Mouser's Perpetual Grow


The theme song for tonight...cant get it out of my head :) hxxps://

Due to the weak lighting issues of the past couple of weeks there has been some stretch, and I had to tie them down a bit. Panama and Blue Venom were growing into the lights. The driver arrived today so I should be able to work on the light this weekend. In the meantime I have another cheap LED fixture paired with the MARS300...this other one runs high on the red side of things..not sure if I like it or not. The tent is much cooler though.

On to the pics...these were taken post BDSM session.



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The Blueberry has stayed nice and compact, and has started to smell divine. Im hoping that the yield from these will surpass my previous grows.

Thanks for stopping by. Feel free to hit the jars and chill for a bit. :)
Looking good mate.. panama was always going for the lights but I have thought blueberry to have followed and blue venom is stay shorter.. oh well, as they say in the classics, such is life.. :passitleft:
Looking good mate.. panama was always going for the lights but I have thought blueberry to have followed and blue venom is stay shorter.. oh well, as they say in the classics, such is life.. :passitleft:

Thanks Grizz. :) This particular Blue is nice and stubby. I have 7 or 8 more clones of her in the veg room and Im keeping her. She smokes really smooth and the high is subtle and comfy. The smell is straight up Blueberry. Im not a huge toker...Im really not a fan of having anything at all be more in control than I am. This is perfect for me. Muscles relax, daytime stress melts away, I tend to drink less.
Go Me!!

Hello everyone. A blissfully uneventful few days has passed. The plants are plugging along, and hile I have all the parts for my VERO29 cheap light upgrade, I am at a bit of a standstill trying to figure out where/how to mount the driver. The Meanwell is quite a bit bigger than the little plastic toys the light came with. My current 2 choices are: build an external bracket for it, or 2: Mount it externally in the tent somewhere. Im not going to worry about it until after the Pats win the Super Bowl :)

Until the, the girls begged for a photo session so, here we go!

Presenting Ms. Blue Venom!!!!! (17 days in flower)


Not to be out done, here comes Ms Blueberry!!!! (28 days in flower)

Hogged the camera a bit I'd say, but worth it :)

Coming down the catwalk now, we Have Lady Carnival!! (23 days in flower)

She's looking like she could use another sprinkle of the Osmocote+, but you know how these models are...

And our final contestant, Lady Panama!! (17 days in flower)


We close with a shot of our next batch of Pageant Players


Everything is still nice and green...very little defoliation or removal of dead leaves was needed.

Thanks for stopping in, sample the wares before you go :)

Awesome update mouser, girls are looking fantastic :) just caught back up, i somehow missed the last update, great song choice :thumb: i have been walking around for days singing killer queen and it just popped into my head again as i was reading this :rofl: just checked on my girls and look who decided to pop up :)


Awesome update mouser, girls are looking fantastic :) just caught back up, i somehow missed the last update, great song choice :thumb: i have been walking around for days singing killer queen and it just popped into my head again as i was reading this :rofl: just checked on my girls and look who decided to pop up :)



Thanks Feral, and congrats on the new little one! I'll have to post my babies tomorrow. Took a pic but it was all washed out blurps.

The ladies are all looking nice mouser. Glad things have been uneventful for you. Lol.

Nice baby pic Feral. A collective AWWWWW!!!


ya know, sometimes its nice to just have a few boring days strung together. Gives one a chance to take a nap and recharge the soul. :)
Carnival, Panama, Blueberry, Blue Venom Flowering Update


Well, another week has past, and with the exception of the Blueberry, all is going well in the flower tent...Blue seems to be locked out. She's stopped drinking, and the leaves are going all yellow and funky. I flushed her with several gallons of plain water at 5.8 tonight and worked in a bit of osmocote and shake and feed. Im hoping the slow release will let her take in what she needs without shocking her. On to the pics!

Blue Venom (24 days)

Buds are starting to set nicely and there is a bit of frost.

Blueberry (35 days) Buds are looking ok, but the leaves say she isnt happy about something.

Carnival (30 days) She is looking fantastic. Leaves are glossy, buds are filling in, and she smells awesome.

And we wind up with the Panama (24 days) She is looking fine.

Sorry for the rushed update, but Im beat. Was a long day and I need to try and squeeze in at least a 1/2 day of work tomorrow before a big Nor'Easter rolls in. Supposed to get 12-14" of snow, and driving is going to suck.

Thanks for stopping in :thanks: :passitleft:
Thanks Tom. Hope you grabbed a brownie while you were here. :)

lol Was that not THE BEST F'N GAME EVER??!!!! Im still a little shocked they came back :)

Boy was it ever!! I was recording it and turned it off twice and went back to it. Last time was after Atlanta scored in the 3rd quarter. I turned on the NFL network just to see what the final score was and saw the crawler at the bottom of screen say Tom Brady MVP. What!
So turned it back on and kept waiting and waiting wondering when they were going to get in gear. Finally got an impossible catch go their way. But yeah best Super Bowel ever. :cheer:
How much snow did you get? Don't know how much we got in Providence, but still waiting for my plow guy to dig me out. Thought we might get by this year pretty easy, but it's new england.
Boy was it ever!! I was recording it and turned it off twice and went back to it. Last time was after Atlanta scored in the 3rd quarter. I turned on the NFL network just to see what the final score was and saw the crawler at the bottom of screen say Tom Brady MVP. What!
So turned it back on and kept waiting and waiting wondering when they were going to get in gear. Finally got an impossible catch go their way. But yeah best Super Bowel ever. :cheer:
How much snow did you get? Don't know how much we got in Providence, but still waiting for my plow guy to dig me out. Thought we might get by this year pretty easy, but it's new england.

I was at a party at my sisters house. A bunch of us got together for the games all season. There was a lot of moaning, yelling, a bit of cursing, and general dismay for the first 3 quarters...then a lot of jumping around. It was a blast.

As for snow..I think we got 13ish? Made work a PITA today trying to find parking. Ended up walking from blocks away for most of mystops carrying my tools and everything I thought I might need so I wouldnt have to make multiple trips back to the truck. At least I had no installations today and it was all pretty straight forward repair work.

looking good mate.. their big for their age, going to be really nice..
looking good mate.. their big for their age, going to be really nice..

Hey Grizz :) Glad to hear you are feeling better. Food poisoning all sorts of sucks. I got nailed by a Lobster Salad Sandwich once and I have never had another one...which is sad because they are really good and I live in the Lobster capital of the world.

The days I hve listed on the photos are days in flower...Ive lost track of how old they are overall. All but the Blue Venom were mothers for a good many clones, so they went to the tent much bushier than my usual fare.

Thanks for popping in :)
I meant flowers mate, they growing well... I'm glad it was maccas I was eating and not something I'd miss never eating again :rofl:
I was at a party at my sisters house. A bunch of us got together for the games all season. There was a lot of moaning, yelling, a bit of cursing, and general dismay for the first 3 quarters...then a lot of jumping around. It was a blast.

As for snow..I think we got 13ish? Made work a PITA today trying to find parking. Ended up walking from blocks away for most of mystops carrying my tools and everything I thought I might need so I wouldnt have to make multiple trips back to the truck. At least I had no installations today and it was all pretty straight forward repair work.

Luckily I don't have to worry about work anymore. Worked 2nd shift for 30 years. Boy did it suck coming out at midnight into a minus degree wind and a quarter mile walk to the car.
Clones availabe for MA and ME growers.

Not sure if this is kosher or not..Im sure I will find out soon enough...BUT

I have a limited number of clones available to MA/ME growers. Panama, Carnival, and Blueberry at the moment. My veg closet is getting a little crowded. PM me if interested.

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