NoobGrowUtube - DWC - AK48 Fem - First Grow & Journal

If it was me, I wouldn't want to risk seeding my girls, they will divert energy from producing flowers to seed production instead.

In my opinion even having one in the same house is a risk, Once that pollen is in the air there is really no stopping it, its like microscopic dust. I do have very strong opinions on the issue due to a garden getting seeded by a hermie a few years back but feel free to get some more opinions before you pull out the chainsaw :)

If you wanted to collect the pollen there are techniques that can be used without risking the garden.

Growlow has a good tutorial where he just done this the other day, placing a branch between layers of paper taped together, this is where the pollen will be captured.

My first post on the thread is going to be relevant for all future hermies

Luckly you have a other seedlings to fill the spot if it continues being male , it will sadly they always do.

A good rule to follow is if you see a dingle ball , chop the plant immediately and move on with your chin up.

As you would have done the right thing and not waste anymore time on a fruitless plant.

You have replacements , all is well lucky for you.

This grow the plant to the front right turned hermi and was immediately pulled and disposed of , leaving me with just two plants. It blew.


Two seedless females are nicer to end up with then three heavily seeded
My order from Gorilla Seeds comes in today. Or at least it should. I'll post an update of my order when I get it in. And should be starting one seed to germination. Not sure which I should do as I only have one tent. And I really wanted to start my autoflower. I don't wanna wait till almost mid July to use my other Dwc system.

Any ideas/tips?

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
NoobGrowUtube - DWC - AK48 Fem - First Grow & Journal

And so it has arrived. Almost everything was perfect. Just a few missing free seeds on the order. Still i am super excited. I have one Dwc system on standby. Which is why I began germination on one of the Dark Devil Auto seeds.


Thanks Gorilla Seeds!

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
If the humidity is too low it can cause thin leaves to develop.

30% humidity is too low 35% should be the lowest its at , IMO , although some say 30% is fine I think it will cause narrow leaves and slow / stunted growth.

Plants love it between 40 and 50% humidity , I find.
My humidity is very high most the time it goes to 70% when lights off. I got to fans in there to keep the air moving and buds from getting mold. Also have a dehumidifier in there. Hanging by the LED light so it doesn't get damaged.

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
I looked at some ak48's after I posted and noticed they can have rather thin leaves.

Then I noticed my plants leaves are on the thin side as well they are definitely the opposite of fat leaves.

the cheese is Indica like and the Mango is Sativa like both have thinner leaves

during lights on it raises the temps and lowers the humidity , obviously , keep an eye on that if your not ..

I want to try to warn you about some issues that can happen , not so much that's its your problem as most times everything and anything is hard to pinpoint.

The AK is kicking off into bud nicely !
The tents lights on humidity should be in the 40 to 50% percent range lights off 50 to 60% imo.

70% as you probably know can allow mold to grow. Just mentioning it in case your humidity levels are out

when its too dry the stomata close up and slow transpiration / growth so it pays to keep the humidity in check big time.
Yeah my ranges stay right in there. Lights on tent slightly open my humidity is around 40-45%. Lights out its around 65%. Going to try to lower it during lights out.

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

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I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hope all is well in your world.

Is this grow still alive?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.


It's still alive just had to start over and get things right this go around.

Also on the tube at NoobGrow
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