Nivek's Need to Know Nature - First Grow Journal - 2015

heya meta,, ya, i know it's early,, but i am trying to see if i can see the earliest indication of sex,, just for the fun of it,,,

i am pretty sure that the upper pod is a female indicator,, but i am confused by the stick thingy,,, is there going to be a male pod on there??

i want to know

that afghani is the only one left sexless,, and i feel kinda sorry for it,, it's due for some,, so,, me eyes be peeled,, cheers,,

just some bud porn,, my top flower level,, the biggest bud in the house first..


then the closest one,, the two bare buds in there... sigh,,,, are gone,, hermied,, :yikes:


i am amazed by the underside of the leaves on the buds,, just slathered in trichomes,, :slide:

not much else to update,, everything growing like crazy,, more soon,, cheers
Just beautiful nivek. :love:
good looking mate, cheers :thumb:

nice sugar on them leaves too :high-five:
I am finally caught up with your journal. i was out of commission for a bit but everything is still looking good brother. Thats a weird thing going on with your white widow. when I see oddities in plants like that it always fascinates me. I hope she starts growing more limbs soon.
ok,, bit of an update on the white widow situation. i killed (wife did actually) my second 'black' widow today, right beside our front door,,darn,, so i best update some good news on my 'white' widow, to offset the karma thing. and i certainly have 'news',, though i am not sure of the type,, at this point,,

to clarify::::: this puppy was born with no 4th appendage,, a bit handicapped so to say,, and no other lower node to go back to to continue growing,, or i thought might be the case,, but,,


and looking closer we see???? well,,, something growing,, not sure what,,


but growth,, it's a second start,, and i am happy,, cheers
and my lower canopy is forming,, all the pots are on the base, where they need to be,, now a bit-o-spreading and all set for the flower,, budding nicely already, 18 days into flower or so,, . the front plant is about a week behind in the flower cycle


it's a tiny bit difficult working down there,, under all that stuff, so i rigged a way to hold my light panel up out of the way,, i will post that pic,, it works great,, . i make it quite a project when i go way down there to work,, everything out of the way so i can stretch out,, couple a pillows to lie on and a yoga mat. i crawl right in there and get very up close and personal. i am on the lookout for bugs ya see,,, cheers
A diligent hunter of bugs. Way to go nivek!
thanks sue,, i am on them, big time,, as you know, with a small number of plants, one gets to know them very well, indeed, each of them, as the individuals they deserve to be, ha

paka, it's an odd one, fo sure. but,, has some life maybe,, a second chance??? we all deserve one?? right?? it will be interesting to see what that little pile of fuzz in the crook there turns out to be,, a leaf, i am sure,, but maybe a branch?? an alien?? a BUD????? WOOHOOOO..

still curious as heck about the sex of my afghani plant,, no confirmation yet,, just more photos,, oh boy,,,


the pod atop would be female,, and the bottom stick?? well, if i were a stick would i not be male???

i don't get this one:scratchinghead::scratchinghead:

maybe sometimes i speaketh of that which i knoweth nothing,, maybe true,, is true, ok, is true,,

and i sometimesith speak that two inchiths is too far away from the plants for cfl'siths

i do :Namaste:

but i also practice what i speaketh,, just sayin and showin


and you can trust me when i say,, really,, you can,,, when i say,, those plants don't mind it 1bit,, my 2bits
i picked a few more of the lowest buds left on my hermies and i have not seen another hermie flower,, very happy about that,, but not convinced,, nope,, not yet,, i got my eyes on you big time upper flower level unknown strain hermie buggin me big time plant you,,,,,

but,, i am also moving on with the perpetual cycle i had planned from the start and no upper flower level unknown strain hermie buggin me big time plants are gonna stop me,,, so,,,,,i decided to put miss super dave lemon osbourne haze to flower,, it is getting too big and i am far too excited about putting an actual plant that i know the heritage (supposedly) of,,to flower,, just to see the different colours and smell the new smells and taste the ,,, well, you know what i mean,, no?? you don't?? well, i'm very excited indeed. something new,, yaaay

and on my way to prepping super dave lemon haze, whilst clipping this and that that looked like it did not belong,, my sole pruning technique,, if it don't look like it belongs, get er out a there, whilst on my way there i clipped a sizable clipping and i thought, that looks cloneable,, so the attempt is on

on friday the 13th???????????:yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes::yikes:


good luck to er , is all i can say,, though i did not do a rush clone job here,, honey, the whole nine yards,, for me anyway,, so,, if it does not take i can take a couple of shoots for cloning a couple weeks into flowering,, which i want to do anyway,, want those 'super clones'' ya

and once my lemon haze was very well sprayed for bugs,, then very well sprayed to clean the bug spray off, and watered,, it was put to flower,, finally filling up the whole lower level and getting full lumens out of this light bank,, ,,


it will be raised when dry and i know i need a new fanbut you should see that lower level drain the excess water,, a sight to see, let me tell ya. works perfect,, i will make a video,, no, a documentary,, haha
isith, cheers

made me laugh,, thanks
hey mr,, welcome to my party,, thanks for checking it out and the kind words,, very appreciated,, cheers

ptsd,, i am trying to figure out if that is a soldier in the pic,, or a farmer,, soldier i am thinking,, you maybe??? going by your name only i thought might be possible,, cheers and thanks for the pic,, my little afghani youngun has something to look up to now,, literally,, haha,, i hope it can live up to it's heritage there,, cheers

a bit of an update on my two remaining veg room plants,, full plants, not babes,, just a trim around the ears,, i need to figure out how to maintain these two plants for another month or so,, going to be very interesting indeed.

i have been reading up on fluxing,, thanks 'light addict',, for all your work,, and he gave me an idea,, a silly one, i know,, but i have a month with these plants to unsilly the idea. he mentioned weaving some branches for some flux experiment and 'braiding' came instantly to my mind. told ya it was a silly idea :allgood:


'pat' the still sexless afghani 'normal'. it has a sex, maybe two,, it is not quite sure yet


male, female, it's confused about half as much as i am????

and dela,, a keeper all the way,, never complains,, just grows,, gotta like it,, and i do :thumb:


i, anyway,, can easily see 'a pattern' there that i like,, definitely reminds me of fluxing a bit, so it's no wonder fluxing appeals to me. just need to cut down the veg time, imho

but i need to come up with a plant plan for these two,, i have a month to play with them,, one braid or two??? pigtails?? pony tails??? a bee hive??? guess we'll see

what if i top each end?? hmmm,,like that idea,,,
I imagine the split skin from that is what helps it hold moisture and food as a seedling. I've peeled it off before and it is attached to the cotyledons

i get an odd kinda turn on when things that get mentioned get confirmation in my own two eyes,, not that i am a disbeliever,, just that i am a full believer when i see it myself,, and i do,,


right on peyton,,

obviously the skin being attached to the cotyledon (what a word) shows the importance of the outer skin during the first stages of the sprouts life. and the importance of the cotyledon. cool indeed
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