Ranger275 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension

b.real, something tells me you were in a good mood today! What's up?
Re Post#219: Thanks, Dude! I really liked both songs. Cool reggae band out of Omaha! Who'da thunk it?
Re Post#220: LOL You may want to re-post. CHH would like to hear that directly. Or he'll wonder if he's "hearing" an echo.

Am I ever going to get you to expound on defol & bud shape/size?
hey man I'm just returning love cause you show me and my journals love :smokin:

and it's just something I've noticed. on top of that plant biology cleary states that leaves only provide for the plant. they're called sources. no reason to remove them unless your area is very humid and you're battling mold.

np I don't know about all that little details and all that how the cellular structure works but I think about it this way. the plants collect and use the light as we collect and use heat to process our energy (food). they use their leaves to collect and use the light to build the tissues from the soil.
that low tolerance may last a week or two before im back to normal :rofl:
and mainly cause I wanna switch jobs if it weren't for that id be hitting it and hurting with every cough :rofl:
I hear ya on that one week back to tolerance thing. kinda sucks. if I take only one drag and inhale I won't have to cough but I tend to pull a lot before inhale like a fiend lol.
Yes, the size part seems fairly clear. Leaves collect energy and convert it into plant stuff. The weird part, for me, is the difference in shape, going from round to pyramidal. Maybe it's just that all buds start out as round (minimum surface structure) and then grow to a more fragile pyramid shape as weather improves over the season. Just a hypothesis.

Forgot who asked, but here's the planting plan for my Flag Grow from a couple years back:
4 x Blue Mystic, 8 x White Widow and 8 x Panama Red.





Super-fun project, but I have to say the visual effect wasn't nearly what I'd hoped for. Despite it's miserable reviews as an artistic oeuvre, it still yielded a pile of really good herb. "My country 'tis of weed..." LOL
Stay cool, Folks. Update coming soon.
hey man I'm just returning love cause you show me and my journals love :smokin:

and it's just something I've noticed. on top of that plant biology cleary states that leaves only provide for the plant. they're called sources. no reason to remove them unless your area is very humid and you're battling mold.

Doc Bud once tested Brix on a plant he defoliated and discovered a substantial drop in Brix levels. That was enough to convince him that the leaves are a necessary part of the plant and should remain there. Reading that was enough to convince me that my instincts to leave the fan leaves alone were well founded.

b. real, thanks for the link. Great stuff.
nice. dude who taught me to grow had a field of blue mystic lol it was a new and wild sight to me. a filed still is. he moved away though.. probably running from the law.

no problem sue. sharing is caring or so they say. I gotta stop by doc bud's place soon.
Good morning everybody,
Excerpts from an article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution's Business Section titled "Five Ways to Boost Your Online Privacy."
Plz note, I am the furthest thing from a computer expert you may have ever met. I can't personally recommend any of these ideas, don't work in the industry, and don't wish to lead anyone astray.
1. Stealthy searching - Apparently Google, Bing and Yahoo all collect info and sell/share it. A small search engine called DuckDuckGo has "pledged" never to do this.
2. Scramble email - They recommend PrettyGoodPrivacy (or PGP) as an encoder.
3. Cloak your browser - Privacy tool called Blur by Abine is said to cloak activity and costs $39/year. PrivacyBadger, by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, does much the same thing for free.
4. Don't surf - Obvious. Not sure why they included it.
5. Learn - 2 comprehensive guides by the Electronic Frontier Foundation: Surveillance Self-Defense and Opt out of global data surveillance programs like PRISM, XKeyscore, and Tempora - PRISM Break - PRISM Break

Again, I cannot personally vouch for any of these (except #4), just wanted to share what I found.
Have a happy and safe day!
Hey Ranger! Hope all is well.

Dude, you're doing a great job. I'm really diggin the hemp string support, such a cool concept. That lady is going to yield some fat frosty nugs for you! +reps!

Much love and respect brother
Sphnx is back!
Dude, I've been wondering where/how you were. Everything ok? Where did you land? How's the research? Don't go falling off the face of the Earth on us. In case you're wondering, you've been missed.

For everybody else, if you want to see a pretty amazing garden, check out Sphnx' thread something like Back w/a Vengeance. Killer set-up w/some monster bushes. You won't be disappointed.
Update coming soon.
Sphnx is back!
Dude, I've been wondering where/how you were. Everything ok? Where did you land? How's the research? Don't go falling off the face of the Earth on us. In case you're wondering, you've been missed.

For everybody else, if you want to see a pretty amazing garden, check out Sphnx' thread something like Back w/a Vengeance. Killer set-up w/some monster bushes. You won't be disappointed.
Update coming soon.

Everything is going great, back in my hometown. We're living with Hannah's mom until this next round is done then most liking moving to Nevada. Sorry about the disappearance, we didn't have internet here for a while. The research is still in progress. Trying to locate some specimens for the extraction.... Kind of on a hold for now.

Thanks for the love man.
We:green_heart: you Sphnx
UPDATE BloomDay47: Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody! I may not be wearing any green, but I sure as the Blarney Stone am smoking it. I think he'd understand.

She's happily chugging along. Fluffing up buds from head to toe. Water consumption has finally risen a tad over the average cactus. Makes me he happy. She got a special treat also, which I think has enhanced her color. Helped a squeamish friend of mine slaughter a few of his older hens that were slowing down in the egg department. Saved a bunch of the blood and gave her a big helluva drink. As any Infantryman knows, the grass grows green on last year's battlefield. Apparently, the good bush is no different. Here's a couple pix from the side:


Not exactly nivek-quality photography, but I think you can see buds thickening up and down.






Saw a few trichs popping up on the sugar leaves. Yay! Hoping that the next couple weeks will bring more. I'm really looking forward to smoking my own home-grown again. It feels like it's been forever. I've got no beef w/capitalism, but I don't want to sell, and I sure don't want to buy. 'Tis the season for brimming bowls and fat spliffs!

I'd like also to send out a belated welcome to Stage. Dude, I really enjoyed your journal and am very happy to see you here.
Stay cool folks.
Oh, I think she's going to make you proud Ranger. Those buds stretched along the lines - wow! Beautiful.
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