The Joy Of Growing - SweetSue Goes Perpetual

I was gonna come back and edit.
Idunno how you's do it... Ill be lucky if i wake up the following morning after harvest and have ANY left:lot-o-toke:

I'll tell you today I've been overindulgent. :laughtwo: I've never been one to deny myself the pleasure of enjoying the harvest. Today is a special circumstance, to be sure, but I typically "appreciate" a new harvest. I've used this new vaporizer so much I need to clean it tomorrow.

Life is sweet. Yours will be much sweeter before you know it. *blink* Harvest!
I actually have to disagree with that video
as far as temps go hes using a whole room it isn't the same in a tent
my temps in my tent can be almost 10 degrees higher because its not in a open room but in a tent
and my plants can transpire pretty well because I let my plants get closer to the light I like between 6-10 inches
outside my tent in the 70's in my tent can get up to 82 when it gets real hot
average in my tent 76-78

Willowater you say???
Please expand.
Originally Posted by toker69

"Willow Water" is a homebrew plant rooting hormone that is easily made and can be used to increase the strike rate (growth of roots) of cuttings that you're trying to propagate.

Willow water can be made from cuttings of any tree or shrub of the willow family, a group of plants with the scientific name of Salix. The more cuttings that are used and the longer they are soaked in water, the stronger will be the resulting willow water. Recommendations for the exact method of soaking vary. Cold water can be used, and soaking times of four or more weeks are often quoted. Other gardeners use boiling water to steep the willow twigs and soak the mixture for around 24 hours.

How to Make "Willow Water"
Here is the procedure for making willow water:

Collect young first-year twigs and stems of any of willow (Salix spp.) species, these have green or yellow bark. Don't use the older growth that has brown or gray bark.
Remove all the leaves, these are not used. Don't waste good green material though, compost the leaves or throw them in the garden as mulch.
Take the twigs and cut them up into short pieces around 1" (2.5cm) long.
The next step is to add the water. there are several techniques to extract the natural plant rooting hormones:
a) Place the chopped willow twigs in a container and cover with boiling water, just like making tea, and allow the "tea" to stand overnight.

b) Place the chopped willow twigs in a container and cover with tap water (unheated), and let it soak for several days.

When finished, separate the liquid from the twigs by carefully pouring out the liquid, or pouring it through a strainer or sieve. The liquid is now ready to use for rooting cuttings. You can keep the liquid for up to two months if you put it in a jar with a tight fitting lid and keep the liquid in the refrigerator. Remember to label the jar so you remember what it is, and write down the date you brewed it up, and to aid the memory, write down the date that it should be used by, which is two months from the date it was made!
To use, just pour some willow water into a small jar, and place the cuttings in there like flowers in a vase, and leave them there to soak overnight for several hours so that they take up the plant rooting hormone. Then prepare them as you would when propagating any other cuttings.
The second way to use willow water is to use it to water the propagating medium in which you have placed cuttings. Watering your cuttings twice with willow water should be enough to help them root.

Happy Harvest. Happy Birthday. Happy Vacation.

There I just said everything.

Ditto! Congrats on all the recent Harvests Sue and how old are you now? 24?
I was gonna come back and edit.
Idunno how you's do it... Ill be lucky if i wake up the following morning after harvest and have ANY left:lot-o-toke:

I grow so much I CAN'T use it all up. 14 full half gallon jars resting silently under the bed.....

That's how I roll.

EDIT: Pic from Oct. 1. I still had 4 plants to chop at this point.

Ditto! Congrats on all the recent Harvests Sue and how old are you now? 24?

:laughtwo: How sweet B A R. Honestly, I prefer 62 to 24. The 20s were pure angst for me, even if that was the point when I was growing towards Dale. I actually enjoy growing older, and the next man I outlive will appreciate all that curing I've done. LOL!

I grow so much I CAN'T use it all up. 14 full half gallon jars resting silently under the bed.....

That's how I roll.

EDIT: Pic from Oct. 1. I still had 4 plants to chop at this point.


Ahhhh, sweet inspiration. In a delightful twist of fate my harvest run that was supposed to initiate such an accumulation of stores in my own home just turned into a tear-down of the entire enterprise.

I certainly hope that when I get back up and running I can get a couple decent harvests in before life throws me the next curve ball. This "taste of what can be" stuff is getting tiresome. Someday we might be free to share with each other and no one would ever run out. ..... Yeah, incorrigible dreamer here. :laughtwo:

Time to do my Daily Stretch. I'll be back in a bit. I may be able to jar up some thinner stems today. :ciao:
That would be my hope. If had had a great harvest and a friend across the country was in need, I would love to be able to say " I am sending you and oz. Here is the tracking number." :peace:

It should be possible. In all stages. I think it would make us all grow better and we'd be sharing fools. :laughtwo: We'd probably put the Postal Service back in the black. Hahaha!
Excellent. You cure for the entire three months don't you?

Yea it's about 3 months if you include the burping. But I start 2 months cure when the jars are sealed for the last time. RH sits just under 70% because of where I'm located.

The longest cure I pulled of on a jar was 6 months, it was the Critical Hog and it was great!
So I'm talking to my friend and I mention my plan to sit up all night in the airport Thursday and she expressed surprise that I'd want to be there so long, so please check the departure time??????

Turns out my flight leaves at 6 PM on Friday. Whew! Extreme blonde moment there. :laughtwo: I had to laugh that I'd become so accustomed to flying being inconvenient that I'd assumed it was a god-awful early flight that I wouldn't be able to catch without spending the night in the terminal. LOL!

There's a cosmic lesson in there somewhere. I just chose to laugh at my own ditzy nature and remind myself to
A. Read more carefully in the future, please.
B. Stop assuming anything other than the best is in store for me.
C. Take a moment to thank the hard working staff at the Joy Division for once again having my back. They must laugh a lot there too. :rofl:

Time to start in on the list. For the first time in my life I haven't physically written it down anywhere and every time I try it resists being confined to paper. Interesting. Let's see how this free-form wrap-up goes. So far I have the SWICKS set up and a good part of the packing away done. Lights are all tucked away, crates and trays are cleaned and stacked. I'm glad I have more time to get the tent down. It'll come down faster and easier than it went up, I'm sure, but the additional time means I'll get it cleaned better.

Ok, let's try a list of gardening essentials
- plant clover in no-tills
- fill SWICK reservoirs
- lights over no tills on timers
- jar it up
- dismantle fan and filter
- scrub tent
- dismantle tent


Good. I bought another day. Sweet. Those people in Joy Division must love me something fierce. :battingeyelashes: :love:

You know the drill. You. Joy. Disperse far and wide. :hug:
I've an extra day. That means I need more brownies. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Two branches of Carnival offered to be the psychoactive element.


Eight grams for the brownies.


Two extra grams for whatever. Yes, I could jar them up (they are in my :420: bud jar :battingeyelashes: ), but where's the fun in not consuming it?


She sure made pretty buds.


All frosty. :battingeyelashes:


Its decarbing in the oven right now and the aroma is deadly! Whoa! I smell a touch of cinnamon. When I tried some in a pipe yesterday I got a flash of cinnamon more than once. Maybe I'm not imagining it?

PESTS!!!! GRRRR!!!!!

Irrefutable evidence that my 7 gallon no-till has a lively community of thrips.



Not the type of thing one needs to learn this close to departure, with no way to get anything delivered to properly deal with it. :straightface: I did the only thing available to me, which was smash as many of the little buggers as I can when they dare to wander across the exterior of the pot and top dress heavily with neem meal. Not sure what that topdress will accomplish, but it certainly can't help but enhance the soil in the end.

I see no evidence that they've jumped ship to the 10 gallon pot. They have almost six weeks to make that happen. :laughtwo: If the infestation is still active when I return I can take time to get it controlled before planting. Not much I can do at this late date, and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. Thankfully, the only thing growing in the pots right now are onions and the clover seeds I planted today. It's wait-and-see from here.
Oh yes, a shout out to BB, who called the thrips almost two months ago, to my recollection, and then I overlooked them continuiously ever since. Lessons learned: 1) listen to those more experienced, and 2) keep the pots where you can get to them. No more burying one in a corner.

Good eye BB. It's a shame I didn't listen then. You tried. :battingeyelashes:
Time to try one of those Carnival brownies. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Time to try one of those Carnival brownies. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Interesting, a distinctive flavor to these. Finished it at 4:37. Let's see if I notice when I begin to really feel it take effect.
Interesting, a distinctive flavor to these. Finished it at 4:37. Let's see if I notice when I begin to really feel it take effect.

5:00 PM. Nice racy feeling. High energy kicked in. Let me out that to use getting the kitchen in order. Oooooo.... I like this. This is nice Graytail. :laughtwo: Just what I was hoping for. It does feel like a carnival. :laughtwo:
Brownie Report: Carnival

Let's face it, I'm an edibles babe. There's no reason to continue the facade of smoke reports with me. :laughtwo:

These were distinctively different from any others I've made. It's interesting how I'm able to ascertain the different strain effects from the brownies. I shouldn't be surprised by that, but I was.

This one is closest to speed yet. I didn't get this effect yesterday from Carnival either vaped or smoked, but within 30 minutes of ingesting a brownie with about a gram of quality bud I was starting into the dishes, intending to just get the sink clear so I could possibly throw a load of laundry in, if the mood struck me. The washer drains into the sink, so you understand.

Here we are about three and a half hours later. My kitchen is not just clean, it's been detailed. When I found myself taking a magic eraser to the standing dust pan and washing the bristles of the associated broom I knew for sure that the first run when I get set back up to grow will be a pair of Carnivals. :laughtwo:

The kitchen sparkles. I'm working on the second load of laundry. That first load included a holiday tablecloth that's been tossed under a chair in the corner of the kitchen since the weekend of Friday the 13th of February, when they amputated Dale's leg. Grief is a b***h. I washed the last two crates, washed out all the little pans and things that had accumulated from the gardening and then scoured the tub. The gardening mess at the foot of my bed is now completely cleared and swept clean.

Then I took the time to sort through the stack of important papers I've been negligently tossing off to a side since he died. Now they're all filed away and that emotionally painful mess no longer stabs at me every time I walk down the hall to the kitchen.

I'm most proud of that.


I decided that warranted another brownie. I can't take them with me. :cheesygrinsmiley: The daughter was just over here tossing her laundry in and asked, curiously, what I intended to do with the brownies I just baked today. It took me a minute to stop laughing. There won't be any left, and I'm not at all concerned about getting everything done. :laughtwo:

Carnival is definately a keeper and more. She gets top marks in my book. Not only a cheerful disposition, but motivation beyond anything I'd anticipated. Let's see how much more I can accomplish tonight. It's only 9:00 and I can feel the jaw beginning to tighten. Here we go again.

My musical choices while I was cleaning started off with old Motown hits which somewhere slipped into a YouTube playlist of Stephanie Mills, of all choices. :laughtwo: That caught me off guard, but I was cleaning at top speed and wasn't going to complain. LOL! Let's see where the evening takes me.

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