Natural Spirit's Multitasking Journal Of 2018

Aw wow i gave you such a great harvest.. dont smoke that all in one sitting! :rofl:

Kidding of course buddy.. i like the new seedling. The genetics are much more my style too.. i feel there are good things to come from her!!:green_heart:

I guess i Did not finisch my post last night lol.

You Did gave me a mega harvest. Even Did a little budwash in 3 glasses LoL.

Now Its hard not to smoke it all at once hahaha. You Did make room for a auto in decent soil! Its already half the height of PW Thats still in wrong soil. I wonder If I should wack him to and plant something else, but I might not have the room to flower so many out yet :battingeyelashes:

Enjoy the Imtoasted bud I’m looking forward to watching your Brooklyn Sunrise girls.

Thnx buddy! She is doing good so far :D
Swinging through to catch up on your journal NS. Hope you are feeling better brother! Relax up and take it easy!

Thnx buddy, always good to have you around. I had a good talk at the rehab clinic for my condition. Things Will start to roll pretty fast now and I got a prescription for silversplints on my hands and wrists(you can Google it If you like :) )

The body is still not in balance, but my mind is getting Some extra sparks knowing help is on Its way ^^

Oh heeey:)

Beautiful nug! I hope Lil toasty gets you real buzzed:)

Your Brooklyn babies are all on fire bro!

See ya after work:)

Toasty is really handsome lol. The brooklyn baby(sorry Its just one) is looking really happy! Also the other airpots are doing there job! On the ATF and AG you really see rootballs obstructing at the holes. Almost like there is a mega rockwool cube in it or so. I’ll make a pic later :)

I wouldnt pop another.. youve got enough to keep you happy and fill up your space now. I say that also cause id be worried you may stress or over work yourself.. we gotta keep you healthy buddy! They will get bigger dont you worry hehe.:green_heart:
You are absolutely right buddy! These girls Will fill Up so much that I probably got stress enough coming Up. Also If I pop one after the ATF,Ag and CBD are in flower, I get the circulation needed to prevent myself from storing to much meds at once..

Its good to have you painting that out. My happy spirit makes me multitask way to fast :battingeyelashes: Like you would say... calm down buddy, you are fine:laugh::high-five::Namaste:
We absolutely do lol. I have a lot of People around me that take cbd but dont like the taste of the oil, or dont like to use a suringe... so capsule’s it is :D making 50 at once schould be fun Hehe
Lmao you guys are awesome

Garden looking sharp NS✊

I can’t throw out a plant unless it’s really gone gone . Auto or not .

I might be joining your Brooklyn journal soon to be announced
Try to really soak the top layer of medium the neem works better on the larvae than the gnats. But the plants look great Ns hope all has been well for you bud
00 is the size

Yeah I had to Search for the difference before buying Hehe.

Lmao you guys are awesome

Garden looking sharp NS✊

I can’t throw out a plant unless it’s really gone gone . Auto or not .

I might be joining your Brooklyn journal soon to be announced

Thnx buddy! Throwing out girls is something that makes me feel the pain for weeks... dreaming What She Could have become... on the other hand I have had Some stunned girls and it can take a looooong time before they bounce back... PW the auto is still in bad medium since I cant change during flower. She wont get any bigger anymore probably but we Will see. Like toasty Said, I have a weak spot to over work myself :D

Try to really soak the top layer of medium the neem works better on the larvae than the gnats. But the plants look great Ns hope all has been well for you bud

Thats a good one! I have sprayed the leafs,stem and side of the pot so far. Soaking it is a new one :)

I just texted Newty that I think I found Some Quattro cheese fungus on my Ag Maybe.. ill take a pic tomorrow. It Could be just the Natural air topping of the roots... havent had a airpot grow before..

For now Its Bedtime, Thanks all for staying in touch:Namaste::Namaste::green_heart:
Yeah I had to Search for the difference before buying Hehe.

Thnx buddy! Throwing out girls is something that makes me feel the pain for weeks... dreaming What She Could have become... on the other hand I have had Some stunned girls and it can take a looooong time before they bounce back... PW the auto is still in bad medium since I cant change during flower. She wont get any bigger anymore probably but we Will see. Like toasty Said, I have a weak spot to over work myself :D

Thats a good one! I have sprayed the leafs,stem and side of the pot so far. Soaking it is a new one :)

I just texted Newty that I think I found Some Quattro cheese fungus on my Ag Maybe.. ill take a pic tomorrow. It Could be just the Natural air topping of the roots... havent had a airpot grow before..

For now Its Bedtime, Thanks all for staying in touch:Namaste::Namaste::green_heart:
Damn ns your making me think I hurt my three plants inside still two blue dreams females and a candida cbd strain

I transplanted then like three days who and they have looked sad since droopy and the medium is still wet. maybe I over watered them ? Maybe my root system wasnt well enough established before I transplanted them? It’s been cold and having hard times getting temps above 73f. Good news weather is warming up to plus 10 and higher at night hit about 5 degrees or plus five ...

Soil is new to me fun times ahead buddy ✊
Sounds like overwatering for Sure. In Coco you have to keep Things Nice and moisty, with soil you let it dry Some between watering. Let them dry out Some and Maybe put a fan or it for Some time? Hard conditions make it hard to grow sometimes. Take care buddy, hope She is back on her feet soon:high-five:
Morning guys! Right before my appointment I found Some time to update the pics of the roots. The yellow part is the roots being “topped” Natural because of the air. But it looks like Some sort of fungus on it. Maybe a neem spray Will help them?

Besides that She drinks alot so Thats good and after Some Leaf tucking a few days back She is bushy just like the ATF, updates comming later today or tomorrow. The Brooklyn Sunrise Auto is having a blast btw!

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