The Answer's Hydro Revelations

Looking stronng TA. Good planning on this one. :peace:
That's right, I just copied his idea and modified it to fit my lamps.

Me Too! I made mine so the fence post goes right into the res. It's a cleaner look and everything stays dark and enclosed. Great Journal Here!


Thanks for asking Rose! Unfortunately I have been in the hospital since last thurs! I had a severly infected leg and have been injected with all these antibiotics and God knows what else! I was supposed to get out today, but now they are saying tommorow. This has been a horrible situation, as I have no insurance, was in the middle of training for my new job and haven't maintainced my garden since Thursday!! I haven't been able to pay my rent, car payment, car insurance.....because I have been in the hospital for almost a week! On top of everything, it looks like this hospital stay is going to cost me about $10,000 to 15,000! I just want to go home and sit in my garden!
Thanks for asking Rose! Unfortunately I have been in the hospital since last thurs! I had a severly infected leg and have been injected with all these antibiotics and God knows what else! I was supposed to get out today, but now they are saying tommorow. This has been a horrible situation, as I have no insurance, was in the middle of training for my new job and haven't maintainced my garden since Thursday!! I haven't been able to pay my rent, car payment, car insurance.....because I have been in the hospital for almost a week! On top of everything, it looks like this hospital stay is going to cost me about $10,000 to 15,000! I just want to go home and sit in my garden!

When it rains it pours. Similar deal with me, but L-4 on my back. I run a small business, and with the economy, have taken a big hit. Property's worth about half what I owe, and I don't have one plant in flower. I have an answer for both of us. If we can find the proper government form, enabling us to apply for Illegal Alienship, then you and I would qualify for the best health care money can't buy. We'd also have cable TV, plenty of potato chips, and be able to buy cuts of steak that you and I now can only afford to look at-yet if we qualify, we could afford to throw them to the dogs when we realize it's lost some of it's color. Yes my friend, only in America. I thought about dying my hair and eyebrows pitch black, get one of those dark spray on tans, learn to say "This is my country" in Arabic, and apply for all those nifty little perks. Maybe stamp a red dot between my eye just to be believable. Or maybe I'll learn Spanish, do the hair and skin thing, and run around spreading my seed all over making babies left and right so they too can enjoy the fruits of someone else's labor for a change. But alas, that pipe-dream wont come true. What I do know is this. Whatever doesn't kill me can only make me stronger. And at this stage of the game, pick your poison. This has nothing to do with this thread, but for what it's worth, I feel your plight. Many Americans are standing right with us, and in very similar situations, and more so than I have ever seen in all my years, and I'm no spring chicken. I'm ready for the cards to fall so we can begin to attempt to rebuild this mess we have left behind for our children and grandchildren. Please consider me your friend. You, my brother, are in my prayers. Peace.:goodluck:
10 page thread, but i got there.

Nice mate, love the DIY thing.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words and prayers! As of right now I Am still here at the hospital, getting the life sucked out of me! I've never been pumped so full of antibiotics and they always make me sick. Nothing like chem meds to make you better!
Hey Brother let them do their thing. It is obviously a bad infection. You can't put a price on your health. Just remember they can't eat you. Make a deal with the hospital and pay a few dollars a month. When I fell and broke my neck and back I was in the same boat. Just do what you can and the rest will follow. Without your health what can you do? Try to be positive. A positive mental attitude will bring you through this. I know you will be fine, and we need your help out here in the green growing world. Keep the faith brother you are not alone. :peace:
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