Relaxed Lester's Garden Photos

Never tried any of those brews, might have to open my range a bit. Haven't really seen any of these around here, will pay a little closer attention next time out. Great photography man, shots are killer. What kind of camera are you working with? Cannot recall if I have already asked. Next thing on my list is a new camera, need to start shopping around. Pulled a bunch of my tomato plants around here they were growing a weird rust/sap on them, did not want that close to the meds. Thinking about planting some lettuce as well, hopefully they like the pots I have for them :laugh: Have a good 1 Les!
I use Iphone 4S camera for all my pictures, I had to remove all my tomatos from the garden a while ago due to them growing botrytis mold on their stems! Can't have that ! I also am thinking of growing some winter lettuce, hell the brocolli won't even be ready until next year at this rate, supposed to love colder weather anyway.

Cheers and Good Day! ;)
I use Iphone 4S camera for all my pictures

That is superb.
I tried on my first journal to use my iPhone4NoS and it always wanted to upload different sizes, some as small as a damn thumbnail. Don't wanna turn your garden thead into a camera discussion. Will PM you, good job on tricking me with killer pictures :geek: +reps!
Thanks Spimp! Although this growing season was somewhat experimental in terms of the seeds I tried from burpee, next year I have better plans for success. The tomatos didn't do amazing here because it just wasn't hot enough for them (Being right on the beach vs inland). Anyhow, figured I'd post a little update of the current situation, still got California Wonder Peppers growing and turning red, been harvesting a little bit day by day to get them at their exact maturation that we want. Along with that, the Romaneasco heirloom brocolli is just getting ready to start flowering, vegetative growth diminished in that sense, and central head is starting to form. Still probably be another 3 months before anything alien/spectacular happens with it. Certainly a very hardy species, just grows on its own accord, but needs a LOT of water. Also, the fuzzy white stuff in one of the pictures is the lettuce seeds, I just have to knock them off with a stick and then water the area and some lettuce should sprout up in no time! I cannot tell you how hard it is to hand plant lettuce/carrot seeds one by one. IF anyone says its easy, then try planting chives from seed. Nearly impossible!!!


Cheers! :cheer:
That pepper at the top looks like a mater. Peppers are one of my favorite veggies, besides chilis, but I always have a tough time creatively using them in food. Garden's looking good. :goodjob:
I got in a organic plot this summer spent 2 months making a massive garden of veggies and then I saw empty cans of raid , pesticides and herbicindes.... I tossed all my food I do not trust poisons around my organic gardens.... Got hell from plot coordinator for letting my garden go wild I toldem to f off they broke the rules and made my plot poison , no reply she could not argue as she was one of the culprits....

btw is that cauliflower? Never seen such tall ones before!!!
I got in a organic plot this summer spent 2 months making a massive garden of veggies and then I saw empty cans of raid , pesticides and herbicindes.... I tossed all my food I do not trust poisons around my organic gardens.... Got hell from plot coordinator for letting my garden go wild I toldem to f off they broke the rules and made my plot poison , no reply she could not argue as she was one of the culprits....

btw is that cauliflower? Never seen such tall ones before!!!

Bummer about your garden, sorry to hear that.

As for your question, that is the Romanaesco Heirloom Brocolli (check it out on wiki), similar in genetics to cauliflower though.
They are just starting to flower now. Can't wait to see them heads form.
That pepper at the top looks like a mater. Peppers are one of my favorite veggies, besides chilis, but I always have a tough time creatively using them in food. Garden's looking good. :goodjob:
If you can get those peppers big enough, my favorite thing to do with them is to stuff them with an awesome meat,cheese, and rice combination. It's everything you need packed in one big "bowl" ;)

Looking good sir. :) My Cayenne's are all turning red and looking ready for harvest. :) This is my first year growing any veg so Im proud as a New parent! :)

It sure is great to see our food and medicine grown side by side together in nature :)

Thank you both for the kind words. :Namaste:
Would you mind If I posted a pic of my first pepper plants sir? I didnt know if this thread was just for your veggies and did not want to impose.

Sure, that's fine!
That is a very nice and high yielding plant. Time to harvest before they get too squishy :) I like the flavor of the red ones, sometimes I find the green ones more spicy though.. I harvested about 3 pounds of seranno peppers last year, and I still about 1.5 pounds in the freezer. They freeze great and their potency is still very strong! I am eating them in eggs now. Sometimes it's hard to find use for so much pepper all at damn once! I advise if you don't use them all to consider freezing them :Namaste:

Also I have been able to successfully reveg the pepper plants come next season, it's amazing how they can grow back from just looking like dead sticks through the winter. Give them water and they will grow!
Very good info sir! I harvested yesterday. :) I am proud considering this is the first year ive grown anything other than a beard. :rofl:
My boss got a outdoor hydro setup for his serranos this year and harvested 4 pounds off two plants!! I asked him if he know what he was doing and his exact quote was "Anytime I run into a problem, I go check out the weed sites cause those guys are growing geniuses" :rofl: In the summer he was using the frozen water bottle trick in his res. It so hillarious a non smoker is groing hydro to me :)
Im with ya'll on the peppers, I should have froze some of them as I am already out and have only 2 more hanging from my plant.. I ended up spreading the wealth and hooking up all my mexican buddies who use them in many meals a day.. they really enjoyed them :)

Hope ya'll are doing great Les & Spimp!
Small nighttime brocolli update, they're starting to flower now, the internal heads are swelling and forming a dense "cola" I love these plants, they grow like weeds! Very hardy, but also eats and drinks a ton of water and nutrients, can't wait to see what happens! ;)
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