Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains - FFOF Soil - Indoor Tent

Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

I could only imagine hunting with those guys Mc! Must have been cool times and a learning experience. Cant put a price on that! I really need to get to Cali man...Seems so much like Florida..Its more than just beaches and sand.. There are real folks abound. The picture of my girl Dixie she is around 1 year roughly...Her mother is a Boar catch dog and her father is a beast of a boar hunter.. I took Dixie out a few times with my son in law and his cur dogs ( 9 ). She's a lover man.. I couldn't bear to see her get hurt! She will be a mama maybe one day.
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

This vid has an auto mazar in it. She was around 4 ft at harvest. 12.5 ozs dry under LED. My girl is not that tall but close. Big difference between my girl that was defoiled often to this girl! Her root mass at the end is so damn clean...someone did well. so 12 ozs for an auto...not bad. The music is different but tolerable for myself..

Auto Mazar DWC LED-Dutch Passion Autoflower Cannabis - YouTube
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

I must say this sleestack skunk is nice..Let a few buds sit overnight then hit em with a dryer ( learned that here ) then off to the oven at 170 for 5 minutes. If its this nice quick dried...hmmm. I think I have posted this info before! Man it is good.. Very oily..Whats that about? The buds that dried for 4 days were also oily. Seems to be a bonus in my book. smells very fruity..
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

I could only imagine hunting with those guys Mc! Must have been cool times and a learning experience. Cant put a price on that! I really need to get to Cali man...Seems so much like Florida..Its more than just beaches and sand.. There are real folks abound. The picture of my girl Dixie she is around 1 year roughly...Her mother is a Boar catch dog and her father is a beast of a boar hunter.. I took Dixie out a few times with my son in law and his cur dogs ( 9 ). She's a lover man.. I couldn't bear to see her get hurt! She will be a mama maybe one day.

Luke and teesha, my hog dogs........plotts, luke 125 lbs, teesha 80, got a group with piglets runnin in the brush....luke got 9 of em before we could get there...LOL....he was a brute, you could hear teesha a half mile away....good times, I fought coon next to those darn dogs, if my dogs ever got in trouble I was a bad man with a maglite..........they would die for me and some did.
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

I must say this sleestack skunk is nice..Let a few buds sit overnight then hit em with a dryer ( learned that here ) then off to the oven at 170 for 5 minutes. If its this nice quick dried...hmmm. I think I have posted this info before! Man it is good.. Very oily..Whats that about? The buds that dried for 4 days were also oily. Seems to be a bonus in my book. smells very fruity..

That "oil is the trichs getting smashed and all thier lovliness is gettin juicy and stinky on your fingers", put that oil into a salve as they call it, and BAM!, scars...BAM, skin ailments...BAM!........skin cancer?.......no way....oh yes...BAM! localized pain....BAM!
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

I must say this sleestack skunk is nice..Let a few buds sit overnight then hit em with a dryer ( learned that here ) then off to the oven at 170 for 5 minutes. If its this nice quick dried...hmmm. I think I have posted this info before! Man it is good.. Very oily..Whats that about? The buds that dried for 4 days were also oily. Seems to be a bonus in my book. smells very fruity..

I'm liking it too. I let mine cure, hanging up for awhile, then in a brown paper bag for a few days and now a big pickle jar. It is my go to smoke now and the wife likes it too. Last night, we toked up on it, then I cleaned the kitchen so she could mess it up again cooking dinner. It's that kind of smoke. :) We've been grinding and vaping it. It works in the vape whip nicely because it's so sticky.
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

had the interview this morning. Just got back and did a huge bong hit of some sleestack X. I feel like it went well. I was the first of 20 interviews ..So I either set the bar high or low! I was so prepared for technical business question due to the nature of the job.. The questions were very Business/personal...I couldn't believe they asked such open ended questions. First question was why work for us!! I'm like uhh. Then I hit my stride and gambled on doing a honest candid interview. That was based on company reputation..so we will see if their mission statement aligns with their hiring process!! Ill take a huge hit financially around 20k annual less but I can live with that . The payoff comes in the job itself..Its my dream job.
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

had the interview this morning. Just got back and did a huge bong hit of some sleestack X. I feel like it went well. I was the first of 20 interviews ..So I either set the bar high or low! I was so prepared for technical business question due to the nature of the job.. The questions were very Business/personal...I couldn't believe they asked such open ended questions. First question was why work for us!! I'm like uhh. Then I hit my stride and gambled on doing a honest candid interview. That was based on company reputation..so we will see if their mission statement aligns with their hiring process!! Ill take a huge hit financially around 20k annual less but I can live with that . The payoff comes in the job itself..Its my dream job.

Glad it went well for you Spring. Good luck!
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

This is still early for us but damn it is getting exciting down here!!

Today Two Florida Senators Are Key To Getting Marijuana Legal In Florida
Aaron Bean and Eleanor Sobel, two Florida Senators will make a key decision today in their positions as Health Policy Committee Chair and Vice Chair, respectively. They will decide today whether to allow Florida Senate Bill 1250, commonly referred to as the "Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act", to be workshopped and heard by other Florida Senators.

SB 1250 is being supported by both Democrats and Republicans with polling over 70% for its support in Florida. Bean and Sobel are the final decision makers on whether the Florida Senate will vote on the measure. The Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act would allow patients in need of cannabis for medical purposes to not be arrested and kept in jail for injesting the plant.

Irv Rosenfeld, a recipient of 300 cannabis cigarettes from the Federal government monthly, is in Tallahassee this week to help push the bill forward by meeting with various state senators and state house representatives. Rosenfeld works in Fort Lauderdale as a stock broker and is part of a Federal program the government would prefer Americans not know about. The Federal government supplies him and others with 300 cannabis cigarettes each month to help alleviate symptoms of bone cancer. Rosenfeld said during an interview, "I don't know that I've broken a record, but I've certainly set one. No one else in the world can document having smoked 115,000 cannabis cigarettes — let alone the ones I smoked before that. I'm living proof that medical cannabis is real medicine. We need to get medicine in the hands of patients who really need it." He said the drug acts as "a muscle relaxant, an anti-inflammatory, a painkiller and keeps tumors from growing."

SB 1250 would create the "Cathy Jordan Medical Cannabis Act" which would allow patients to possess and administer medical cannabis, and possess and use paraphernalia for a specified purpose. The Act would create a registry and approved patients would be given an identification card to be presented to law enforcement should the patient be detained by police for injesting or possessing the cannabis (their medicine). It would also allow the patient's caregiver the same right should the patient be unable to administer the medicine themselves. The medical cannabis would come from a dispensary or medical cannabis farm.

Conservatives as well as liberals are coming around to supporting medical marijuana from a medical as well as a way to respect one's rights. Conservatives and liberals alike are not interested in using government force as to what one may injest into their own body.

News Hawk- Truth Seeker 420 MAGAZINE ®
Source: examiner.com
Author: Karl Dickey
Contact: About Examiner.com
Website: Today two Florida Senators are key to getting marijuana legal in Florida - West Palm Beach Libertarian | Examiner.com
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

Ill take a huge hit financially around 20k annual less but I can live with that . The payoff comes in the job itself..Its my dream job.
The way I felt when I started teaching...you are making the right decision...easier to go to work where you love to be rather than punch a timeclock and sit in a cubicle! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

Thanks Hozona! I have been going through my answers during the interview..Damn I hate hind sight. I could have answered them so much better. I really need this job!!! Yes I could last 10 years on passion alone if given the job!
Re: Springs 3rd All CFL Grow 4 Strains w/ Blue Planet Nutrients - FFOF Soil - Indoor

My dream job would be able to grow for the sick. Supply the right medicine
to make them happy and not to suffer. It would be hard on me but I would enjoy it
more than any other job.
My dream job would be a vendor at a women's collage selling frozen chocolate covered bananas:)
Re: Springs 3rd all CFL grow 4 strains w/Blue Planet Nutrients, FFOF soil, Indoor ten

had the interview this morning. Just got back and did a huge bong hit of some sleestack X. I feel like it went well. I was the first of 20 interviews ..So I either set the bar high or low! I was so prepared for technical business question due to the nature of the job.. The questions were very Business/personal...I couldn't believe they asked such open ended questions. First question was why work for us!! I'm like uhh. Then I hit my stride and gambled on doing a honest candid interview. That was based on company reputation..so we will see if their mission statement aligns with their hiring process!! Ill take a huge hit financially around 20k annual less but I can live with that . The payoff comes in the job itself..Its my dream job.

Bro, I pray your wishes come true!
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