Mouser's Perpetual Grow

Those plants in there are stuck in limbo for at least another 4-5 weeks. My next move will be to trim..drastically, trim the roots and re-pot. Id love to bring the two babies into the rotation...NL and Purple Mass Something or other.... Gotta love the names. :)

Hardest part about trimming like that is every piece chopped makes you another plant :)

COB Build, Step 1

COB Build, Step One

Well, Ive finally gotten off my ass and started my COB build. Todays task was making the basic frame and mounting the heat sinks. Each of the Arctic 20s can cool 130w of heat, so if in the future I want to crank these, that option is open. The WAGO connectors showed up today as well. I still havent decided where to mount the to the sides like pylons, or remotely outside of the tent. Something to think about while I drill and tap the heatsinks for the COBs. To start I will be running them at ~55w each. The WAGO's will let me swap out drivers if I want to push them later.

Re: COB Build, Step 1

COB Build, Step One

Well, Ive finally gotten off my ass and started my COB build. Todays task was making the basic frame and mounting the heat sinks. Each of the Arctic 20s can cool 130w of heat, so if in the future I want to crank these, that option is open. The WAGO connectors showed up today as well. I still havent decided where to mount the to the sides like pylons, or remotely outside of the tent. Something to think about while I drill and tap the heatsinks for the COBs. To start I will be running them at ~55w each. The WAGO's will let me swap out drivers if I want to push them later.


Nice frame you got! The LED drivers are like 92-96% efficient so only 8-4% is heat. I would not worry about that and just put them on the frame. My 2 cents. So far super!
Re: COB Build, Step 1

Nice frame you got! The LED drivers are like 92-96% efficient so only 8-4% is heat. I would not worry about that and just put them on the frame. My 2 cents. So far super!

Thanks Tom :) If I am understanding this correctly, the 92-96% efficiency is only for the driver...the driver itself loses energy in the form of heat. The COBs, when run at around 50w are closer to 55% efficient...meaning I need to only cool ~23w of heat. I know the fans are overkill, but better to have them and not need them :)


I see that's what you meant in your bad...had to read it a couple times :)
Re: COB Build, Step 1

Thanks Tom :) If I am understanding this correctly, the 92-96% efficiency is only for the driver...the driver itself loses energy in the form of heat. The COBs, when run at around 50w are closer to 55% efficient...meaning I need to only cool ~23w of heat. I know the fans are overkill, but better to have them and not need them :)


I see that's what you meant in your bad...had to read it a couple times :)

Yea I forgot to say that only 8% of their power consumed is heat. And you are bang on the LEDs around 25W of heat it is, it is much better to run them cooler as you prolong their lifespan. That's how the modern technology is made to fail after few years- with inefficient cooling for example. Expect over 80000h (heck maybe even 120k+) from them COBs.
COB Build Part 2

COB Build Part 2

I went ahead and mounted the drivers to the frame. A Meanwell APV-12-12 for the fans (though as I look at it I made need to upgrade that one...Im .20A short on current for the 5 fans. Not a big deal if they just run a bit slower. The 3 5000k COBs will be running off an HLG-185H-C1400B, while the 2 3000k COBs will run off an HLG-120-C1400B. I have 100k Ohm Pots to dim both drivers. I will mount those on the driver frame closest to the tent door. Hanging will be facilitated with a couple eye bolts at the ends. COBs will be VERO29s.


Any input would be welcome...hint hint,nudge nudge, cough 'Fanleaf' Cough :)

Flower tent update


Evening all. It was a good day didnt snow. Might snow tonight :p Didnt get to work on my light today, but I ordered the switches. Was going to drill the holes for the dimmers and switches, but left my drill in the truck...oh well. There is always tomorrow.

Anyway, its time to trot the girls out for your enjoyment :)

Blueberry (41 days) is responding well to the flush, though her leaves are still a bit yellow. New growth appears to look healthier though, and she started throwing white pistles again.


Carnival (36 days) is drinking her pot dry daily. Her leaves for the most part are still a nice glossy green, and her buds are fattening up.


Blue Venom (30 days) Is also coming along with no real issues.


And Panama (30 days) Is the beast in the tent. I told myself before that 3 plants in the 4x2 was the max I would run...once again I am ignoring lessons learned. Its so hard not to try and tuck another in when they are smaller


Thanks for stopping in, I should have some more progress on the light tomorrow. I cant wait to get it hanging.

Cheers :)
Quick stop to say g'day.. looking good, I'll catch up later.. hope your well mate..
Ya know... as a 'puter nerd with experience running big hardware over very large time frames.... I'd offer one suggestion regarding the heat sinks. Try to find a way to make them easily cleanable. If you use compressed air, you'll bump out tons of dirt over your babies. They collect a lot of dust and grime in a non-sterile environment and the dust effects air flow over the fins causing less contact... thus less cooling. You'd be shocked at the difference it makes. In CPUs, it will lower their lives quite dramatically.

Diggin the open frame design. You could go with an enclosed design and maybe use less fans and incorporate a large bore filter.... but the frame design has simplicity as a benefit. Plus it looks cool.
Ya know... as a 'puter nerd with experience running big hardware over very large time frames.... I'd offer one suggestion regarding the heat sinks. Try to find a way to make them easily cleanable. If you use compressed air, you'll bump out tons of dirt over your babies. They collect a lot of dust and grime in a non-sterile environment and the dust effects air flow over the fins causing less contact... thus less cooling. You'd be shocked at the difference it makes. In CPUs, it will lower their lives quite dramatically.

Diggin the open frame design. You could go with an enclosed design and maybe use less fans and incorporate a large bore filter.... but the frame design has simplicity as a benefit. Plus it looks cool.

Good suggestion Tead! So some kind of sock to put around catching cat hair and dust? Thanks man, I gotta think about that too! :thanks: :love: :Namaste:
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