Smokemup's Latest Grow - Going For 1+lb! 400W MH/HPS - Soil - Indoor

Yes Sir.. 70's Porn Jimmy;) Bushy and all woman! lol..
Tho I do treat her to a trim now & then once her bikini line is getting outta control - gotta look after her, I mean, cant exactly have pics of her with a bad bikini line - man she d be hated on! When really, under all that canopy - She s a beautiful plant :)
Id like to ask an opinion, now, as she will be getting a full trim and last tie when she is flipped, my question is from now - going off them pics, do you agree that I should let her continue to grow vertical with out much more tying? I know the answer already - But I have these self doubt moments for sum reason - I mean, when you give a guy a nug to get him thru the night & hours later he's asking for 4 oz every 2 days of it,& another has 1 cone and then reports to me following day - Man that smoke was nice I was driving & found myself wandering off in thought & then realised Shit- Im driving!! I was baked off that one cone - he said with a little smirk.. So thats validation right there I guess ay, as they both smoke daily & seemed rather keen on ol' Smokems nugs:) Not that Im saying IM THE MAN - WORLDS GREATEST GROWER! Self proclaimed of course:):) lol.. I am just happy to grow some soil plants fed basic organic foods which taste good, and have a good overall stone - head high for sleeping and great for watcing movies & chilling.. I need weed to help sleep if it done work - Im screwed. So I guess for this reason my stuff is ok, I dunno how much % THC or whatever it is, Ive never tried any of the top 8 "Earths strongest strains " as shown in the clip, So I cannot compare ANY of my smoke to these strains, Like this last harvests curing buds are strong enough to punch you in the chest & get you coughing, not in a bad way ,it just comes on & then on exhale the taste is noticeable and kinda sticks to your throat like pepper or something, not as hot tho!
The crappy lil popcorn I trimmed aint as strong but it does still give you a high - So Id love to say my stuff was maybe 18% THC - But I cannot & cant get it tested So thats not gunna happen , as scientific as it gets is " Yeah its not bad weed! "
Ive helped out a pal germing a bean, as mentioned he used all his & got not one up, So I worked my skills & 2 days later he had one in the dirt and 48hrs after that it was up & open;)
He has taken it & is now growing it himself minus a Goods & Service Tax! As I will be assisting him along the way & with out me he is kinda stuck.. NOW I KNOW WHAT YOU GUNNA SAY.. But I have 99% faith in this person as he is under my thumb & is an old skool folk so he dont mess with any young or any one that may possibly bring him heat - He needs it to go smooth way more than I do, So I shall impart my wisdom unto him, and once he gets the rest of what he needs - he can feed himself for the rest of his life, Just like giving a man a fishing pole! See he s my local outdoor guy - He s one I know who has done great things outside, but is a tad tedious when it comes to inside, the whole ballast/light thing confuses him I think... He was struggling to understand my description of which CFL he can use for Vegging ( 6500k ) but I soon showed him, but just said dont worry bout them Ill get em for you as I have a few floatin around, So hope he can keep it growing :/
I have decided to name the seeds Ive had produced from my buds over time, Smokems - for now, & I may be planning "A GANJA SEXUAL EDUCATION POST " where I may actually deliberatly try to grow a male, & breed it into one of my harvested seeds?
Now I have a question, Do dispensaries sell MALE seeds?? As Id love to grow a male Skunk/Afghan kush & cross it with my C99XPR seeds - MASSIVE STINKY BUDS!!!
So this maybe my experiment a little later on - I need to establish what I can do & how things work and then I could maybe try a breeding session, little bit of alcohol - candles, you know what I mean;) LAST CHANCE, ROMANCE....:circle-of-love:
Anyways but for now I am only focussed on the one object which is getting Teresa big enough & not turning her hermie, as I said i an only assume that she is female as theres not strange or any weird growths beside or near the single calyx, I think one pair of em is nearly bout to push some pistils out:thumb: Its weird why theyre so small.. Its the weirdest thing?? But she does look ok, I had to adjust most of her ties as they were down at 1ft height & now she s over 2ft theyre restricting & not guiding the branch properly, So I had to put them about 3 nodes down from the tops & that helped spread out some of her larger branches.
Theres 2 branches on the left side, same side the original cola is bent towards, that are about 4 inch shorter than the rest so Im trying to give this side some more light in hopes that theyll start to reach up again abit faster. If I can manage to keep her healthy uptil flowering Ill have a good shot at her performing well, when I look at the larger mains that she s formed, and then the top canopy of bud branches below this, theres a large abundance of shoots thatll all bear bud, theyre not main branches, but secondary bud shoots - Some of which are over 1ft long,& all inter twined thru some spots on the inside, Ive had to trim her under growth a bit for the Gnats,& I took 15 or so other day. THATS WAY MORE THAN I NORMALLY DO - So will hope she can handle it, she only has a few more weeks of it until I basically set her up & leave her be until harvest - The mains are all positioned,& once flowers form, preference is given to the dominant ones and then Ill trim what I have to, to try get some more light to her insides also as well as the outer lower branches that have grown all the way out & up & around the main branches, theyd be longer if I were to measure them - but theyre reaching up gradually too - But one she s over 3.5ft its gunna be hard for me to manage them all so as said Ill be setting them out best as I can, But some bud will suffer due to the larger cola's uptop. Tho if you manage a good balance you should have a nice stack of towers of bud & then a fairly solid top canopy of smaller tops forming maybe 1/3rd or slightly more of the plants weight.
If this gal fails to reach my wanted height given extra time, I think then the pot may be at fault, I am going to have to try to wrok out volume of each pot, I swear they both hold 35L of soil, but maybe it was how the pot was shaped, being rectangular other than round.
Feeding Teresa other day I didnt check the PH of my feed prior to it, and anyways after wards, I did and it was off the scale at nearly 8!! But I attribute that to the Seaweed I used as it used to increase the water PH, I failed to check it with this seaweed dose so Ill keep tabs on this.. I want it about 6.5- 6.7 area...
I dont now it its due to evaporation but after her feed, theres run off left in her tray which I do remove some to avoid overflow, anyhoo, what I leave IMO should normally with my last grows have stayed there for least a day or so, But teresa soaks it dry nearly overnight! Maybe the RH?? Its @ 44% & 26*C .. But this is what I roughly have it at for most of my grows so IDK??
Well Im going to go off actually & check my PH Now to see what it s at! ;) Thanks for dropping in mate.
Take care everyone and to all who dropped by - CHEERS BIG EARS... Smokemup:welcome:
Cheers Rico,
I will look into that buddy.. Well on my side of the fence Teresa is going ok, But for some reasonn her soil s PH was at 7 -7.2 of late?? It was fine @ 6.5 earlier, but now theres a slight change in acidity or whatever So Ive been feeding her PH'd food at 5.8, the run-off s PH is at 6.4 after wards so Im hoping to gradually get the soil down again - Does anyone have any suggestions for lowering my soils PH?? Ive been cheating by using a little Citric Acid, Not much just enough to drop it a few points.. I was told this is ok as long as not done for sustained periods - Ill be going back to my old feed solution if this --- stays up over 7, to try reduce it slowly. She is looking healthy and is growing nicely I just dont like my girls to be in any immenenet danger!!
Thanks to all for stopping by, Take care and will upload pics soon. cheers guys, Later, Smokemup:high-five:
* SNEAK PEAK - Mother Teresa *

Hey everyone, just thought Id post a few snaps of my gal, she is looking ok, But I need to sort this soil PH stuff out, hopefully its nothing thatll affect her badly??
Her main branches are forming quite nicely some are a little smaller but that usually happens with this method, BUt still hoping for GOOD THINGS:)
Its been nearly 8 weeks of growth for her so far, couple more til she reaches height I require of her.. Ok, well here s my girl::

She s gaining!!! Keep it up girl:)
Original main cola..
Her opposing main cola.

Well hope this keeps you up to speed on things, Ive not had any other changes Gnats are dying off slowly and she is showing sex pistils that are better formed and some just have 2 hairs and no calyx?? Weird!!
Long as I get good buds I dont care what she looks like.. Thanks, Chat soon all. Smokemupm8:welcome:
OK, well I seem to be getting dumber by the day :/
Teresa is looking happier today which is good, Im increasing her watering schedule, and am cutting down the food, she shouldnt need much really she is a decent bush but I think I gotta pull the brakes on a bit.
SO GUYS >>> Who has some good organic methods of lowering my soils PH?????? I know how to raise it fine - But going down is limiting me to some Citric acid. Just a small shake as it is pretty strong if you put more than say half a tea spoon in 10L it can drop ur PH from 6.7-4 in no time!!
So ANYONE PLEASE GOT SOME OTHER SOLUTIONS? Much appreciated.. Thanks guys, Smokem..
gypsum will lower ph in soil and buffer it. Its kinda better if mixed in but, ground up fine and watered in will do the trick too.

Gypsum is crazy cheap. I got a 40 pound bag for 4 bucks lol...
As Mr. Burns from Simpsons would say " Excellent "..
I shall be bagging me up some Gypsum I think;) Im going to check the PH today and see if its lowered any since last check, I hope that she has gone down a little, if not Ill just spread some Gyp. over the top soil and water as you said.
I dont know which is a dangerous level for PH - I kno that about 7 is starting to get too high as it stops other nutes being intaken, such as Bor,Cal/mag @ 6.4 I think it is the recommended PH according to the graph I have... Ill have to go back thru some pages as I think I have it on this journal?
Thank you my man Jimmy;) Muchos Gracious amigo. Be good or be good at at.. Smokem:bravo::high-five:
Teresa is becoming a long legged girl:) At over 2.5ft H x 4ft W... YOU CAN DO IT - GROW THEM FLOWERS INTO COLA's!!! She is nearly resembling my Ol' gal, Cindy in her growth.. Having larger main branches with a nice top canopy of bud under neath just begging to be toked on.... Oooohh Yeah.. -_- THE HIGH LIFE;)
Am off to purchase me some Gypsum, in hopes that my man Jimmy is on the money and adding some of this to my soil and watered in over few days hoping for a drop in the PH. I am not sure as to how much Ill need to add to change the PH by a few units - So Im just going to spread a handful or so around the top and just do that as said and hope to see some decrease:thumb:
Ahh man I am stoked to be able to do some more DIY work - 2 of my drills shit em selves recently,1 was a good one - not bothering with warranty as I got a newby that is AWSUM for under $40 it has good torque, its a hammer drill so now I am ok to do some stuff around the place Ive needed to do.
After her feed today she looks nice and healthy?? PH still says its just over 7, its a new PH pen so Im assuming its accurate!?? It did give me different reading earlier on so Im assuming its cool.. Ive not noticed any real symptoms of a defic or such, she just looks to be ample in Nitrgen, as she is pushing out shoots fairly steadily and only say 16 hrs of being positioned like this " / " or this " \ " with her main branches, She is now bent back and is heading back skywards:)
Thats cool so she is doing her thing as far as I can see, Oh and also Ive noticed on the sex pistils that rather than make that single calyx, she has just pushed 2 hairs out and a tall spikey thing at the node/stem-branch joint... Theyre normal I just remember the correct term for the thing! But if she s showing some sex calyxes and some white pistils, Do you think that thats idea enough of her sex? I believe she s a girl, maybe a TOM-BOY or such, hopefully not a HermieTRanny :(
ok .. Well gypsum is ready to roll.. Will see if theres any difference in the coming week or so, Not adding much of it just a sprinkling over top and will see what happens from there:) FINGAZ CROSSED!!! Laters, Smokemup
Hey everyone, How are we all today??
Hoping all is well in ur side of the fence.. Im going ok, Teresa has slowly started to drop in PH but Im not sure how long itll take to get it back to about 6.5.
She has shown better growth since adding Gypsum and lightly feeding her, Shes nearly 3ft Jimmy!! Another half a foot or so when she gets to about 3.5 ft in height Ill consider flowering her pending her size and look. Ive seen a few white pistils now where the single sex-calyx is, where the calyx isnt that developed theres just a small one with the hairs so I assume thats ok??
Not much longer to go I hope - Im itching to see her around 3-4ft, and then I can do a final trim and tether and leave her do her thing:cheer: Hopefully all will turn out..
Anyways thanks for dropping by and Ill have some pic updates soon ok ;) Take it easy, Smokem
Hey all how are we??
Well I have bad soil PH issues, its upto 8 now :/ I just found the gypsum I was using is made to not alter the soil ph!! So thats been a waste of time.. She looks ok, but I gotta do some thing. Thinking of a flush or does ANYONE HAVE ANY WAYS OF LOWERING SOILS PH??
Thanks and pics soon!!!
OK, well Ive n onto the stuff I needed to drop the PH, Some sulphur powder, made especially for organic soil it suggested more amount than what I did as I was unable to actually work it into the soil itself I had to water it in and now Im awaiting on any changes in the next week or so. She s started to show yellowing which is a sign that my PH of nearly 8 is KILLING MY GIRL!!!
So Im feeding with 5.8 PH'd feed or water, and have added what I feel should be enough to hopefully gradually lower this Alkaline shit.. By looking at her you d think that theres not much wrong - MAybe my new PH meter s screwed?? I have a SOIL PH TEST KIT - Guess I could dig out some soil and play scientist for awhile, not sure of my capability but seems simple enough?
WELL GUYS - Teresa is now basically 3ft tall :cheer: The taller branches are @3, and theres 2 mains - the 1st original cola and another beside it, that are about 4" below the larger ones, So Im keeping light over that region for most of the light hours atm..
I really hope this PH drops, or maybe my meter is screwed, But its barely 1mnth old and Ive used it 5 times.. Was considering a flush - Not sure what to do :/ I have the right products now - So that gypsum I used was as said useless, and I could have possibly had her lowered by now if Id applied this Sulphur back then? Not to worry - you can barely tell much is wrong -looking at her, you d think that maybe it just natural yellowing of the eldest leaves which are basically in no light, And I do think this is part of what Im seeing. I dont know how long a ganja plant can survive in an organic soil with a PH of +7??? I DO NOT WANT TO BE THE TEST PILOT FOR THAT TRIP EITHER:)
Hoping she will come up ok.. Here comes her pics::

Welcome guys to my much belated pic update.. Ive had alot on lately and among all this PH drama Ive bin stressed on my girl abit :/
She looks ok, she appears to be yellowing from the lower earliest growth slowly - BUT - This is also a sign of a high PH, which if my PH meters accurate is between 7.8/8.0!!! Its gradually risen, I think due to my feed, she neeed maybe less and Ive caused an issue, I was gunna flush last week but tried Gypsum, week later - Nothing changed, So I carefully read all print on thre ypsum I had and it was a kind that DIDNT alter PH either way!
WASTE OF TIME MAYBE?? So anyways after careful consulting of products and such, I found a Sulphur product which is part of my old Nutrient manufacturer and is madefor organic soil and to lower PH by a full point p/so mant teaspoons. I didnt put alot on, as it says not to contact foliage, and as some of her roots are exposed uptop ( her large thick ones ) I didnt want to cause any issue, and also I cant work it into soil so I have to water it in over the next week, hopefully by then I should have seen a decrease in the soils PH - IF NOT _ FLUSH TIME....
Alrighty well here s some snaps of recent Teresa after slight adjustment to branches, she now touches the 3ft marker:)

Ive cleared her base so gnats are visible..
Sideways of Teresa @ 3ft..
From the top.. not best pic :/
Her left side ( original cola ) just smaller..

Well there you have most of my snaps of the big bushied girl, Teresa;) I will see how she is going health wise before I flip her, I hope to have the soil at a better level of PH before I flower her, as any excess stress or drama will really piss me off!!
She s had a fairly big trim of her yellowing leaves and a few branches that were just squashed and not growing and turning yellow anyway, So I thought stuff it..
Hope that all of my friends on here are going well too with their girls atm:thumb: I still, as said, intend to grow her to around 4ft VEG height, But once she s @ 3.5 Ill check her future from that point in regard to which branches Ill allow to recieve preference over smaller ones underneath them. FINGAZ CROSSED FOR MY PH DRAMA's GUYS!!! Take care, and will chat to you all soon;) Be Cool, Smokemupm8:high-five:
Hey Rico!
Love ur Yoda avatar;) And thanks for the kind words too mate... Well I have good news, my sulphur product has dropped PH by over 1 full point so far in 4 days, Ive added some more as Id only put the least amount in, PH is at 7.1 last check, should be down lower in a week.. FINGAZ CROSSED!! Thanks Rico Be cool.. Smokem..:high-five:
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