Thanks Mcdoolit! All credit goes to @ViparSpectra for making such a beautiful light!

Thanks Jack! I saw a bit peeking through the frost! Hopefully it'll show through some more :cheesygrinsmiley:

Well citric acid powder was on the "to buy" list and cheap- won't be here for a bit though (a week or so).

And here's a photo I took earlier, just couldn't resist.
Thank you for your approval. :thumb:
Did it, Rex?
Just got checked.

It comes off with scrubbing it with a wet towel. Only when the paper towel was rubbing "against the grain" did it seem to have an effect on it. And it took a lot of scrubbing to get it off one leaf.
Bezos says 6-9th of Nov before citric acid powder arrives.

I've had PM in the outdoor veggie gardens, and this seems like a thicker calcified paste. It's hasn't spread or gotten worse thankfully (that I can tell).
The RH is finally nice and low and will stay that way till harvest. Which is looking like it will be this month, from my guesses.
Not sure what to do...
Just got checked.

It comes off with scrubbing it with a wet towel. Only when the paper towel was rubbing "against the grain" did it seem to have an effect on it. And it took a lot of scrubbing to get it off one leaf.
Bezos says 6-9th of Nov before citric acid powder arrives.

I've had PM in the outdoor veggie gardens, and this seems like a thicker calcified paste. It's hasn't spread or gotten worse thankfully (that I can tell).
The RH is finally nice and low and will stay that way till harvest. Which is looking like it will be this month, from my guesses.
Not sure what to do...
If your roots look as good as what's above them you are likely in okay shape. Especially if it hasn't and isn't progressing. Right? Bringing down the RH was likely a good idea too.
If your roots look as good as what's above them you are likely in okay shape. Especially if it hasn't and isn't progressing. Right? Bringing down the RH was likely a good idea too.
Hey Jon, thanks.
No way to check the roots unfortunately... might as well be in soil. I gave an extra dose of beneficials for the roots when I was out there.

I've got leaves with the gunk on it up against the White Berry Auto. Thankfully it seems to be staying on the Bruce Banner Auto.
Only reason I didn't snip them is I wanted to keep the leaves for the drought.

When I opened the tent, it was 27.8C (81F) and 28% RH.

First time I've had this issue :(, but it was bound to happen sooner or later I guess.
Hey Jon, thanks.
No way to check the roots unfortunately... might as well be in soil. I gave an extra dose of beneficials for the roots when I was out there.

I've got leaves with the gunk on it up against the White Berry Auto. Thankfully it seems to be staying on the Bruce Banner Auto.
Only reason I didn't snip them is I wanted to keep the leaves for the drought.

When I opened the tent, it was 27.8C (81F) and 28% RH.

First time I've had this issue :(, but it was bound to happen sooner or later I guess.
Seems like a small thing so far. I wouldn't go getting all too sad about it. So far it has had zero impact on your grow it seems. You'll be fine.
You would do well to treat them all. It’s in the tent - likely on most leaves - it just isn’t as advanced and hasn’t bloomed yet. Do your best to keep the humidity below 35%.
I won't shut that dehumidifier off till the last plant is in the fridge.
When are you aiming to harvest - ballpark?
Judging strictly by plant development, I'd say sometime this month. I think the Somango is just about ready to start scoping the trichomes soon.
If need be I'd rather an earlier harvest then loose everything, it's pain medication, and only thing for most part that gives me mobility.
Pray for Bezos?

No small packages of citric acid in the baking aisle of the local grocery?
I'll be praying for no delays that's for sure.
There might be one place locally I can get it tomorrow (bakery).
Unfortunately after checking and walking I always need to medicate. The keys are hung and vehicle parked for the rest of the day. I'll be calling and double checking everywhere I can locally to get some sooner, our grocery store near me is a tiny town one with very limited stock and supplies.

If I can't get the powder before bezos...

How should I proceed?
Wait till it comes in? Or try a different method? Snip all the leaves with it present?
:lot-o-toke: actually tomorrow I can take a drive further away to try and find some. Wasn't thinking there

Seems like a small thing so far. I wouldn't go getting all too sad about it. So far it has had zero impact on your grow it seems. You'll be fine.
I hope that's how it ends- zero impact. But I also know how my luck tends to roll

Droughting will require as many leaves as possible. You could try wiping them down with 3% H2O2 just to take off what's there. If you have some time to kill I mean!
That's what I was thinking as well. Glad I resisted the temptation to snip them.

I can wipe most of them down if that's what it takes. But there is no way I can scrub them clean (unless the h202 makes it come off easily). The wet paper towel just about shredded the leaves I scrubbed.
The picture was of the 2nd leaf I did, the first was too badly mangled after for a comparison photo.
Don't mangle them too bad. Have you tried heavily diluted dish soap? Might take it off more easily.
Nope, I thought I'd wait to see what you and FelipeBlu had to say first. Didn't want to panic and make things worse.
I can try that right now, is it OK to use scented dish soap? (Sorry if that's a dumb question lol)
If you dilute it enough it should be okay. I use Dawn in my citric acid spray! If you have a bottle of unscented Dr Bronner's castille soap, that would be best. But even I don't use that. :)
Just saw the time, gotta get dinner ready for the fam, then it's leaf scrubbing time.

Nah all the stuff we have is scented. I think it's grapefruit scented :laughtwo:

Should I mix the baking soda in with it as FelipeBlu suggested? Or just a diluted soap wash, rinse off, then wait for citric acid treatment?

Sorry for the plethora of questions- really appreciate it guys :green_heart:
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