PW's Perpetual Playhouse

Well I just got off the phone with the rep. He says it’s wired wrong. He wants it in parallel he saya there shouldn’t be any issues. Now. But he was puzzled by what I have. I guess I got the 304 not the 288 and the driver is different also he says he don’t know how that happened. But says if I have any issues he will replace it.
You said you ordered the 304 from the start, well pretty sure ya did

Curious on the Watts and Ma it Pulls, Ill research a bit for ya my Friend
Yes that’s what I said because that’s what the board says. Lol But I wanted the 288 with the v2 driver. But that’s why the wireing is different I guess says it just holds more power. Then the 288 But the guy was kinda a dick.
Well the Driver is Great for it, Plenty of Juice

Be sure and double check yer Plug Wiring, pretty sure its wrong

well let us know how it pans Out, it is a Nice Light though for sure
He Says the 110v plug is right. Just the board. Needs parallel because the volts will be to high and put her in safety mode. He says that’s the click.
Me and @farm420ok was talking on the phone. I sent him a video. Of my hookups. And they was the same as his. So the power is good. Great people around here.
I have both 304 and 288 boards, you can dial the 304 down to less than maximum and get the same output as the 288. The 304 runs a little warmer than the 288 boards.
Wow what a crazy thread. Pennywise I'm beginning to see you are somewhat a legend lol.

The man has Top Dawg seeds. You don't really just get those from my knowledge. I looked.
Yep Stardawg clicks all the boxes, I also have DUD 91 from Top Dawg I’ll grow out come Fall.

Holy crap! I almost ordered those. I was looking to do those after this harvest. I researched the hell out of that strain, and those were what I really really wanted. I just didn't want to do those the first grow, kill them and piss off the canna gods. If you are aiming for fall, perhaps we can pop at the same time and compare notes.
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