PotChimp's Side Projects

I can see it now, winner crosses the finish line and the chimps shower him/her (better get my pc on) with fertalizer..
Do you know where the name came from or why 'lambs' is used?

Yeah I think it’s based on biblical terms turned Rastafarian slang. Lots of bible references to lambs and bread. I don’t know if the term referred to one specific strain so much as to ‘good dope’.
Whatever it was, I’d have to assume that Marley smoked his share of it, living on a little island like that.
The higher minds of the human race already have a logarithm for the exact time the Earth will disrupt and the atmosphere will become unlivable. They've already picked the people they want to survive this catastrophic event (including the ShamWow dude) and have built spacecraft to store enough food and supplies to last four years; the amount of time it will take for the air to become breathable again.
When the ships are about to take off, us chimps are going to attack by smoking Jamaican Lamb's Bread which gives us superhuman amounts of energy according to the seedbank advertisement. That should give us the strength we need to rip the door off the spacecraft and commence to whoopin' said human's arse at which point we will take over the world and then soon after the universe. :thumb:
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