My First Ever Attempt - Feel Free To Leave Good Advice

Ph kits will always be your friend while growing. It will keep you from locking out certain nutrients because your ph is either to high or to low for the plant to take it in. The plants when started from seed will always have some nutrients stored within the seed, enough to last the plant a couple of weeks with no added nutrients. After that you will have to supply them with nutrients either already in the soil or by adding it in liquid nutrients with your water feedings. :)
=================== UPDATE ======================

This is a new update from my last post 15 days ago, so plants are on day 46 which is 7th week from sprouting.
I think they should be a lot bigger by now, but because this is my first grow and i did mistakes and nearly killed my plants they are falling behind. But that way I had to do research and learned a lot about what is happening to my plants and what actions I should take.

So I thought my plants are dying and there is no point continuing the journal, but I am so surprised how they have recovered and are full of life again!
From my opinion I understand that I fell a week behind on adding the other 2 bottles of my Fox Farm fertilizers which are Grow Big ( 6 - 4 - 4 ) and Tiger Bloom ( 2 - 8 - 4 ). I've been only adding Big Bloom ( 0 - 0.5 - 0.7 ) from week 2 to now (week 7) and I missed 6 feeds with Grow Big ( 6 - 4 - 4 ) and 3 feeds with Tiger Bloom ( 2 - 8 - 4 ). So this is 9 feeds all together which is a lot I guess, according to how my plans looked before I added Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. It made a major difference, plants are mostly healthy looking and very green again.


Most nutrient bottles have 3 numbers, often called N-P-K, which stands for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium
Big Bloom®
Natural & Organic Blossom Builder
( 0 - 0.5 - 0.7 )
Our special, micro-brewed formula incorporates earthworm castings, bat guano and other high test organic ingredients that offer a full range of nutrients. Norwegian kelp improves nutrient uptake and increases yields. Rock phosphate helps transfer energy from one part of the plant to another, which means bigger buds and more fragrant flowers.

Garden tip: Big Bloom® is ideal for all flowering and fruiting plants, and it’s safe enough to use every time you water. You’ll enjoy healthy, vigorous flowers and dramatically improved fruit and vegetable flavors.

Best of all, Big Bloom® will intensify flower fragrance, and it will increase essential oil production, which means stronger flavors in herbs, fruits, and vegetables. Use Big Bloom® to extend your fruit and flowering season late into the year. And when a plant is struggling, a root drench of Big Bloom® will help to perk things up.

Grow Big®
Extra Strength Grow Power with Micronutrients
( 6 - 4 - 4 )

Get your garden going with Grow Big®, our fast-acting, water-soluble fertilizer for lush, vegetative, compact growth. Use Grow Big® early in the season when young plants need an extra boost. We add earthworm castings and Norwegian kelp into this special brew to encourage sturdier, healthier stems and leaves, but we also provide enough nutrients and trace minerals to create the kind of healthy branching that you’ll need later in the season for more abundant buds and blooms.

Garden Tip: Allow new plantings a few days to settle in, then begin using at the rate of two teaspoons per gallon of water every other time you water. You can also use Grow Big® as a foliar feeding, applying to both sides of leaves, preferably early in the morning. At the first sign of flowering, switch to Big Bloom® Liquid Plant Food. For more ideas, check out our complete Feeding Schedules here.

Tiger Bloom®
Vicious Bloomer with Micronutrients
( 2 - 8 - 4 )

Ready to bloom? Tiger Bloom® makes it happen. This is an ultra-potent, fast-acting, high-phosphorus fertilizer with just enough nitrogen to sustain healthy, vigorous green growth during flowering.

FoxFarm Tiger Bloom® is an ultra potent, fast acting, high phosphorus fertilizer that also contains a good supply of nitrogen for growth and vigor. It is formulated with a low pH to maintain stability in storage and keep micronutrients available. Tiger Bloom® can be used for both hydroponic and soil applications. When used as directed Tiger Bloom® encourages abundant fruit, flower, and multiple bud development. Use Tiger Bloom® at the first signs of flowering through harvest.

Garden tip: Use Tiger Bloom® at the first sign of flowering at the rate of 2-3 teaspoons per gallon of water. It can also be used as a foliar fertilizer; just apply it to both sides of leaves early in the morning. To extend flowering or fruiting, add our Big Bloom® liquid fertilizer late in the season.

So now I will provide you with photos so you could see the difference that happened to the plants in last week or so.

This is them on my previous post about 5 weeks since sprouting.


And now, week 7. Bigger, stronger and healthier.



And when I get free time, Im going to transplant them to bigger pots and see how they get on then.


Will keep you updated.
Hey man!
I looked at your journal an i tought! Damn it so awesome how you started your grow.
From nothing to big and healthy plants! Good job!
I was wondering... How much of the big bloom were you using at the beginning?
Good luck for the future.

Hi blulezard! Yeah, I always had interest in this since i was a teenager, plus now i smoke myself with girlfriend. And we were always watching documentaries about growing and different strains so one day I just decided to try, and right now i can say it was definitely worth it. Im not really bothered how those plants are gonna grow, but I will keep them until harvest and supply them with nutrients they require and all, but mainly its just testing my luck and knowledge, little hobby for after work haha :)

Well, you can find a schedule online, i was using this one ---> Feeding Schedules - Language Sorted - FoxFarm Soil & Fertilizer Company but I only had 100ml bottle of Fox Farm Tripple pack, so i only used 1 cap of each (the cap of the bottle, aprox size of 1 table spoon) so basically 1 cap every time, 1 cap of each. And it works, plant is looking good.

PS. I know on photo it looks worst, but these gray pieces on the leaves are not any sicknesses or anything bad. Its just dry water with nutrients that I spray on the leaves once a day, I dont know if it works, but im sure it didnt do any damage so I kept doing this till now and still.
Awesome rebound on the ladies! Just subbed in and will be watching or helping. On my own third grow.
Seems like you're enjoying your success!!!

Yes buddy, Its interesting and Im loving looking after them. Im moving to a bigger apartment that I can have a tent, Im planning for 1.2 by 1.2 meters or maybe size bigger. Then its gonna get serious. Im sure id be able to provide better photos and better results on my plants.

Thanks for subbing !
Even as the knowledge grows, research is your best friend. There are a lot of forums out there that have people's try's and fails. And tried and true methods. IMO research before any big decisions are made. Carbon filters are the way to go with your exhaust. Instead of every 1 walking by your front door knowing your growing. Blast it out the back/side so they would only see an outlet. Maybe... How is the RH of the outdoor air where you live. Humidity is only good when they are young. With only the exhaust fan and it becoming a negative pressure room. Pulling the air from indoors helps to prevent outdoor bugs and the dreaded powdery mildew from coming in. As to the size of your plants. Definitely indi heavy. Look for a plant with a max height. U can also look into rubi's which stay small because of the short flowering cycle. The best way I have dealt with limited canopy height is through topping the plants. YouTube topping and FIM cannabis. That will get you a long ways toward a short bush. Also another thing to research would be super cropping. A little advanced for a first grow but... with the super cropping its doable. Undercutting is a vital part to creating a solid flower with little Larf. Think of a plant using 100% of energy. Every branch gets a percentage. So when you take a branch or the node where a branch is going to be away. It's not a "loss" because That energy goes to the rest of the plant.
Wow! Thanks for a great reply. I will definitely research them techniques. I have previously heard about them but never got to read about them, so here is something to do for now.

About the exhaust system, Im actually moving to bigger apartment where i will have a tent, so untill then ill let them grow, and as soon as I will have the tent set I will update my journal and then see how it goes.
Hey PopG! I was wondering where you went there for a while. Never think about giving up when something goes wrong man, you can always bring the problems here and we will try our best to help you figure them out. Glad you got it all figured out though and plants back to health, great job! Keep up the good work over there, I will always be watching as will others :)
Good work with the rebound. I think you are doing just fine. Go try some topping and fim now, to grow horizontally instead of vertically. Subbed too. I love looking at fellow newbies' threads. It encourages me! Cheers, PopG!
Oh hell, thanks for nice replies. I really enjoy spending time here and on other journals. Always nice atmosphere around here :)

Well, i wasnt gone anywhere, I just kinda gave up on the plants coz I thought at the time I was doing all great but plants were telling me different stories. And once I found the mistakes and fixed them, plants are back growing again. Those plants can take a beating I should say, One day they could be looking all weak, next morning you have to adjust ur lights already as they are sucking all the life out of the soil.

And funny fact for everybody, I know PH is important, I know how it works now, but never got to practice it myself coz i dont have PH Kit but somehow my plants are still growing without it. Would it change on the later stage?

And right now ill continue doing what i was doing last night, i rolled a big fat one, had a plate of chips and gravy beside me and a movie playing on the background. I was making holes in pots for better air circulation, and holes around the pot so that i could tie the branches to the side.

And now first thing i woke up, wake and bake thanks to my girlfriend, opening my eyes to a bong uhhhh, all replies done and im ready for transplanting now.

Go try some topping and fim now, to grow horizontally instead of vertically.

Yeah, great idea. I will do it as soon as they are in bigger pots!
Great job and learning experience. One item I've noticed is your lights (CFL'S) are base up. No PAR energy is emitted from end of CFL. You will get better results from hanging them horizontal. Also holes on new pots will expose soil to pests. Air pots have resesses to pool water and not leak out on their holes. Fox farm is great I'm a user as well and had great success with their products. Glad you stuck with it, yes PH control will grow larger flowers and yield more. It's never to late to start.


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So as Im doing my research and getting familiar with topping and pruning. Both plants were pruned on week 3 i think, i chopped of lower leaves that were no use to the plant. Deffinitely as you all can see that helped my plants alot.

But now I need few tips and advises from you experienced growers! So for the tall sativa plant i want to do F.I.M cut and top it, but let me show u a pic so that u can confirm if I will do the right thing, please.

And then for short indica plant i will use LST (Low Stress Training) as i have already counted 13 branches which must be exposed to light so that i will get more colas.
But there is a problem! Some bigger leaves are in the way of other small new leaves and i noticed that a branch on the furthest side away from light is much shorter than the one in front, and they both grew at the same time, but because of light that one is longer than the other.

So Im planning to try spread the branches apart from each other and expose them to more light.

And what about topping the short plant? Should I or Should I Not ? If its indica and is short maybe i should leave it as it is or do topping for extra buds? Your advice needed here experts.

And all helpful information I found about different training is here on this website, are we allowed to share other websites on this forum? If not let me know, ill delete it. get rid of # to use link.
Great job and learning experience. One item I've noticed is your lights (CFL'S) are base up. No PAR energy is emitted from end of CFL. You will get better results from hanging them horizontal. Also holes on new pots will expose soil to pests. Air pots have resesses to pool water and not leak out on their holes. Fox farm is great I'm a user as well and had great success with their products. Glad you stuck with it, yes PH control will grow larger flowers and yield more. It's never to late to start.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420

One of them is hanging vertically but i will take it out and put in on the side of my tall plant as the lover leaves dont get enough light now because of its height, and will leave two CFL's and as soon as i move into new apartment ill ad 2 more CFL's and i think that should be good enough for them. And tell me if they are placed wrong, coz they are placed horizontally and light is reflected from all 4 sides. Hand made reflector :D Ill provide a pic for u so u can check.

Also holes on new pots will expose soil to pests. Air pots have resesses to pool water and not leak out on their holes.

So as Millertm said those holes are no good to me, i went to work and got 2 big buckets from mayonaise and got 10L bag of Perlite. Now after a short while ill update journal again and show yus all what i ended up with. There's few things i learned which i want to use while transplanting that will help me at the later stage.

Hey Pop! I just FIMed my ladies today. If I look at your pic and if I'm doing it right, then a FIM is the lower cut you scribbled on the pic.

I've topped or FIMed on my other tow grows as well and was very happy with the results.

You also might want to LST sooner rather than later, as the branches tend to get harder quickly and you might need almost 90 degree bending in places to get optimal light to the branches.

Looking good!

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Hey Pop! I just FIMed my ladies today. If I look at your pic and if I'm doing it right, then a FIM is the lower cut you scribbled on the pic.
I've topped or FIMed on my other tow grows as well and was very happy with the results.

Oh, on a video on youtube that i watched the guy said that cutting of 80% of theose new leaves is called FIMing, so im confused now. Ill double check what others say.

Yeah, ive done it now, ill upload pictures in just a moment too
So here's another big update. I have transplanted them into bigger pots with soil compost + perlite.

I used few different techniques that I just learned today after research, so lets see how it gows and hopefully i did everything right!

This is them both when i took them out of pots, roots look healthy, don't smell, no rotting, so im pretty happy so far.


And what I managed to do with them.

This is the indica plant, aka Mr.Shorty


And this is his brother from another mother


And how they both look

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