Piña's 2020 Diary 3rd Journal

New hempy babies!

New hempy babies!

Are they straight into perlite? Are you going to journal them?

If not keep me updated I'm very interested in seeing how they develop early on.

I am still not happy with how mines going. I think I'll be poping another seed, just in case.

I suppose there's a chance it's a dud seed, but it's more likely I screwed up somehow. Third times the charm?


Are they straight into perlite? Are you going to journal them?

If not keep me updated I'm very interested in seeing how they develop early on.

I am still not happy with how mines going. I think I'll be poping another seed, just in case.

I suppose there's a chance it's a dud seed, but it's more likely I screwed up somehow. Third times the charm?


Hola PD!
Yes, germinated in perlite. I will probably get a journal started soon for this year’s grows.
Hey all,
I was hoping to update with a couple of new seedlings on the go, but they're shy and haven't shown their heads yet. Maybe it's just fear of what I'm going to do to them.

You could always feed the sprout nothing.

They're getting nothing but Adams Ale until after the first set of leaves. I didn't think the seed could contain enough food to get them that far in an inert medium. Lesson learnt.

I'm not posting pics of the last seedling, they wouldn't be pretty. In all honesty she's toast. She's hanging in there on a just water diet, but her pot will be needed for the new round of victims, so there will be no reprieve. Unlike the runts she never had a chance to establish anything to fight through with.

The runts from my first round of torture are still doing good.


Today is day 36, still feeding at 2ml per L of Bloom/Grow/Micro, every other day.

They're getting about 12hrs worth of indirect sunlight, and 9hrs of artificial tent light.


The larger one :laugh:, is showing signs of a deficiency. Brown spots occurring on the older fan leaves, not the new growth. I'm treating this as Cal/Mag, I've added 2ml per L. Fingers crossed that's it.

The tent's going to feel huge when the Kraken's finished doing it's thing.


Couple of weeks left for her.

Really need to up my germination, seedling game, if I want the tent to feel small again.

Hopefully next time I'll have pics of my next pair of victims, or is 3rd time going to be the charm?

Watch this space.

Cheers for stopping by, stay safe and well out there.

Hey all,
Hope everyone is well and staying safe. Time for an update.

First off I have a new young one.


I went for an un-muddled seed this time. She's a Blueberry from last years seed stash.

I shied away from a straight perlite birth this time, and went with a puck. I've always been a paper towel to soil man, so this is alien to me also.

Soaked the puck for an hour or so, popped in a seed, and three days later she's up and at 'em. She'll get nothing but water until after the first set of leaves are well formed.

To be fair I don't think she'll need water for a while. The puck seems to hold a lot, if it were soil I'd say it was too wet.

She's on a bed of perlite in case she shoots out a tap root, I'll top off with more when she gets some height.

Keep your fingers crossed for her, with my present form anything could happen.

The runts are still doing great. Loving the Hempy now


Really healthy looking. Still being fed 2ml per L of bloom/grow/micro, along with 2ml of Cal Mag. The rust spots have got no worse, and they're developing at a fair clip.

Not happy with my choice of buckets, they narrow too much at the bottom. Makes the reservoir too small, need to find a replacement for next time. They'd be in desperate need of the extra water if it was later in the year.

Glad I worked that one out on these runts.

The larger runt is showing her heritage now. I'm sure she's a Dark Devil


I'm watering every other day now, and she's drunk the whole reservoir in that time. I'll keep an eye on her in case I need to water more often. It's a valuable lesson on reservoir size.

Think I can safely say the tiny one isn't a DD. I think that leaves Chronic or Red Poison as options.


She sure is pretty in her tininess, whatever she is.

All comments, suggestions more than welcome.

Thanks for dropping by, stay safe



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¡Buenos Días PD!

I would cut the plastic off that peat pellet. That should help it dry some, and won’t trap the roots.

I know Dollar stores are closed in most states now, but I like this $1 2-gallon black bucket.
I would cut the plastic off that peat pellet. That should help it dry some, and won’t trap the roots.

Trapped roots!!! I'm not risking putting a plant through that again, or me for that matter. It is gone, and here's the photo to prove it.


Hopefully it'll help dry it out too, she's not too happy about being so wet.

Felipe that tomato plant's a monster. I'd love to grow in buckets that size, but they're a bit on the large size for me. 2 gallons is 9 litres, I'm looking for at least half that.

We've got the same shopping problems over here, everything's shut.

If the worst comes to the worst I'll go with 2L pop bottles. I really wanted to keep my grow area free of duct tape, but if needs must and all that. :)

I think I might be softening up on my last seedling. She's showing some signs of recovery, and one more runt in my litter isn't going to hurt. Plus she gives me another opportunity to learn. I gave her a very, very, very weak feed this morning, and it looks like she enjoyed it.


I know she's not pretty, and the nute burn is horrible, but I think she'll get over it. You should have seen her at the weekend :eek:

Cheers for stopping by all

The Kraken looks amazing! You must be looking forward to the harvest.
And congrats to the new little Blueberry. I think it was a good move to use the plug. Is it a coco plug? If so, she needs nutes.
I'd give her quarter strength nutes, and if you have some root booster give her that as well.
WOW I replied last night and forgot to press "post reply". I'm sure I'm not the first, and I bet I won't be the last. So here it is a day later.

Nick you're not wrong I am indeed looking forward to the harvest, be nice to have something new to vape on.

My original idea was to get myself to a stage where I've always got a selection of different strains to vape on. Maybe some stored long term. Like my own personal weed cellar. :) Not managed it yet, my best was 4 types, I'm now down to 2. If I can run this grow the way I plan, it could happen though, maybe :laugh:.

The Blueberry is in a peat moss plug. She's drying out nicely now, and is looking a fair bit happier, holding her leaves out. Not fed her anything yet, and it'll be a couple of days at least before she gets anything. I'm not risking frying another little one, I'd rather her go hungry first. (although not too hungry ;))

Happy Friday everyone,
Time for an update, let's see if I remember to post this time :smokin:

Today has been the first day of Sunshine in what seems like forever. With it not being a workday I was able to see how much direct Sun my plants get through the course of the day.

Light hits them at 11am, and is gone by 3pm. So the Sunlight is more a supplement to my tent, than the other way round. They're out for the day nonetheless, and seem to enjoy indirect sunlight as well.


Today is Day 42 and they seem happy, the Dark Devil on the right is still has her rust spots, but they've got no worse. The one on the left has no issues at all. Still getting 2ml a L every other day.

Should I consider going up to 3 ml per L? I'm undecided as yet, still have a little of my existing nute mix to use first.

The seedlings had some outdoor time too.


They were exposed to very little direct sunlight for their own good.

The burnt girl on the right is making great strides in her recovery, she now has a set of leaves. I thought the new growth is a little on the pale side, so I've risked feeding her at quarter strength. Today is
Day 10 for her.

The Blueberry on the left has cheered up no end from her near drowning. She gained a bit more height so topped off her Hempy with some more perlite. Watered her with some of burnt girls left over feed, watered down still further. Going to make today
Day 1 for her.

Hopefully the Blueberry's launch is going to continue without a hitch. I need the confidence boost, want to pop one of my latest purchases towards the end of the month. Sin Tra Bajo is in pole position in that race.

Had some time to work on my Uncle's light again. It's all but finished, and ready for some tests.


So far, so good. 150w at the wall dimmable to 25w. I'm happy with how it turned out, although it's a wee bit warmer than I would have liked. Initial testing seemed to show the back of the heatsinks stabilising at 60c after about 15min.

My test area doubles as Mrs P's baking area, so tests have been cut short for today. Will see what sort of temps they get to after an hour run time later. Fingers crossed it'll be okay, if not it'll be PC fan time.

Cheers for stopping by all, stay safe and well

More testing has been carried out on the new light, obviously 15min before baking only proved I'd connected it up correctly, a decent run in was needed.

Mrs P is working today so I've had 8 hours of test time.


Here are burnt girl, and the Blueberry seedling borrowing it. :D

It quickly became clear that passive cooling wasn't going to cut it. Heat sinks were getting hot to touch and heading well north of 60c @100 watts. Installing a small USB desk fan dropped the temp to 30c @100w, and will allow it to run at max 150w if needed.

It's going to be used in a 500x500 tent, so full power shouldn't be required.

I'm very happy with how it's turned out, my girls sure love it. I'm a bit jealous, I didn't opt for remote dimming on my light. Wish I had.

Now I just need to find away to post it, then Mrs P will be really happy Shed ;)

Back onto plant matters , neither of the girls reacted badly to their last feed.

I think burnt girl needs more, so going to up her to 1ml per L today. Blueberry's going to stick at 0.5ml per L for another day or 2.

Hope everyone's staying well out there.

Good afternoon all,
Hope everyone has had a good weird Easter, and managed to stay safe, and isolated as recommended.

The weather has been a bit crap around these parts. No sunshine for the girls, they're spending their outside time under cover, sheltering from the rain. Indirect light only. It's not holding them back.


The Dark Devil is far less "runt" like now. She's finished stretching, and starting to form a nice spiral where the main cola's going to be.


Got a good show of purple already, and just starting to smell a little too. :D

The unknown runt is slightly behind her in development.


She hasn't stretched as much, but seems very happy. No sign of purple on this one.

Both remain on the same dose of feed 2ml per L of grow/bloom/micro/cal-mag. Think I'll try and keep it at that, they don't seem to be complaining.

Burnt girl is doing miles better. Upped her feed to 1.5ml per L today


She still wears her poor burnt leaves with pride, and as warning to me. Hope I haven't jumped her feed too high too soon, but got to learn somehow. We will find out tomorrow.

Most importantly the Blueberry is still not showing any signs of abuse or neglect.


Yet ;)

Still feeding her 0.5ml per L. I'm looking to up that to 1ml on Wednesday methinks. I just want her launch to go without a hitch. So far so good.

We're looking at continued showery weather for the rest of the week.

Under normal circumstances I would be the first to complain on behalf of my plants. I'm not so bothered right now. If the wet weather helps people do the right thing, and behave as instructed, we can lump it.

I'll try and get back later with an update on the Kraken, she's on her final week. Hoping to harvest her on 420 :lot-o-toke:

Cheers for stopping by, stay safe and well.

Heellooo from one locked down country to you in your country mr.Pina I've never tried hempy before so curious to see how ya go, good on ya for helping out with the light and I'm glad the missus is better and not poorly... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'm not familiar with the nutrients you using but I use coco so I kinda understand the whole watering/flushing story and a cpl times I wanted to smack your hand and tell you to leave them be cause a taproot will search out the water source first prior to the feeder roots spreading out in search of...but hempy is diffrent ....:laugh: and I could be talking out my........... as well.....:rofl:

Can't recall that grow methods name but it's basically a pot/bag of coco with a net pot in the bottom of the bag atop a reservoir no air pumps or sprays or anything where the roots create their own oxygen in the water tub under neath the coco....and that's kinda similiar to hempy isn't....could be wrong I tried that last year curious to try it again but pay attention this time...
Hey Smeegol,
Welcome to my journal. As you're aware I've never tried Hempy before, I'm just starting to get my head around it. I think, hopefully, maybe.....

I think this week will be the tell. If I can get the Blueberry up and at 'em with no issues, I'll take it as a win.

As you point out it's the watering that's done me. Frequent watering feels so alien, but that's what I was advised, and that's what's working. Leaving the taproot to do it's thing is not the way forward in Hempy apparently.

I'm not sure what method of growing you're describing with coco, but I'll check out your "lair" and take a look.

So, as promised earlier, an update on the Kraken. She's fattened up lovely.


I haven't got an exact start date for her. I'm sure I worked out she'd finish up around the 19th, and knowing me I'd have been generous with that date.

Looking at her now I'm not so sure.


Maybe she could go a bit longer. I'll try and dig out my loupe during the week and get a better look.

Cheers for stopping by, stay well

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