QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

well fine!!! I didn't want to tell you anyways!!! LOL!!!

7 bucks at HD!!! pH, Light, and moisture meter all in 1!!! thats all I have to say on that!!! LOL!!!

I feel ya on the bills sista!!! I have school payments that I have to add to my bills as well!!! which cuts my meds down!!! this is why I must grow high yeilds this coming season!!! Oh how I can't wait for 4/20/12!!! Thats the day I will pop my seeds for the outdoor crop!!! thats when I did it last year!!! and I got almost 6 Oz. on 2 plants!!! gonna go with 6 unless my cousin brings me his rec to grow more as well!!! then were going 12!!! OH HOW I CAN'T WAIT!!!

re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

well fine!!! I didn't want to tell you anyways!!! LOL!!! 7 bucks at HD!!! pH, Light, and moisture meter all in 1!!! thats all I have to say on that!!! LOL!!!I feel ya on the bills sista!!! I have school payments that I have to add to my bills as well!!! which cuts my meds down!!! this is why I must grow high yeilds this coming season!!! Oh how I can't wait for 4/20/12!!! Thats the day I will pop my seeds for the outdoor crop!!! thats when I did it last year!!! and I got almost 6 Oz. on 2 plants!!! gonna go with 6 unless my cousin brings me his rec to grow more as well!!! then were going 12!!! OH HOW I CAN'T WAIT!!!:peacetwo:

LOL, well if it makes you feel better, you can tell me the difference, sorry Boo Boo!!! I smoked a late night doobie, got lazy, and actually forgot to look it up. And this product that you speak of, is it also online? 7 bucks is quite the steal but sometimes I get kinda leery when things are so cheap. I kinda think of that saying, "You get what you paid for" or with my mentality sometimes I think you can't cheap out on everything but then I digress...Sometimes el cheapo works better than a name brand..See what you made me do...lol...You made me put this doobie to my lips and now I got to rambling!!!
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

LOL, well if it makes you feel better, you can tell me the difference, sorry Boo Boo!!! I smoked a late night doobie, got lazy, and actually forgot to look it up. And this product that you speak of, is it also online? 7 bucks is quite the steal but sometimes I get kinda leery when things are so cheap. I kinda think of that saying, "You get what you paid for" or with my mentality sometimes I think you can't cheap out on everything but then I digress...Sometimes el cheapo works better than a name brand..See what you made me do...lol...You made me put this doobie to my lips and now I got to rambling!!!

That meter is not very accurate....but.....it will give ballpark readings. You would do better to buy a 20.00 knock off on the big Auction site. I have !
Just giving my opinion. :Namaste:
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

That meter is not very accurate....but.....it will give ballpark readings. You would do better to buy a 20.00 knock off on the big Auction site. I have !
Just giving my opinion. :Namaste:

Thanks OMM...Will look into it again.
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

LOL, well if it makes you feel better, you can tell me the difference, sorry Boo Boo!!! I smoked a late night doobie, got lazy, and actually forgot to look it up. And this product that you speak of, is it also online? 7 bucks is quite the steal but sometimes I get kinda leery when things are so cheap. I kinda think of that saying, "You get what you paid for" or with my mentality sometimes I think you can't cheap out on everything but then I digress...Sometimes el cheapo works better than a name brand..See what you made me do...lol...You made me put this doobie to my lips and now I got to rambling!!!

well I tried to look it up online, but it says that the product is unavailable!!! here is a photo of it...

as for "you get what you pay for" just don't let anybody mess with it!!! my son got ahold of it when I left it outside after the feeding of the males... well he pulled the probes apart... so instead of 2 probes I have a V probe!!! LOL
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

That meter is not very accurate....but.....it will give ballpark readings. You would do better to buy a 20.00 knock off on the big Auction site. I have !
Just giving my opinion. :Namaste:

it was pretty accurate for me... this is the 3rd post that someone has said that my meter sucks!!! WTF!!! I went out and bought one of those soil testers, where you put a little soil in at the bottom, and then water and open up those pill looking powder crap, and test... they both showed the exact same readings... it's pretty spot on with me!!! I would rather spend 7 dollars on my knock off... if thats what it is... than 20 dollars on another knock off!!!

re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

it was pretty accurate for me... this is the 3rd post that someone has said that my meter sucks!!! WTF!!! I went out and bought one of those soil testers, where you put a little soil in at the bottom, and then water and open up those pill looking powder crap, and test... they both showed the exact same readings... it's pretty spot on with me!!! I would rather spend 7 dollars on my knock off... if thats what it is... than 20 dollars on another knock off!!!:peacetwo:

LMAO, oh snap, Aston is going off about his cheap ass meter...ROTFL..And I had one of those ones that you had to open up the pill powder crap, that's why I can't check my ph, I ran out and it was a pita. I always had a neutral reading. It's gonna be ok buddy...*snickers*

Nothing really to report with the girls...no news is good news. I gave them some water. Won't water again until the CalMag gets here on Monday or Tuesday.
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

your just not yourself when your hungry!!! LOL!!! nah I just feel that it was a good product for the price for sure!!! it did it's job!!!

and yea that pill crap!!! LOL!!! it always showed neutral for you??? thats odd??? mine changed... even used it with the pH up and down that Corey sent me!!! it changed colors!!! LOL

re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

your just not yourself when your hungry!!! LOL!!! nah I just feel that it was a good product for the price for sure!!! it did it's job!!!
and yea that pill crap!!! LOL!!! it always showed neutral for you??? thats odd??? mine changed... even used it with the pH up and down that Corey sent me!!! it changed colors!!! LOL:peacetwo:

Someone give that man a snickers...lol..Ugh, I hated that damn chemical stuff. Have to shake it like I am rolling some damn dice but yep it always came back neutral for me every time. That's another reason I want to go with a meter. Oh yeah, wanted to say thanks for the nomination. I appreciated the kind words. And I am kinda all over the place now...But you know the noobs are my specialty. I am considering after these journals to kinda dedicating myself more to that. I am friendly to a fault and consider myself a people person....the :cheer:
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

no problem sista!!!

I feel ya on the helping part!!! I try to get everywhere also!!! FAQ is my specialty, I like to answer questions!!! if I don't know the answer, then I will find the answer!!! especially here on this site!!!

re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

no problem sista!!!

I feel ya on the helping part!!! I try to get everywhere also!!! FAQ is my specialty, I like to answer questions!!! if I don't know the answer, then I will find the answer!!! especially here on this site!!!


I need to go to FAQ more often. I usually go to new posts or breeze around the journals. Or I peep some the Intros. It's hard keeping up with the journals. Sometimes I have to remember if I even commented in some of them..lol..Then some of them I am just reading and being in lurk mode. Usually due to the fact that it someone's journal who knows their shit. So what could I possibly offer? And if I do give a reply it usually on something I have never heard of or something that may be in common with my grow.
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

yea i know what you mean, I am in or have been in 42 journals recently within a month (not meaning Feb, I mean within the last 30 days!!!) it does get a little confusing after a while, but I just try not to let the convo get me all interested!!! I just skim through and see if there is any questions that I can answer...

re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

I guess you can call this more of a ramble than an update. The temp is 75 with the humidity at 36. CV and MB are doing well. I haven't seen anymore yellowing of leaves but the ones that are yellow just look so pretty, like golden leaves. In a few minutes I plan on going in there and checking out some trichs with my scope. Last time I checked they were filling in really good, clear but not cloudy. I wish I could take pics so you could see but you can't do that with a cell phone, not sure about my digital camera...Any suggestions or ideas on this? Even baby Miwa is doing good making more bud sites. Since she is the smallest, she will be the first to get harvested. But I still have awhile yet before that. Might snap a few shots for you guys. Kinda hard to update when things are going good. I mean I can see the growth but not sure if you guys can tell when I update pics....Be back in a few with some pics.....
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

I guess you can call this more of a ramble than an update. The temp is 75 with the humidity at 36. CV and MB are doing well. I haven't seen anymore yellowing of leaves but the ones that are yellow just look so pretty, like golden leaves. In a few minutes I plan on going in there and checking out some trichs with my scope. Last time I checked they were filling in really good, clear but not cloudy. I wish I could take pics so you could see but you can't do that with a cell phone, not sure about my digital camera...Any suggestions or ideas on this? Even baby Miwa is doing good making more bud sites. Since she is the smallest, she will be the first to get harvested. But I still have awhile yet before that. Might snap a few shots for you guys. Kinda hard to update when things are going good. I mean I can see the growth but not sure if you guys can tell when I update pics....Be back in a few with some pics.....
Hey QT I was able to get a small digital camera at wal-mart for like 25 dollars it is not the best and does not hold but I think 25 pics at a time but it might be better than using your phone...that really all depends on what kind of phone you have.....It is good to see you have the yellowing under control I really can't wait to see some new pics..I love to see how everyone's plants are progressing and this is such a pretty plant I prefer looking at these plants more than I do my roses sometimes...
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

Hey QT I was able to get a small digital camera at wal-mart for like 25 dollars it is not the best and does not hold but I think 25 pics at a time but it might be better than using your phone...that really all depends on what kind of phone you have.....It is good to see you have the yellowing under control I really can't wait to see some new pics..I love to see how everyone's plants are progressing and this is such a pretty plant I prefer looking at these plants more than I do my roses sometimes...

*squints*...was that Miss Spiffy? It was, it was, *falls over and faints*..I was wondering when you would visit my journal. I been wanting to say something to BID but I didn't want him to think I was stalking you...j/k...Don't get me wrong, I love it when the guys respond but when another diva responds, it's just kinda special. Now if I could get Granny420 over here....

As for the camera, I do have a digital one but don't know if it is good enough to take a nice trich shot. Or a close up. I just point, shoot, download and throw it back on the dresser. I usually take pics from my phone.

The yellowing will be under control once the CalMag gets here. But it hasn't gotten any worse so I am happy for that....

Well, here's an update for you. While checking in on the plants, I discovered that CannaVanna hermied on me...*nods head*..Yep, I was like wth, I am seeing stuff since I had just smoked...After staring for about another 15 minutes, my brain finally registered that those were nanas. I plan on going back in there in a bit and start picking them off. How did this happen? If I had to guess, I would say prolly from the tv because my bf goes in the other room to watch tv when I am in our room sleep. If I recall, he did this about 3 times last week. Not upset, now I have seen a hermie up close and personal. Pluck those nanas off and keep it moving....Here are some pics.....


And a pic of CV's nana, but out of focus...

Miss Buddalicious aka Miss Budd

And for Kamy, a pic of roots after trimming..kinda root bound..
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

*blinks*...Well, yeah because they are root bound and I don't have anything bigger to put them in. This is the second time I have done this. It doesn't seem to hurt them. They recovered well. Plus the roots were starting to grow back up along the sides. Doesn't it look root bound to you?
re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

oh it does!!! I just never heard of cutting off the roots!!! when my 5 gallons ladies outside got like that, I just let them go... I never cut nothing!!! as far as I know, if the roots have no more room, they will stop growing up!!! thats why they say that a plant that is planted in ground can reach its maximum height due to the roots not being restricted...

re: QT's Second Grow - 1st Journal

QT i come by and check things out when I can. Just don't say much. I have not even posted 50 times yet and I even have my own grow lol
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