Ranger275 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension

Hi Ranger,

Glad to have you back, looking forward to your update.
Yeah. I was just wondering where you were Ranger. Welcome back. :love:
Subscribed. Thank you for the invitaton!

I was talking to a neighbor recently who grew pseudo-professionally a while ago, and he said that after a hydro run, far from flushing, he and his now-MIA, cronies had fed w/Hawai'ian Punch! He said the color came out in the leaves and buds, and gave a sweet taste. Upon further questioning, he admitted that "it burnt a little funny." He said they used to throw in all kinds of stuff at the end: oj, dark rum, Kool-Aid! Has anybody else heard of this?

I have read that people will use sweet syrops to add flavor to their buds.

I've noticed a bit of purpling on the main stem and a few of the side branches. Don't know if this is a function of the pheno, or something else. Any ideas?
Blossoms are about an inch long. Pretty, but show that I need more light or they'll surely be airy.

I've been thinking about doing some photo-period manipulation. Twelve12 wrote an awesome thread on Gas Light Routine and Diminishing Light Schedule that looked really cool. I didn't do the GLR part, but may do the DLS because it just seems to make a lot of sense. Skunnymonster swears by GLR, and when he speaks, I listen. My concern is that my lighting is already under-powered, and do I really want to do anything which will lessen it's impact. Anybody fooled w/light & time? Let me know what you think.
Anybody else just itching to smoke a big, fat spliff in our nation's capitol? Go DC!

Can you please take a photograph of the purple colored stems and where they are located on your plant?

When I decreased the availble light hours from the standard 18/6 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness and 12/12 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness I used for growing my plants growth rates slowed and harvest yield decreased.
UPDATE BloomDay60: First off I'd like to welcome charliebrown and KJC. So glad you could join us! KJC, I'd enjoyed your journal for so long, I had to at least tender an invitation.

Thx everybody for the comiseration. Sister's being weird and there's not much to be done about it. Hope she gets over it soon, there's a wedding coming up (youngest Sister) and don't want any awkwardness. On to funner stuff.

So much good news I hardly know where to start! Got a couple more CFLs trained on the budding beauty and that seems to be helping the Airy Bud Syndrome. So now we have 4 CFLs and 2 BigBlues. Buds are tightening up and trichs are popping up all over! Trichs on: calyxes, sugar leaves (top and bottom), and some of the fans. Looking fuzzy and frosty! Yay! The only odd thing going on is some splotchy purpling on stems. Purpling predominates on the tops and to the Left, which I don't understand as I regularly shift lights around for even distribution. Yes, pix of this strange phenomenon are included.
Pix of primary:


Right side:




Close-ups of purpling:




Head to toe:

Left side:





Lastly, we have the 6 clones for this Summer's GuerillaGrow (Trainwreck in front, Green Manalichi in back):

Hawk-eyed readers will see the rightmost Trainwreck got smooshed. BigBlue fell on her and I didn't notice 'til several hours later. Not sure if she'll get put out or abandoned.

I had wanted to top them all before they go out, but topping clones is very different and I've been hesitating. Any pointers, advice? Topping would be for stealth purposes as much as for yield.

On a side note, I saw some very disturbing images on several threads last night. They were "courtesy" of a member I didn't recognize w/a couple of filthy names. Anybody know what this is about? I'm new to computer-forums and am very confused. So much love in this place, and then that! Is this common? Will we be subjected to more of this? Not sure what his/her intended message was, but they definitely seemed to be a misogynist of the first order.

Anyways, looking forward to first indoor chop in 7-10 days. Need to borrow a loupe, as my little bs magnifying glass is not cutting the mustard. I'm shooting for 10/80/10% clear/milky/amber. I'm frisky by nature, so don't dig couch-lock. I'll need your counsel as I also tend to be impatient. Thx everybody, you all make it a pleasure.
buds look great. I think another couple weeks of growth will do them good. I'm no good with clones. sorry lol.
Many cannabis plants grow red purple stems in the direction of the light source. Red/purple stems on the top and green on the underside is normal. Red/purple stems can be a sign of a calcium and magnesium deficiency. Some people believe that red/purple stems may be caused by either a phosphorous or potassium deficiency. What color are the stems on the undersides of the fan leaves?

When Topping your plant try to envision how many dominant branches you want to form on the plant and evenly space for growth. The growing shoots at the nodes are where the branches grow from that will become dominant colas. I usually Top at either the 2 leaving 4 main shoots of growth or either 3 nodes allowing 6 main shoots to remain on the plant and later harvest 2 cuttings to root as clones from the bottom branches.
Sweet update Ranger and no its not a common occurrence first time I saw someone go off like that since I been here
there have been minor tiffs but no one ever acted out like that that was very childish and uncalled for
I tracked that guy for hours trying to find all his post and have them removed. His problem was with one of our moderators. Those photos were extremely disturbing... they said nothing about the moderator but spoke volumes about a person who would post such vile crap! Fortunately, that type of juvenile stuff is rare on this site.
Nice update... very good photos!
Thank you, Beateo,
Your ongoing efforts are truly appreciated. The technical aspect of this site seems really good. Everything seems to run pretty smoothly and there seem to be very few problems. I'm not even sure what Moderators are supposed to do, which is probably a good indicator of their ability and efficiency.

KJC, thx for the clue. While I may not understand the person behind the action, I, at least, understand the action itself better.

Peace, joy and happy pix to you all.
heya ranger,, looking very good indeed,, really puffed out since the last pics,, younguns looking nice as well,, gonna be very busy soon i can see that,, keep up the great work ranger,, cheers pal

lots of cloning info in my journal,, but i don't think i have the ultimate method yet,, but one that works pretty good,, maybe,,
My first try at cloning was to dip them in the cloning "stuff"... stick them in a hole I poked in the soil and keep them moist... not much luck that time. I made that bubble cloner with Tupperware, air stones, some silicone sealant, hose, and an aquarium pump... so far 100% success using that method.
heya ranger,, looking very good indeed,, really puffed out since the last pics,, younguns looking nice as well,, gonna be very busy soon i can see that,, keep up the great work ranger,, cheers pal

lots of cloning info in my journal,, but i don't think i have the ultimate method yet,, but one that works pretty good,, maybe,,
Ranger, this is working out just as you imagined. Those buds are swelling nicely and it's so neat the way she stretches out along the twine. You may start a new trend. Good work! :thumb:
Hail Herb Farmers!
I had an awesome day. Got up, lights on for Ms. Long&Lean, and the traditional misting. Did some PT and some yoga near so we could swap O2 for CO2. Went to work w/my buddy. He thought setting up chicken fencing would be a lot more fun if we smoked some really fine herb. He was right. Somebody was playing some bluesy rock somewhere. Got thirsty, so drank water. Got hungry, ate. Sun shone. Fine day.
b.real: Yeah, clones are weird. I'm used to seeds, & symmetry. I think you're spot on w/the timing. I hope my patience keeps up w/your knowledge.

KJC: It's predominantly purple on top and nice healthy green below. Strange phenomenon and not at all consistent. Main stem has also has good green color w/irregular purple spotting. Overall health seems good so I'm not going to sweat it unless advised to the contrary.

CC: Read you Lickin' Chicken. How me, over.

Radogast and anybody else setting up a garden amongst the trees, check out SunSurveyor app. My buddy says it makes things clear.

Sweetsue: Thank you, Sweetness! I've been lucky. Apart from that brief clawing episode it's been pretty smooth. If nothing else, I think it's clear that herb will adapt to espalier-type training techniques and thrive under veryLST. I've seen corn fields and grow rooms that petered out towards the edges. This is a pretty good way of making the most of what might otherwise be wasted space.
Did a trial run on the BID tribute and it's looks a little googly-eyed. I think I'll do a big defol and wrap the relevant branches w/ribbon to make up for my lack of skill. Then photo, then harvest. Hopefully, it'll be legible.

Stay cool folks
My first try at cloning was to dip them in the cloning "stuff"... stick them in a hole I poked in the soil and keep them moist... not much luck that time. I made that bubble cloner with Tupperware, air stones, some silicone sealant, hose, and an aquarium pump... so far 100% success using that method.

beateo, yes, great cloner, a bubble cloner,, not too difficult to build one of those maybe, even for me,, i still like the aerator type, the idea of it anyway,, but the bubble cloner is second on my list.

I really make so few clones that i have not yet moved past the cut and plant method. I guess I will monitor the batch of clones I have going right now and see if I need to up my techniques. I have seven clones a week to two weeks into cloning. I transplanted one last night to see if I could see any roots and there they were,, roots and all,, and i like my roots showing, and white. so,, one down, six to go,, and i only really need two or three of them to survive,,, what to do,, what to do,, what's a boy to do I ask you????
Howdy Folks,
Big day today! Will be planting out 1 Trainwreck and 1 Green Manalichi at GuerillaGrow Site1. Hole was prepped 5 weeks ago so just have to drop them in, water and scoot. Yay yay Last Frost Day.

Tw on left.

Radogast: Cool, Brother. Let me know what you think. I use a protractor w/a Wendy's straw (they're fatter than most) taped to the flat side. To get angle, there's a thread to a washer that hangs freely. Very crude, but cost $.85. Thx for the tip on clones, I had no idea that branching was a function of when the clone was cut.

No, you were right. I jumped the gun on going into Bloom. I had the whole wall to play w/and instead am working w/3'. Forgot the quatrain of Post#9. It's hard to measure against expectations since they were hazy to start. I knew I had good soil, bad lights, an untested system to overcome this, and a training system designed for perennials. We'll see what the next 10-14 days shows. Quality-wise, it's going to be yummy/weight-wise, we shall see.

Beateo: Your cloner looks awesome. Your last couple of DIYs have been diamonds. What's next?

I like trichs!
Hey Ranger. I remember doing the straw thing in grade 9 Physics and I still use that method today. I was thinking about your grow system having it esplanade d. A clone taken in the third week of flowering has internods that just go nuts, there everywhere my Vscrog was flowering clones and it was hard keeping up with all the new node growth, anyway. Wondering if a flowering clone with your light setup might do well.

Dam, smoked a bowl full and rambled a bit does any of this make sense to anyone.

I petty the Foooool.
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