Stem Splitting Before Harvesting


Active Member
I have heard that one could split the stem of the plant and wedging a pencil between the split to prevent the stem from touching.

This is meant to increase The Trichome production.

Has anyone tried this technique???
This is not something I have heard about before. Interesting concept and I cannot figure out why it would work. But that did not stop me from starting to do some research.

So I asked Mr Google as the first step towards research. Within the first 10 links I could take a look at is one that is part of this message board.

Let the good times roll.;);)
I have heard this technique once over before, been ages since I remember everything about it but I'm sure there will be people here to help I have heard Brown came sugar and freezing cold water can help in the last week.
Seen lots of guys do things like that. A lot of chilli growers do it too. Stick a big knife right through the main stem a couple times. The theory being that the plant think it's under attack. As the TCH etc is a defence mechanism to stop them being eaten, the stress levels should make the plant put that extra effort in to make everything as strong as possible.
Same thing for the chillies.
Never tried it but that's the method behind the madness.
Would need to use clones to see if it made a difference or not.
Seen lots of guys do things like that. A lot of chilli growers do it too. Stick a big knife right through the main stem a couple times. The theory being that the plant think it's under attack. As the TCH etc is a defence mechanism to stop them being eaten, the stress levels should make the plant put that extra effort in to make everything as strong as possible.
Same thing for the chillies.
Never tried it but that's the method behind the madness.
Would need to use clones to see if it made a difference or not.
Thx for your feedback Barney.

I have 3 clones from this mother plant, will be interesting to see if there is a vast difference in Trichome production.

Happy growing
Thx for your feedback Barney.

I have 3 clones from this mother plant, will be interesting to see if there is a vast difference in Trichome production.

Happy growing
Yeah I've got 6 ak420 on just now. 4 of them are identical the other 2 are totally didfierent. I'll try it on 2 of the matching 4 and see what happens. Not sure why I've never tired it really, ive known about it for long enough and I do love a bit of myth busting:).
I think the trichome production is in full swing, you may notice a difference over a few days maybe :).
the Plant seems to look ok after day 4 since the splitting of stem

Looks like the buds are getting frostier:)


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Almost looks like fewer tricomes but that could be because the camera is not in the exact same position for the second photo. The real way to tell is to do it with a 10 plants and have another batch of 10 as a control group. Then do it with another 10 plant group and then another group. Always with a control group.

And it would not hurt to have a few people test a sample from each batch. Sometimes research can be fun.
I have heard that one could split the stem of the plant and wedging a pencil between the split to prevent the stem from touching.

This is meant to increase The Trichome production.

Has anyone tried this technique???
I’ve tried this before but I can’t say if it increased trichomes but it was frosty. The concept is supposed to be that the plant thinks an animal in the wild is attacking so it produces more trichs since trichomes are actually how they protect themselves
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