyone wants.

Is there any reason why you wont be using OC+ from the get go? What if you mixed OC+ in the soil you are about to use - would it make it too hot or is it just not necessary? Also since OC+ contains micronutes already couldnt you theoretically just use water the ENTIRE grow cycle?

I am after the ultimate mix that all you have to do is just ADD WATER

Man I feel like i'm playing 21 questions lol...sorry!
>This will mix will mean I will not have to add any nutes for 60 days or so. I'll >add the micro's (my "weekly mix") as needed, but no NPK type nutes.

To use this "weekly mix" do you just mix them in a gallon of water like usual dry nutrients or am I missing something? Also, would this mix work well with hempys as well or is it for soil only?

Do you have any good reading on exactly what MicroNutriants are? I notice you are a great resource of great reading material :D I have also heard of Macronutes..

I am torn between whether I willl go strictly soil or hydro next run. I love the fact that hydro such as hempy grows so damn fast. Yet I agree that soil tastes much better - also organic soil seems to be what everyone wants.

Is there any reason why you wont be using OC+ from the get go? What if you mixed OC+ in the soil you are about to use - would it make it too hot or is it just not necessary? Also since OC+ contains micronutes already couldnt you theoretically just use water the ENTIRE grow cycle?

I am after the ultimate mix that all you have to do is just ADD WATER

Man I feel like i'm playing 21 questions lol...sorry!

Hey Epic! Welcome to my journal! :welcome:

First, a couple of general things. You can use nothing but OC+ from the get go, in either soil or hempy. I would advise to make sure your room doesn't get too hot, because I know of one grower who may have had some trouble with the OC+ in really hot (high 80's low 90's) rooms.

Setting Sun is almost done with a gorgeous hempy grow....OC+ only, start to finish. It's beautiful.

In soil, it's a no-brainer. Get a decent potting soil, FFOF or Roots will do, mix in the OC+, add water.

Now, the "weekly" mix. It's a micronutrient mix that I got from the Mittleider folks....links are in this journal and others of mine. They apply it with fertilizer once a week in vegetable gardens. I don't yet know how often I'll have to apply it.....maybe weekly, maybe less.

This micro-mix (or another micronute mix, like MICROMIX from Scotts) would work in Hempy's....but then OC+ and tap water also works well. I'd advise just to have some on hand in case it's needed. We're talking CHEAP.

I've got some pots running...the ones you see pictures of....that are FFOF, amended with my preplant and micro mixes, and OC+. They're going to get water only.....except I'll give some Snowstorm and mollasses.

I've got some others ready to go where the bottom half of the pot is going to be Power Flower, and the top half FFOF and/or a Coco based organic soil. I won't add any OC+ until about week 4 or 5 of flower and only then if they need it. I'll also be adding molasses to these.

Again, these are also "just add water." (except for molasses when I use it.)

So, you have two choices:

The ultimate stonerproof method, that requires consistent effort to screw up....


The stonerproof method that allows for several major screwups before you hurt it?

The ultimate would be a hempy bucket with OC+ or Dynamite....both quality CRF's. OC+ has better micros.

The other method would be soil and OC+.

Both will shock you with how well they work.
Awesome info man. I am kind of upset with myself that I just purchased all these GH nutes - I just bought a few gallons of FloraNova Bloom/Grow! Have you ever experimented with the Lucas Formula?

My room is pretty hot though - stays around the 80-85F area so perhaps I shouldn't try this until I can get that under control.

I'll definitely be watching this man. I really dig your work, and your business ideas. I have been telling my friends how soon Marijuana will be very similar to Micro Breweries and fine wineries.

I am hoping to do something similar , and begin my journey in the coming months! I have just graduated from Grad School and decided I would much rather be happy legally growing for my community than be stuck in a cubicle. I have much learning to do, but that is neither here or there...
Awesome info man. I am kind of upset with myself that I just purchased all these GH nutes - I just bought a few gallons of FloraNova Bloom/Grow! Have you ever experimented with the Lucas Formula?

My room is pretty hot though - stays around the 80-85F area so perhaps I shouldn't try this until I can get that under control.

I'll definitely be watching this man. I really dig your work, and your business ideas. I have been telling my friends how soon Marijuana will be very similar to Micro Breweries and fine wineries.

I am hoping to do something similar , and begin my journey in the coming months! I have just graduated from Grad School and decided I would much rather be happy legally growing for my community than be stuck in a cubicle. I have much learning to do, but that is neither here or there...

Munki is using the lucas formula in his is working really well. Check out his thread. You'll be happy with the GH stuff. But I predict, when the temps are under control, that you'll like CRF's better.
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