Noob's Very First Grow - All Help Welcome 2x Purple Kush w/CFL's

Hope this helps


replant that seedling in its final home. plant it deep, all the way to the bottom of the leaves.
you did ok with taking the lower leaves off. but as a rule when they are young as long they are green let them be.
I think there might be a small nitrogen and potassium deficiency looking at the yellow and grey on the leaves in the picture. so maybe give a light feeding next time. other than that looks good buddha
good weed to you:)
Thx I think yesterday was a bad day as I decided to tamper with plants a lil too much I think... Late last night I decided to trim my 2 gal even more... Probably a bad idea the leafs were green... My reasoning was to experiment and see how it reacted it was so full and crowded the inside leaves had no room to grow and looked deformed also getting no light besides that I topped it about 3-4 days ago and wanted to see if I could concentrate new growth there... Well see ill post pics later when I get off work... Took maybe 4-5 leafs off what do u guys think without seeing pics
I dont think you hurt anything but you will slow down growth if you screw with them too much and possibly stunt them.
leave them alone for at least a week between experiments :)
thats right!:)
yeah I agree with fish I messed with my first set of plants, fooled with em to much slowed them way down a normal 9 week flower has turned it to what will surly be 11-12 week flower all cause i couldnt leave it the f alone im sure of it listen to fish let grow man it will do good on its own trim lightly every 2-3 weeks at most and just let her do what mother nature intended for her to do
Been trying my hardest not to touch the 5 gal and am allowing myself to tamper with the 2 gal so as to compare a to b... Just realized tho there are too many variables now... Example when my 5 gallon has a better yield (which I assume it wil) I can't fairly say it was due to the fact the root system enjoyed starting in the larger pot and not having to go through the shock of transplant as did the 2 gal... Because now I have to take into account the pruning vs non pruning factors.. I'm going to stop experimenting no longer beneficial.
Been trying my hardest not to touch the 5 gal and am allowing myself to tamper with the 2 gal so as to compare a to b... Just realized tho there are too many variables now... Example when my 5 gallon has a better yield (which I assume it wil) I can't fairly say it was due to the fact the root system enjoyed starting in the larger pot and not having to go through the shock of transplant as did the 2 gal... Because now I have to take into account the pruning vs non pruning factors.. I'm going to stop experimenting no longer beneficial.

Just takes alot of plants to learn how they behave under different circumstances, and it takes a few grows of the same strain to get it right as well.
girls looking good buddha! Good weed to you also:)
Legalised gave you some good info there as did cnd.:)

Why do they have that yellowing? Could that be due to heat, my temps hit 91 today. I have two regular fans in there but its just way to hot in my city and is gonna be even worse in coming days!!!! Any suggestions, im just vegging, should I be very concerned with the temps, by the way I bought some green pad co2 generators and have been using them
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