Testing New LED Lights vs 1000w HPS

I got my bud ledtester a slightly better camera so he uploaded some new pics...hope you like the bud porn!

This is some bud that was under a 1000w HPS just harvested.












Id leave my wife for that porn star lol. The hps look good how much longer do you think for the led's.Thats the one i cant wait to see
hps rocked some kick ass buds
how long till we see some nug porn from the LED lights?
or are some of those the LED buds
sorry a little lost atm XD
no wait not lost

. . .

nice grow ^.^b
big buds =D

We're hoping to smoke a couple with Santa and then hand him a pair of scissors to do some trimming Christmas day. {4 more weeks]
hps rocked some kick ass buds
how long till we see some nug porn from the LED lights?
or are some of those the LED buds
sorry a little lost atm XD
no wait not lost

. . .

nice grow ^.^b
big buds =D

wow , some one is super active today..(doesnt matter post made not today)
Purple rain Purple rain
Purple rain Purple rain

If you know what I'm singing about up here
C'mon raise your hand

Purple rain Purple rain

I only want 2 see u, only want 2 see u
In the purple rain

Man, excellent grow. I've heaard a little about LED's but this is unreal. Great Info +reps
oh yeah lookin damn good

We thank you...to be honest we could have done better. I'll try to get ledtester to update with some pics that you'll be able to tell how big the buds actually are.

It's 7 weeks of 12/12 today. Once we're done in a couple of weeks we'll post side by side shots of a couple of the best plants from both the LED's and HPS so that you could compare.
We thank you...to be honest we could have done better. I'll try to get ledtester to update with some pics that you'll be able to tell how big the buds actually are.

It's 7 weeks of 12/12 today. Once we're done in a couple of weeks we'll post side by side shots of a couple of the best plants from both the LED's and HPS so that you could compare.






Thanks buddy...you had to throw that BUT in there...LOL

So things look pretty good, as you can see these panels can do a good job...a couple of things happened that set these plants back a bit, so there's definitely room for improvement. We however have not posted any pics from the HID plants yet and when we do you will see that the HPS plants are a bit better.
Some of our obsevations so far:
The more panels the better....duh...it's why Cammie gets the results she does. She's running 4 times the number of panels in approx. the same amount of space.
To get the same coverage as 1000w HID you will need four 126w. That's still half the hydro consumption.
These panels are suppose to be equal to 400w HID on their own and from the results so far there's nothing wrong with the comparison.
Half the cola buds have huge white pistil beards I haven't seen before with HID's or outdoor. I believe it was do to having the lights so close to the plants.
This is only Ledtesters third grow ever so someone with more experience I'm sure could get better results.

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