My First Journal, Kanno 26: I Will Grow 6 Critical Plants From Royal Queen Seeds

Meaning you untied them? The translator bungled the reason so I didn't quite understand. Most growers will leave the ties on at least through the second week of flower to get past the stretch since they can still get a bit unruly.

But you mentioned a support net, so maybe you're changing tactics a bit.

They look super healthy and happy! :goodjob:
That's right, I guess I untied them. And today I will add a network there when I already have it;). But it has already started pulling wires out of the ground:D
No stupid questions. That's how we learn.

The tincture is mostly an oral dose. A few drops to dropper fulls under the tongue and hold it as long as you can before swallowing, but at least 30 seconds. There is an artery close to the surface under your tongue that the cannabinoids find their way into so some of it at least goes right into the blood stream, bypassing the liver on the first go round. Kind of like how smoking goes right into the bloodstream from the lungs, so you get a more instantaneous reaction. That, as opposed to edibles which first have to get broken down in the digestive system via the liver so that way takes longer to kick in.

With the tincture you're supposed to get some of both. Some gets absorbed into the artery under your tongue for instant effect and the rest through your digestive system after you swallow it for a longer lasting one.

At least that's the theory, and one I plan to test out! :cool:
I recently made a tincture using 50% vegetable glycerin and 50% food-grade propylene. For the fun of it, I added a handful of dehydrated strawberries. When applied under the tongue, the fruitiness made my taste glands explode.
That's right, I guess I untied them. And today I will add a network there when I already have it;). But it has already started pulling wires out of the ground:D
Great job, @Kanno26 . Just read from start to finish. Good to have such experienced friends.
Excellent work bringing them through vegetable this well @Kanno26! You must be excited to flip, they look great. Very nice green, very lush and full colas...nice job. They look like they can't wait to flower.

Vegetable. Lol. In the states we just say "veg." Ha Ha! Just ribbing you a little my friend.

Vegetable. Lol. In the states we just say "veg." Ha Ha! Just ribbing you a little my friend.
Hehe. Vegetables and cars :ganjamon:
the veggies looking good and good luck with the flipperino. Did you sort out the ventilation?

- V
Excellent work bringing them through vegetable this well @Kanno26! You must be excited to flip, they look great. Very nice green, very lush and full colas...nice job. They look like they can't wait to flower.

Vegetable. Lol. In the states we just say "veg." Ha Ha! Just ribbing you a little my friend.

Thanks to @Jon, it has to be fun and at least you can see why Google Translate is free because it translates as it wants:D. Otherwise, I can't wait to throw them;)
I greet you @Verbalist, yes I solved I bought a longer pipe to reach the window and I added the speed to the tow and now I'm waiting for what will happen;). But so far it looks like I'll have to put the heating in the tent for the night, I'm there 17 degrees and I think it will help with humidity. What do you think?
yes I solved I bought a longer pipe to reach the window
Great job!

But so far it looks like I'll have to put the heating in the tent for the night, I'm there 17 degrees and I think it will help with humidity. What do you think?
Prob yes. 17C deg is a bit below the ideal night time temp. Different strains react differently.
18C is usually the lowest you want to go, and going below 18C might stunt the growth. But ye you’ll see if they like more cold or warmer nights.

And one more ”new thing” you’re going to experience as you switch the lights 12/12 is the stretch phase.
Your veggies going to stretch noticeably during the first ~2 weeks after switching the light schedule. And the greatest way to control and reduce excessive stem elongation is to keep the day and night time temp close together.
For example your tent day temp could be like ~24C and if you keep the night time temp (during the lights off) above 22C, then your DIF is only 2. If you want to take this method even further you could have an equal or even higher night time temp than day time. Its being called equal or negative DIF. That will reduce the stretch for sure.

If it’s your first time growing then it may be difficult to see why excessive stretching is wanted to be controlled. But no worries, take it one step at a time! Incase you want some further assist on it, feel free to tag me any time.

and I think it will help with humidity. What do you think?
Yes heaters going to reduce the humidity.
I’m having this kind of adjustable mini heater. Basic system; inside is a resistor that heats up and a small fan that blows the warm air. So the warm air comming out from that thing is dry af :D

But a good exhaust system will reduce the humidity as well if it exchanges the air fast enough.
Great job!

Prob yes. 17C deg is a bit below the ideal night time temp. Different strains react differently.
18C is usually the lowest you want to go, and going below 18C might stunt the growth. But ye you’ll see if they like more cold or warmer nights.

And one more ”new thing” you’re going to experience as you switch the lights 12/12 is the stretch phase.
Your veggies going to stretch noticeably during the first ~2 weeks after switching the light schedule. And the greatest way to control and reduce excessive stem elongation is to keep the day and night time temp close together.
For example your tent day temp could be like ~24C and if you keep the night time temp (during the lights off) above 22C, then your DIF is only 2. If you want to take this method even further you could have an equal or even higher night time temp than day time. Its being called equal or negative DIF. That will reduce the stretch for sure.

If it’s your first time growing then it may be difficult to see why excessive stretching is wanted to be controlled. But no worries, take it one step at a time! Incase you want some further assist on it, feel free to tag me any time.

Yes heaters going to reduce the humidity.
I’m having this kind of adjustable mini heater. Basic system; inside is a resistor that heats up and a small fan that blows the warm air. So the warm air comming out from that thing is dry af :D

But a good exhaust system will reduce the humidity as well if it exchanges the air fast enough.
Thanks to @Verbalist, that sounds good, so you say the smaller the temperature difference, the smaller the stem elongation?
And considering your grow space, vertical space available, plants current size and your pots looks like 10 or 15L ones(?) - your veggies prob doubles or even triples the size during the first two weeks after flipping. Plus you’ve 5 plants in total. Just be careful not to overgrow your tent. That might be also difficult to conceive yet.
And considering your grow space, vertical space available, plants current size and your pots looks like 10 or 15L ones(?) - your veggies prob doubles or even triples the size during the first two weeks after flipping. Plus you’ve 5 plants in total. Just be careful not to overgrow your tent. That might be also difficult to conceive yet.
I'll definitely take that into account and put a net in there, so I can correct it a bit. I was thinking about the greenhouse heating in the greenhouses. I should have around 200w for the space I have. When I counted it;).
I'll definitely take that into account and put a net in there, so I can correct it a bit. I was thinking about the greenhouse heating in the greenhouses. I should have around 200w for the space I have. When I counted it;).
Oh okey you scrogging them, thats a nice choice.
And that heater should work fine. Just make sure its not too close to the plant leaves as it might mess up the VPD.
17 degrees and I think it will help with humidity. What do you think?

17 isn't gonna hurt you. 8c for any period over 12hrs is when they crash, they go through way bigger day/night swings normally. this stuff grows outdoor in places that go from boiling to freezing.

you can add a small space heater to even it out if you like. i use one in my veg space.
one simple simple trick to keep them healthy is get them up off the ground. get some air space underneath them. your root zone temps are what keep the plant healthy.

lifting the plants just helps keep the whole thing at an even temp. helps with drainage too.
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