Scrumpdilly's First Time Grow - AK48 & White Widow Autoflower

Sounds good! I'm sure they'll enjoy the cal mag. I just did a quick read on the ffof soil and I see it's a bit of a hot soil, I know you cut it with potting soil, but id still be cautious with nutes
I actually only cut the soil that was in the seedling solo cups. Didn't cut the stuff in the 5 gallons. Well it's too late now. Watered both of them with 1/4 strength nutes. I guess we'll so how they're doing in the morning.

Smalls (AK48)



Bender (white widow)


They'll be good, hopefully theyll thank you for the cal mag
Humidity dipped below 50% today. I think it might be because the heat in the house is running more as it's getting colder up here finally. I put a wet dish towel in the tent and misted inside the tent a couple times and the humidity dropped again to 46% any suggestions short of a humidifier?
Re: Scrumpdilly's First Time Grow - AK48 & White Widow Autoflower

I've been just spraying as much as I can, leaving water around in the grow tent, and turning down my exhaust as much as I can. I can maybe keep humidity for 3 hours max.

If you are trying to avoid the hum it might be worth making a plant dome of sorts to help with humidity around the seedling directly, a lot of people use pop bottles, I used clear solo cups!
Not feeling good about Bender (white widow). Growth is definitely stunted compared to Smalls (AK48). Even her cotyledons have yellowed a bit but I can't get a good picture because of the LED. Well you probably know what yellow looks like anyway. Humidity is so low, the soil is bone dry so they're getting another watering tonight and I'm upping it to about 8oz each if the humidity is going to continue to not cooperate. My fragile babies, what can I do?

Smalls (AK48)

Bender (white widow)
Subbed, Im also going to grow 4-6 auto's in a few weeks and i think you are doing fine! I've grown 6 auto's once before and i had a very hot soil. Worst mistake, they were stunted and were very small plants. Anyways, I'm excited and looking forward to see them grow!
What was your soil?
Just be careful with overwatering little plants in big pots, it happens easily!
Re: Scrumpdilly's First Time Grow - AK48 & White Widow Autoflower

I will. I was apprehensive about giving them 8oz each until I fingered around in the pot and the soil was still like 80% dry. Ugh, dinner service was rough enough. This is why i don't have human babies. Worrisome as it is with fur babies and plant children.
Re: Scrumpdilly's First Time Grow - AK48 & White Widow Autoflower

I will. I was apprehensive about giving them 8oz each until I fingered around in the pot and the soil was still like 80% dry. Ugh, dinner service was rough enough. This is why i don't have human babies. Worrisome as it is with fur babies and plant children.
True, I have the sam3 thing going on right now with my plants and they are only in 1 gallons still. It's a waiting game, these soils hold a lot more moisture than we think even when they feel light ish. Usually when I have that gut instinct but I don't see them drooping yet I try to hold off until the next morning and that seems to work well.

Seedlings are tough, but you'll get the hang of it!
Just got done giving the ladies a light dose of lst (still doing it with my fingers). The spots on the two leaves of the AK48 haven't gotten any better, but they also haven't gotten any worse. Got the cal mag today so that will go in next water. Maybe not tomorrow night, but probably the night after that. Bender (white widow) seems to have put on the tiniest bit of growth while Smalls (AK48) has definitely put on a little weight and height.. Humidity is still being a bastard, but I've been controlling it with a lot of spritzes inside the tent. 16 days from seed.

Smalls (AK48)


Bender (white widow)


I knew something was up with Bender (white widow). I just got home and it seems her stem has a split running from the soil to about halfway up. After researching, it could be too much wind? No signs of pests. Here's a quick pic before I continue. You can see the split starting at the soil and going about a half inch up the stem. I'd love some input if you've experienced this before.
Don't worry about it mate! It'll scab up n she'll get stronger!

Lil plants are delicate till shit like this comes along and roughs them up, just makes them stronger,just like life .
Curious about this as well as I noticed the same on one of my plants tonight. Almost seemed like stem had grow to fast and split outer layer. Hoping it's nothing serious.

No that's totally normal! It's losing it's baby teeth basically .
It's like a membrane that's keeps moisture in and protects them when they are super young!
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