Newbie Grower, Carmen Auto x Diva, Outdoors

On a separate theme, I am looking for dandelions inside the complex, to take seeds, and then grow organically.
There is a wild lettuce that has tons of aphids, so I don't think I want those.
There is also a tall red dandelion that attracts a lot of bees.
Is it possible that this might work, to grow seeds, and then use the roots for Dandelion Tea Extract?
Or does it need to be regular yellow dandelion-dandelions?

Never heard of a red dandelion flower. There is red dandelion that has a red stalk. Are you sure that's what it is?

Try digging it up and see how long the tap root is. One of the things that seems to be common among the super or dynamic acculmulators is the long and deep root system.
Never heard of a red dandelion flower. There is red dandelion that has a red stalk. Are you sure that's what it is?

Try digging it up and see how long the tap root is. One of the things that seems to be common among the super or dynamic acculmulators is the long and deep root system.
Sorry, internet was out, and now we are on a deadline.
I hope to check in the next few days, Father willing.
Ok, I still did not get the dandelion roots checked. If I can I will try to do so tomorrow.
Other than that it will have to be after the weekend (which would be ok).

I am thinking the next time I order seeds, I should try to get an XXL indica and an XXL sativa, just for purposes of data points.
I ordered three Northern Light XXLs from a sponsor, but NL is tiny to start with, so XXL is kind of necessary in an NL auto.
I wonder just how much difference the XXL genetics make.
Hi @Azimuth.
The ground was kind of stony, so the longest tips got broken off, but I think this is mostly a complete plant.

Never heard of a red dandelion flower. There is red dandelion that has a red stalk. Are you sure that's what it is?

Try digging it up and see how long the tap root is. One of the things that seems to be common among the super or dynamic acculmulators is the long and deep root system.

And here is a closeup of the roots:


Are you able to tell from this?

Thank you.
How much should the TDS value measured with the digital refractometer dilute it to?
Hi @IrisSophie !
Sorry for the delayed response, and welcome!
Sorry, I get busy sometimes!
I need to learn about TDS solids for foliar sprays.
Regular dandelion has a single, deep tap root. That one looks more like a rhizome with roots like turmeric and ginger.

So, it doesn't look like a traditional dandelion root. Any garden centers or plant people around that you could ask to help identify it?
Regular dandelion has a single, deep tap root. That one looks more like a rhizome with roots like turmeric and ginger.

So, it doesn't look like a traditional dandelion root. Any garden centers or plant people around that you could ask to help identify it?

Ok, thank you!
About asking garden help, I think what I should do maybe is to order some dandelion seeds on the internet from inside Colombia (and then I will have them).
It should cost maybe $3 US total.

The schedule is pretty busy, and I do not know anyone around here who would know about medicinal uses, but if we can get the visa situation straightened out, we hope to move to an indigenous area where they still practice traditional herbal medicine. They will know what all the plants are.
In the meantime, I tucked it in a 1G bucket, and watered it in real good. It was all wilty yesterday, but today it looks a little better.
However, I am not sure I will take it with me. Moving is always a big deal, and it seems cheaper and easier to order some seeds of what I actually do want, than to drag a plant I am not sure I will want with me.
Amazon won't send them, but we are trying Etsy. They say they will ship to Colombia, so I sent out several orders (and we will see).

Thanks for all the help!
@Emilya , @bluter , @Jon , does anyone know where the XXL auto first came from?
Or what search terms would I use to find out who first produced an XXL, and what the lineage was?
There is a reason I am asking, but it is kind of complicated. I am not 100% sure I understand the process, but I am guessing that someone adapted some plant like Big Bud to the auto world (but I don't know).

Or does XXL just mean, "It gets big!"
Sorry for such ignorant questions, but my internet searches are turning up nothing.

I was emailing with one breeder whose seeds are carried by many of the sponsors.
He breeds some pretty big CBD auto regulars (3-4 month plants with 5+% CBD that reach to 2.5 meters).
I asked him if he had ever experimented with XXL, and he told me that his plants were "better than XXL" because he uses "original genetics".
So now I am trying to find out where auto XXL comes from.
I tried an internet search, and got lots of offers to buy, but no explanation as to the heritage.
I assume there is some specific search terms I need to use, or some website I need to visit, but I tried Leafly, and I must not have been using the right search terms.

Is there some way I can search and find out where XXL auto genetics come from (and why they have not taken over already)?
And is there some way I can research this breeder's genetics? (He seemed nice enough, but not real chatty, and I want to do my own research anyway.)
Thank you for any pointers.
Thanks again for the seeds.
But just to say it, the one that really got me excited was the one @bluter sent.
400-450 grams a plant!!
I would buy it right now, but WSE said that they won't ship to Colombia (because they have had too many issues).
I can understand it---but how can I get those seeds?
(I begged them. No dice.)

Also, there were some other plants on Amazon that I wanted (Comfrey, Mugwort, Jiaogulan, etc.), but Amazon won't ship the seeds to Colombia.
So I made the mistake of sending them to my Texas reshipper, but they also will not ship the seeds without clearance through customs (because it is a customs issue).
So, now I am wondering how to get some CBD Express and my other companion plants (Comfrey, Mugwort, Jiaogulan, etc.) here in Colombia legally (so I don't get busted, because we are in a visa process, and I don't want anything to scuttle it).
You'll have to check to see if they send to your country:

You'll have to check to see if they send to your country:

Thanks, @Phytoplankton !

Weed Seeds Express said they will not ship to Colombia.

And I searched Cannapot, and I did not see CBD Express. But anyway, I did a little better research (lol), and CBD Express has a long flowering time--80-90 days for flowering alone--so that explains why it gives so much yield.
@Emilya , @bluter , @Jon , does anyone know where the XXL auto first came from?
Or what search terms would I use to find out who first produced an XXL, and what the lineage was?
There is a reason I am asking, but it is kind of complicated. I am not 100% sure I understand the process, but I am guessing that someone adapted some plant like Big Bud to the auto world (but I don't know).

Or does XXL just mean, "It gets big!"
Sorry for such ignorant questions, but my internet searches are turning up nothing.

I was emailing with one breeder whose seeds are carried by many of the sponsors.
He breeds some pretty big CBD auto regulars (3-4 month plants with 5+% CBD that reach to 2.5 meters).
I asked him if he had ever experimented with XXL, and he told me that his plants were "better than XXL" because he uses "original genetics".
So now I am trying to find out where auto XXL comes from.
I tried an internet search, and got lots of offers to buy, but no explanation as to the heritage.
I assume there is some specific search terms I need to use, or some website I need to visit, but I tried Leafly, and I must not have been using the right search terms.

Is there some way I can search and find out where XXL auto genetics come from (and why they have not taken over already)?
And is there some way I can research this breeder's genetics? (He seemed nice enough, but not real chatty, and I want to do my own research anyway.)
Thank you for any pointers.

Mus' be a dumb question, because nobody answered. (Ok, except I am still curious.)

To simplify, does XXL just mean, "it gets big"?

Or does XXL mean that it is crossed with an XXL strain of auto?

Or maybe there is no real meaning to it (kind of like "Lite", except "Big")?

Or maybe no one else knows what it means either? (Hahahaha...)
Mus' be a dumb question, because nobody answered. (Ok, except I am still curious.)

To simplify, does XXL just mean, "it gets big"?

Or does XXL mean that it is crossed with an XXL strain of auto?

Or maybe there is no real meaning to it (kind of like "Lite", except "Big")?

Or maybe no one else knows what it means either? (Hahahaha...)

it's a strain name. it's marketing alluding to a claim meant to get you excited for not much.

don't sweat it. also don't worry about the amount a cbd plant produces. cbd plants always produce better than the thc strains.
it's a strain name. it's marketing alluding to a claim meant to get you excited for not much.

don't sweat it. also don't worry about the amount a cbd plant produces. cbd plants always produce better than the thc strains.

Ok, that is great to know.
Thanks, @bluter !
Experiment data point.
I planted some 1:1 CBD auto seeds (direct sown) on 6/7 (18 days ago).
I wanted to top them between nodes 4 and 5.
I was concerned about them going into flower before getting snipped, so I wanted to snip them as soon as practical.
This morning, I reached way down in vertically with the snips, trying to take as little material as possible.
Only, the biggest one was already throwing two pistils.
I snipped her anyway, just to see what happens. (Hopefully it is soon enough!)
She grew two more pistils since this morning, so I don't think she is in shock real bad.


I guess we will see how she does as compared to the other four (which were not yet throwing pistils).
This strain has good side branching to start with, so now with a good snip, I am very hopeful for good side branching and LST!
I think the idea is that once they go into flower the hormones shift from vegetative growth to flower production. @Jon has grown some that threw some early pistils making him think it was flowering but it turned out to be a false alarm and he got some extra veg time that served him quite well.

Maybe yours will do the same thing. 🤞
I think the idea is that once they go into flower the hormones shift from vegetative growth to flower production. @Jon has grown some that threw some early pistils making him think it was flowering but it turned out to be a false alarm and he got some extra veg time that served him quite well.

Maybe yours will do the same thing. 🤞

Yeah, I am hoping!
It looks like pistils out of the crotch of the leaves, rather than pistils out of a center flower. So I took it as a warning that the plant is coming up on flower, but may not technically be in flower yet.
Anyway, I thought I would snip her, and see how she does.
it's a strain name. it's marketing alluding to a claim meant to get you excited for not much.

Hey @bluter ,
I don't know if you can relate, but I found myself thinking about this at 2AM or something, and I busted out laughing.
So, thank you very much!
I needed a good laugh.
I hope you are toking well.
Yeah, I am hoping!
It looks like pistils out of the crotch of the leaves, rather than pistils out of a center flower. So I took it as a warning that the plant is coming up on flower, but may not technically be in flower yet.
Anyway, I thought I would snip her, and see how she does.

Well, she is lifting her arms up and praying this morning, so it seems all is well.


All five plants that I snipped seem to be showing new side growth, which is exactly what we wanted.
So...a couple of pistils does not equal "have entered flowering"????
That is good news! Because some of these girls are starting to throw pistils (and wild hairs) wayyyy before 30 days!
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