Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil - 2015

Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

This morning I decided to start LST on Northern Lights #2. It was a little sad bending her over. She was so perky, but I am sure she will recover in no time.

Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

Dont worry shell be fine with a lil bending over! Cant wait to see it!
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

Day 16 Short Rider - Day 14 Northern Lights

Short Rider - Day 16
She is just looking amazing. There is now part of a leaf missing due to a paper clamp shooting into the air and landing on her :/ .


Her undergrowth continues to amaze me!

Northern Lights #1 - Day 14
It looks like I FIMed her right. Fingers crossed.

You can see that there is still part of the branch there so hopefully I will get 4 tops.

Some undergrowth.

Northern Lights #2 - Day 14
After LSTing her the other night, I wasn't exactly satisfied with the LST so I made some adjustments. She seems to be taking to it just fine. Enjoy.





Group shot of all the girls. From left to right NL#2, NL#1, and SR
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

they still looking good. :thumb: Shadow:circle-of-love:
i took your advise and started training mine a little early but really dont matter they are over month old anyway.
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

they still looking good. :thumb: Shadow:circle-of-love:
i took your advise and started training mine a little early but really dont matter they are over month old anyway.

Thanks 7Dust! Can't wait to see how your training is going.

A note on FIMing. Look at the second picture on NL #1. As you can see I took most of the node off. The hope is getting more tops. So there is still the stems of where the node is and hopefully I will get new tops between those as well as the 2 I would have got by just doing a regular top. Maybe that might clear it up a little for you.

We will know in a few days I am sure of whether it worked or not. If it did (I've got, high hopes), it will definitely be more clear :) .
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

lmao. ill wait see yours first. i chopped a foot off top of mine. started clone with them. if they dont die. seems some reason my clone juice is old and need more. but if they die. ill go get some more. i need some anyway along with few other things. trying to make order bigger get everything at one time save some shipping.:thumb:
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

I have a question for all of you LED gurus out there.

I am thinking of buying a P450 from platinumgrowlights for my grow tent which is 20"x36"x62".

Do you think this would be overkill for my tent? Do you think I should go with the P300? Do you think I should just stay with my 2 GalaxyHydro LED lights?

Please let me know what you all think? I would really like some input on this please.
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

all i know is about mars LEDs . i have only one. and its the best. for that size its a 300w one. i think. its small but its better than few i have seen with friends. i highly recommend it.
for the price to light ratio. they i think are the best.
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

Day 18 Short Rider - Day 16 Northern Lights

First off, I would like to say that I started this journal in the hopes of getting feedback and having discussions. I am kind of sad that there is not much of that here and am thinking that this is not worth the time I invest in taking photos, resizing them, and uploading them. If I wanted to just take pictures of my grow progress, I could do that with minimal effort for myself. If people are just not interested I understand that, but I was hoping to get good feedback of what I might do better, future buys (better lights), etc... I feel like if I am not getting that, this journal is not worth my time and I will spend my time doing more productive things.

I really appreciate the support of the members that have given feedback. :thanks:

That said, here is an update.

Short Rider - Day 18
You can now see the damage that the rogue paper clip has done to the leaves. She is still looking amazing though. I will probably feed all the girls tomorrow.



Northern Lights #1 - Day 16
It appears that there are nodes forming on the FIM. Hopefully we get some extra top nodes.

Northern Lights #2 - Day 16
She has completely recovered from her initial LST. Either tonight or tomorrow I am going to have to bend her down more as she is now covering the tops that I exposed.




Group shot of all the girls. From left to right NL#2, NL#1, and SR
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

I may not talk a whole lot, but I am here, interested and watching them grow. They are doing so well. Its very interesting to watch others' methods of growing especially when they are getting good results like you are so far.
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

I may not talk a whole lot, but I am here, interested and watching them grow. They are doing so well. Its very interesting to watch others' methods of growing especially when they are getting good results like you are so far.

Thank you Sorenna, that means a lot. I really appreciate you and your feedback.

I was hoping some more experienced people would also give feedback. After all, this is my first grow and I haven't grown so much as a vegetable in over 15 years. I know there are things I can and need to improve on.
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

I think you are doing just great and I wouldnt go borrowing trouble. :) A smooth grow is like what we all strive for.
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

ROFL, not trying to borrow trouble by any mean :) . Just was hoping for valuable pointers.

Speaking of that, how are you liking you Mars light? I was looking for the best LED light on the market. Not too worried about cost, but would like to know if it is worth trading in these GalaxyHydro lights. Right now I am looking at Mars and Platinum LED lights.
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

I really like my light. Its quiet and it doesnt get hot. It doesnt make my electric bill spin. I dont have any other experience with any other light, but for what Ive seen I definitely reccommend. I think you should compare the reflector series like I have to the Mars II. Ive had no issues with burning or bleaching. The plants colors are spectacular, so I dont think I could ask for a whole lot more from my lights.
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

At first, from spoutlings, I had the lights 27" away, but in my journal, post #229, UltraDan corrected me and I ended up lowering them to 18" over the plants. I also added in one CFL light per plant. I think even as they get bigger and are flowering you can keep the lights as low as 14"-16" away.

Oh, and that post is worth looking at. He posted a chart about distances and lumens on it.
Re: Shadowmoses 1st Grow - Northern Lights - Short Rider - Autoflower - LED - Soil -

I can never remember where I read information haha.

I have this exact same issue! lol
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