Tangwena's Malawi-Style Cob Cure: Fermented Cannabis

Ok, so here's where I'm at. Last night I started to make cobs, and now I have 10 nice little cobbies cooking in the cob-a-tron.

Beautiful Critical buds. This is for 2 cobs, it's about 40-50 grams in each cob

I didn't find a sushi kit, but these work great. They're meant to be used to put your plate on.

Ok, so here's where I'm at. Last night I started to make cobs, and now I have 10 nice little cobbies cooking in the cob-a-tron.

Beautiful Critical buds. This is for 2 cobs, it's about 40-50 grams in each cob

I didn't find a sushi kit, but these work great. They're meant to be used to put your plate on.

Nice job! Your bud looks very fresh. How long from cutting did you roll them? Also, no water in the cobatron? Awesome setup. Can you explain the operation please?
@stoneotter , The cob-a-tron is just like an oven. You set the temp, and it'll keep that temp. No water needed. The heat comes from the heat cable at the bottom.
I'll use it first for the sweating, and then I'll let the cobs ferment in there for a week at the lower temp.

I chopped the plant on Monday night, and I started making cobs after less than 2 days of drying, the last one this morning was made 2.5 days after harvest. I'm drying the whole plant with all leaves and everything, even a bit of root, and that makes the drying process a bit slower.
@stoneotter , The cob-a-tron is just like an oven. You set the temp, and it'll keep that temp. No water needed. The heat comes from the heat cable at the bottom.
I'll use it first for the sweating, and then I'll let the cobs ferment in there for a week at the lower temp.

I chopped the plant on Monday night, and I started making cobs after less than 2 days of drying, the last one this morning was made 2.5 days after harvest. I'm drying the whole plant with all leaves and everything, even a bit of root, and that makes the drying process a bit slower.
Fantastic, thanks. I have to wait for a whole grow to happen to try again. I want the next ones to be better.
Ok, just a few picks and an update on the Panama Cobs i'm working on.
Pulled them from the bags, has been 4 days at 78-80f/25-26c... I have to say not only do they smell different but the feel of them and the look has changed. They feel very soft to the touch, not as in squishy... I mean the outside of the cobs feels like microfibre, so soft. The smell has a slight pepper edge to it, still very heavy "weed" smell, for the lack of a better description. But maybe the smell isn't quite a sweet as before... I will let them dry well. Not sure how long I should leave them out, not sure if overnight would be too long or not.
Left out a couple of pics, I set the cobs on top of some jars I have growing mycelium... didn't know if that was allowed on here or not so left them out.
Todays Pics:

Sundays pics, just so you can see the change.

Thanks for looking, as always any suggestions are welcome!
Ok, just a few picks and an update on the Panama Cobs i'm working on.
Pulled them from the bags, has been 4 days at 78-80f/25-26c... I have to say not only do they smell different but the feel of them and the look has changed. They feel very soft to the touch, not as in squishy... I mean the outside of the cobs feels like microfibre, so soft. The smell has a slight pepper edge to it, still very heavy "weed" smell, for the lack of a better description. But maybe the smell isn't quite a sweet as before... I will let them dry well. Not sure how long I should leave them out, not sure if overnight would be too long or not.
Left out a couple of pics, I set the cobs on top of some jars I have growing mycelium... didn't know if that was allowed on here or not so left them out.
Todays Pics:

Sundays pics, just so you can see the change.

Thanks for looking, as always any suggestions are welcome!
Dry to the touch then vac seal for 2 to 3 weeks is what I would do leave them to cure now at 24 to 30c or room temp.
Hi Tangwena, your cob looks different than mine of course. It doesn't look all squeezed and wrapped tight. Also a lot more moist. At this age does it bend easily? As you mentioned earlier, when you work your thumb nail to break it up to smoke, does it come apart dry or moist? Yours really looks nice.
Thats broken up under a micro scope they dont look like that to the naked eye. The cob was quite compact and solid as normal. I just wanted to show the resins and oils even after more than a year vacuum sealed of course after drying.
Yes indeed!

I just smoked some Northern Lights cob and man, I am high as hell!! I am having a hard time putting thoughts to the keyboard. I forget the next word as I struggle to spell the current word lol. Good stuff brother, good stuff!
Dont you just love it when your struggling to keep shit together ha ha.
I had some Zamaldelica cob yesterday and never stood a chance ha ha. Just laughed my ass off all morning I couldn't take anything seriously love it.
Awesome, thanks @tangwena! They’ve been drying about 2 hours and are dry to the touch. I’ll go and reseal them, put them in my closet...
It stays around 24c or 75f. I’ll open them in another 2-3 weeks... probably 2 cause idk if I’ll be able to wait! But I’ll practice my patience.

Thanks everyone for the kind words, I’ll be back in a couple/few weeks with some pics... can hardly wait to try some.
Woo hoo Magoo

Did you try one of the berries?
All of them. Lol. I think the effect is probably different than if I cut the same amount off the cob. The berries have been dry probably since the first week into the process. Maybe 2 weeks. Because as I was letting the cob dry to the touch the berries dried throughout. They were quite enjoyable though.
Howzit bruddahs and sistahs! I'm an active member and have been reading the cob thread for a couple years. Figured I'd pop over here and see what you people are cooking up. Finally grew a large harvest to have enough weed to give it the all-in. Started my first cobs last week.
Grew Queen Mother (Original Delicatessen), Guawi (Ace), and Panama x Bangi Haze.
Going for lighter cures with these first two strains. So far I've done 2 cobs of QM (95f@18hrs/left wet for ferment) and 3 cobs of PxBH (105f@24hrs/air dried 2hrs then vac'd for ferment). Also threw a PxBH top for the same treatment sans corn husk.



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