Ranger275 - Adventures in the 2nd Dimension

Yo Ranger......:wood:
Where da pics at?;)
LOL. Happy Frieday to you too, Ranger! I was digging your harvest. You should be proud.
I'm all excited about my Summer guerilla grow! Bagseeds are soaked and sitting in Jiffy pellets. None popped yet, but my place is a little cool. I might start another journal about urban GGs. You think there would be any interest?
Update on current grow w/pix coming soon.
Your spirit seems strong, how's the body?

Good luck with it bro. I tried last year. I researched the weather, planned the timing, found a water retaining media...
Planned on everything except locusts.
I had 3 plants in ground, 2 in tree pots. Damn bugs got all but 2.
Gosh! That question sure got answered. This will be a treat. I've learned so much from you folks about indoor growing, now I can demonstrate my gratitude and say thx. I've had guerilla grows all over: Chicago, Boston, NYC, Seattle, London, Budapest, NOLA and Atlanta. All w/varying levels of success ranging from dismal failure, to "shoulda brought a bigger axe." It's a fun adventure, and when things go right they get BIG. I pulled nearly 2lbs dry off a behemoth not 3 blocks from Atlanta's Symphony Hall a couple years ago.

Bugs are a drag. Not a damned thing to be done about them. Proper siting is the only real solution. That's why I avoid train tracks. As tempting as they might be (low foot traffic, ez access, excellent aspect and exposure, good drainage) they are a vector for insect infestation. They sweep through in hordes.
Have a good weekend everybody! Update coming soon. Yes, w/pix. Yay!
UPDATE BloomDay39: Hey folks,
I'm a little confused. Watered to overflow yesterday but some of the leaves are looking droopy. This Trainwreck has been funny about water right out of the gate. Not thirsty today, droopy tomorrow, but still thirsty! Tied off 2 more side branches, 1 on either side. I'd really like to see mature buds from stem to stern.

Here's a shot for CHH (w/foot)

I'd really like to get more light on the star of this show. She's covered w/bud sites, and while it's still early, they're not as dense as I'd like. I'm just worried that if I run too much juice in this old building, I'll start a fire. That would surely throw stealth right out the window!




One piece of bad news: seeds for guerilla grow were a bust! Soaked 14, and popped them in Jiffy pellets. 13 haven't stirred and the last put out a sorry attempt at a plant. A buddy said he'd make up my loss in extra clones. It's nice having friends. He said they'd be 3-4 weex old. I'm planning on topping them at the 3rd node, letting grow and topping again. I like naturally-shaped plants, but breaking up the conical shape really helps in a GG. Should be 1/2 Trainwreck, and 1/2 "Special Cut" Green Manalichi out of St. Croix. I have 6 sites prepped and marked (yes, I've lost a few over the years) but may have to make some more. I'd hate to waste some killer clones. I'll probably try to find some seed also. Just doesn't feel like Spring w/no seeds.

Hope everybody's doing well. Feels like Spring may have finally Sprung!
buds looking very buddish bud,, beautiful even,, cheers, good stuff,,

a note about the more light wish,, this is info only, not advice,, each 23watt cfl uses next to no power,, tiny amount of amps,, . 01 or 5. numbers are in my journal, and lots of info about lightind,, just sayin, done correctly one can put, 10 even 23s on one plug,, uses next to no power. I have 16 23s on one plug,, not one outlet,, one plug that I plug into an outlet. just info. the bulbs are the least of the power draw in my lab,, just info,, cheers ranger,,
Howdy nivek,
Thx for getting back so quickly! I'll re-read your journal. Plz know that one of the reasons I came here is to take advice from all manner of like-minded people who I might not ordinarily meet in the course of a normal day. I'm also partial to knowledge, info, instinct, phenomenology, coaxing, and meta-physical prognostication to name a few. Never apologize for offering any of the above, as long as it's offered w/the same spirit you have always shown. Respect.

One thing I forgot to ask: "They" always say, if you've got clay soil, add gypsum. Anybody know what this is about? Is it a chemical thing? Mechanical?
I'm all for more Watts we all know that I'd get as much as possible while being SAFE. Just for the record I don't know your setup but you probably could add a couple fixtures.

But man the training is looking good. You defoilate at all. Looks as so.

Rock on ranger.
Howdy nivek,
Thx for getting back so quickly! I'll re-read your journal. Plz know that one of the reasons I came here is to take advice from all manner of like-minded people who I might not ordinarily meet in the course of a normal day. I'm also partial to knowledge, info, instinct, phenomenology, coaxing, and meta-physical prognostication to name a few. Never apologize for offering any of the above, as long as it's offered w/the same spirit you have always shown. Respect.

One thing I forgot to ask: "They" always say, if you've got clay soil, add gypsum. Anybody know what this is about? Is it a chemical thing? Mechanical?

Gypsum is added to improve the tilth, or structure of the soil to make it better to grow plants (roots) in.
Ranger, Wouldn't gypsum seriously raise the ph also?
...One thing I forgot to ask: "They" always say, if you've got clay soil, add gypsum. Anybody know what this is about? Is it a chemical thing? Mechanical?

Sweetsue, IF I'm correct about the ph (and I'm not sure that I am) would it be easier to use something like perlite/vermiculite which is non reactive but still improves the soil structure for roots?
Gypsum is added to improve the tilth, or structure of the soil to make it better to grow plants (roots) in.

Wishing all a great green day! :thumb:
Ranger, Wouldn't gypsum seriously raise the ph also?

Sweetsue, IF I'm correct about the ph (and I'm not sure that I am) would it be easier to use something like perlite/vermiculite which is non reactive but still improves the soil structure for roots?

Wishing all a great green day! :thumb:

Absolutely. My post was just a clarification on why one would use gypsum in a heavy clay soil. For cannabis purposes I would hope you wouldn't be starting with a clay base.
Howdy Folks,
Hey Dutty Panty, no I don't defol. I've tucked a few, and removed 1 yellow leaf, but generally follow b.real's advice. Can't find the quote, but he said that defol makes for little round buds, instead of big pyramidal ones. Searched high and low and can't find quote. Must've been a post on somebody else's thread. Thx, I think the very-LST is doing well too. Time will tell if those lower/side buds will ripen up like the primary. If/when that happens, I'll consider this little experiment a success. Sidenote: I think I was wrong, (pool hall) Sharks was in Kirkland by the marina. Ooops.

Sweetsue, congrats on your awesome harvest and journal. The recap at the end was really useful. "They" say it improves tilth, which implies it's a mechanical effect and not chemical. Weird. If that's the case then BEATEO has a good point, why use something which is non-pH-neutral I wonder. This may be one of those gardening "facts" that isn't quite as factual as we might like.

Go Ohio! Legalize it.
Hi Ranger,

You are hilariious.....all those secret outdoor grows in front of everyone's nose in all those places....I would be interested in seeing a journal on that, for sure....you have some hefty experience....bring it on, bro! :laugh:
Howdy Folks,
Hey Dutty Panty, no I don't defol. I've tucked a few, and removed 1 yellow leaf, but generally follow b.real's advice. Can't find the quote, but he said that defol makes for little round buds, instead of big pyramidal ones. Searched high and low and can't find quote. Must've been a post on somebody else's thread. Thx, I think the very-LST is doing well too. Time will tell if those lower/side buds will ripen up like the primary. If/when that happens, I'll consider this little experiment a success. Sidenote: I think I was wrong, (pool hall) Sharks was in Kirkland by the marina. Ooops.

Sweetsue, congrats on your awesome harvest and journal. The recap at the end was really useful. "They" say it improves tilth, which implies it's a mechanical effect and not chemical. Weird. If that's the case then BEATEO has a good point, why use something which is non-pH-neutral I wonder. This may be one of those gardening "facts" that isn't quite as factual as we might like.

Go Ohio! Legalize it.

yes sir. what are we looking for? sensimilla. what are we hoping for? sensimilla. who's got the herb?
don't we all have some?
shit I haven't been able to partake in awhile I gave a lot away
but I still have some :thumb:
which reminds me I need to check my bottles and make sure they wasn't too moist the last time I checked I thought it was ok but I haven't checked in almost a month
ill have some very well cured buds by the time I do smoke em :rofl:
yes let's grow vines big and strong enough to reach the heavens so that we may climb and ascend directly to the gates. for serious though check out "who's got the herb?" by 311. it's a cool song. I love "beyond the gray sky" too.
don't we all have some?
shit I haven't been able to partake in awhile I gave a lot away
but I still have some :thumb:
which reminds me I need to check my bottles and make sure they wasn't too moist the last time I checked I thought it was ok but I haven't checked in almost a month
ill have some very well cured buds by the time I do smoke em :rofl:

still not smoking because of work or because you hurt your chest? when you do get to smoke again you're gonna be blitzed because your tolerance won't be there lol.
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