My First Ever Attempt - Feel Free To Leave Good Advice

Also a though to mention is that you do not have to top/FIM at the upmost calyx. You can take it Further down at the start of a branch. Just Cut at a 45* right above the start of the branch. This give the lower branches time to catch up with the top of the plant. With your ? About top and FIM. U had the right point to top the plant. For FIM, u want to take around 2/3 of the actual node. If u get into the node and pull it apart it's like one of those Chinese dolls that keep opening to a smaller doll. Same aspect goes for the node. Keep getting smaller. So as u look really close at the node. You will want to leave the dominate pistols. There will be 2 at the base of the node and 2 others about 1/8 the way up the node. Somewhat distinguishable from the leaf starters. Try not to damage either of those when FIM-in. If u do its not the end of the world. Some say get surgical with it. Sometimes I just don't have time to get that in depth. At that point u can use a good pair of nail clippers. The big ones. Or my way is to pinch the node and you can feel the density of the node . Take your thumb nail(clean hands and nails) and pinch cut it with your thumb nail. This does cause some of your shade leaves to look kinda deformed but they are not damaged just grow a little funky. With your LST... That way def works. Another would be to pick the point where you want the bend and take a hold on the stem and gently bend at one point. Work that bending Back and forth, higher and lower from the starting point. Even could do a circular motion with the branch. Bending a little more each time. Gently... Don't bend it till it pops. That would put you into the super cropping method. U will feel the stem get softer and easy to mold. When you have worked the stem soft place your support holds in the angle you want. Let that branch be for the night. When you come back to it the next day it will have firmed/stiffened back up in the angle/bend you wanted for that section of the branch. Remember the branches will always grow straight towards the light(energy source). Hope this helps
Thanks very mucch, very helpfull reply. I will actually try this now and let the stem go around the bucket, abnd i will top it now too. But i wont do anything to the other short plant, i think its good as it is, still more branches growing since its exposed to more light. And it looks good.

Heres apic of them both:
So I tried FIMing both plants, ive bent the stem to let it go around the bucket, good experience everything worked out. I just fed them aswell, hope they get all what they need and will be looking fresher soon.

Here's some pictures of what I did, if something is wrong please let me know so I wont make that mistake twice.

Have a good day everyone!
Hey PopG, plants are looking healthy. Is it just me or do the leaves on one of the plants have fingers cut off the leaves themselves? If you would like to see a good tutorial on FIM'ing and topping your plants check out the links below in my signature for the tutorials by snidrajsed, they should be pretty informative for you.
Yeah, i cut of like 2cm of leave tops and left a bit thinking this will provide more energy for other branches i guess. Yeah thank vm, ill check it when im back from work.
I don't think I have seen this sort of method before with cutting the tips of leaves off. I would think this would just stress the plant and slow growth. The plants need those leaves at this point of the cycle.

Any cutting of leaves on the plant will actually cause stress and can stunt growth for a day or 2. It's not so bad in the vegetative stage for photoperiod plants if it is part of the training/style you are planning on going with because you can choose how long you want to veg.. With auto flowering plants you don't want to be stunting growth at all if possible in the veg stage because the veg period is already pre-determined for the plant and will only veg 3 or 4 weeks usually.
I don't think I have seen this sort of method before with cutting the tips of leaves off. I would think this would just stress the plant and slow growth. The plants need those leaves at this point of the cycle.

Any cutting of leaves on the plant will actually cause stress and can stunt growth for a day or 2. It's not so bad in the vegetative stage for photoperiod plants if it is part of the training/style you are planning on going with because you can choose how long you want to veg.. With auto flowering plants you don't want to be stunting growth at all if possible in the veg stage because the veg period is already pre-determined for the plant and will only veg 3 or 4 weeks usually.

Hey, emmm you are probably right, but i havent noticed anything bad except that lower branches grew much and theres more new branches popping out aswell, i dont think it slowed down the growth. Ill post a pic tomorrow so that you can see.
High there! Mind if I join?

Oh god, really high, just got back from the club, looked at my plants and i was like "Wow, wtf, they growing so fast in few hours even"... hahahah

Yes mate, do join, im always glad to have more subscribers ;)
They certainly are still thriving nicely are the haircuts. Very hardy plants it seems. Keep up the good work, they will keep thriving :)
Here's a little update on my plants, they are still growing good. And to improve growth i bought some multi-purpose feed for vegetables and fruits with NPK of 3.5 - 3.5 - 3.5, adding 2 full caps. Will try to add 3 and see how they will go with it, hopefully wont get a nutrient burn, but definitely noticeable that more fertilizers u feed them the better they thrive.

========== UPDATE ==========

I moved to new apartment and had no access to internet for a while, but I'm back! And my girls are big now!
Sativa plant is absolutely fine but Indica plant had few burns. Will post few photos and maybe you can tell me what i did wrong.

Tomorrow i will flip them to 12/12 and add 2 more 100W CFL's, so that would be 6 in total. Total lumens 1470 x 6 = 8820lm they all are 2700k

Im going to buy more fertilizers tomorrow and will post a pic of what they are.


Sativa plant turns out to be male, but in some places looks like female, what if both, what do i do?
Indica plant is female, will keep her on her own with more lights, flipping 12/12
Morning PopG, your doing ok on this grow. Few things, I'm noticing nute burn on new growth, and harvesting on old growth (leaf mass yellowing). This tells me you under fed, (you just got nutes) then the 2 caps you added pushed up your ppm to high. Moreover, I think your PH need closer monitoring due to leaf distortion (wrinkles). CFL lights do not emit PAR energy out their end and need to be mounted like this;


Your learning fast and a few tweaks will improve your plants look and yield.

Keep Temps under 80 if possible. Move fresh air into and out of grow space, CO2 gets used up fast. Buy or borrow a TDS pen to see how hot your feed is running. Without a feeding schedule it's hard to know what your plant needs. Always start at 1/4 strength with new nutes to see how your plants tolerate them.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
Thanks very much for the reply. Ive placed bulbs in right position now, definitely plant receives more light now. How did i not see it at the beginning :( They could of been bigger i guess...

Yeah, ur right, got some burns there and there, but because i dont adjust ph at all, dont have a kit. but will have it for my next grow, because im already planning for 96 led Grow Hydro Led lamp and propper in take kit ordered.

Im going shop now to get some fertelizers, to compinsate on what ive missed out.
Thanks very much for the reply. Ive placed bulbs in right position now, definitely plant receives more light now. How did i not see it at the beginning :( They could of been bigger i guess...

Yeah, ur right, got some burns there and there, but because i dont adjust ph at all, dont have a kit. but will have it for my next grow, because im already planning for 96 led Grow Hydro Led lamp and propper in take kit ordered.

Im going shop now to get some fertelizers, to compinsate on what ive missed out.
Remember to start at 1/4 to 1/2 strength until you know how hot it is going to be on your plant.


Sent from my SPH-L720T using 420
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