The Mars Hydro FC4800, Prescription Blend And Weed Seeds Express 3x Sponsored Grow: The Amazon Pt I: A Flowering Paradise

Looking great as always. I hope everythings ok and looking forward to thenext round of pics
Thanks brother. You and me both :peace::meditate:
Hope your arm/shoulder heals soon!
I'll let you know what happens tomorrow, early appt! :hug: meet me half way on that hug...maybe a little more lol
Still managed to roll up and catch up on Oak Island!

We make things happen right?

@ppm Charlie you do all the time!

If the shoulder bothers you, get out the SUPER Special ganga and ride the zoooommm...
I'm on it. See above


Mix of Ammy and Bubs tonight with a twinge of G
Still managed to roll up and catch up on Oak Island!

We make things happen right @ppm Charlie ?!


With your arm/shoulder out - it makes you slow down a bit. Sometimes I think you take on too much. I guess our body tells us when enough is enough. I sympathize - I seem to be able to do less as I age and therefore my goal is to find the easier way to do things. Like sitting for certain tasks instead of standing, being more organized, making lists and taking many doober breaks to ease the pain of old joints and bones. Also, not climbing ladders without a "spotter" ("spotter" = person laughing their a** off when I tumble down and one taking the video for the "shaming" record).

golden girl lmao!! I do love Sophia and Dorothy!
With your arm/shoulder out - it makes you slow down a bit. Sometimes I think you take on too much. I guess our body tells us when enough is enough. I sympathize - I seem to be able to do less as I age and therefore my goal is to find the easier way to do things. Like sitting for certain tasks instead of standing, being more organized, making lists and taking many doober breaks to ease the pain of old joints and bones. Also, not climbing ladders without a "spotter" ("spotter" = person laughing their a** off when I tumble down and one taking the video for the "shaming" record).
I agree, body was aching for a break maybe...come back rejuvenated as ever! I want a video of your tumbles to put on AFV
Monster high!
FOR REAL! I'm about to have a chocolate nugget and clonk!
I was about 6 pages behind. Skipped ahead and now I'm feeling more behind?! WTF?

I'll go back a couple pages and see what's going on with the plants and...shoulder?!
Everyone falls behind here. No worries catching up lol. Orthopedic in an hour and a half. I'll maybe know more then. Girls are splendid although I can't lift them...Tried and dropped Onyx...luckily she's a trooper and I caught her before she fell onto her branches
Everyone falls behind here. No worries catching up lol. Orthopedic in an hour and a half. I'll maybe know more then. Girls are splendid although I can't lift them...Tried and dropped Onyx...luckily she's a trooper and I caught her before she fell onto her branches
Maybe you need "420 caddies" - like garbage can caddies. Put a rope on that beast and party down to the smooth running plant relocations. Yeah, baby! :slide:
Maybe you need "420 caddies" - like garbage can caddies. Put a rope on that beast and party down to the smooth running plant relocations. Yeah, baby! :slide:

I do. A team of 420 minions even. Yaaaaasss!!
100 Green bodies with pistils for hair and nugs for heads!

I can see them now, feeding, watering, trimming, cleaning, spraying, transplanting....

This . This is a money maker.
@ppm Charlie where did the Golden Girl reference I posted last night come from? That doesn't make any sense at all and I am so confused. I had to have inserted that quote from somewhere else initially. Sheesh I need a nap already

I do. A team of 420 minions even. Yaaaaasss!!
100 Green bodies with pistils for hair and nugs for heads!

I can see them now, feeding, watering, trimming, cleaning, spraying, transplanting....

This . This is a money maker.
The "AI-robo-420" - that's what you need...if you get one...let me rent it out from you for harvest time...trim jail is sooo long and tiring. LOL!
The "AI-robo-420" - that's what you need...if you get one...let me rent it out from you for harvest time...trim jail is sooo long and tiring. LOL!
I will gladly share with you my friend!!! And oh now I remember! Somehow it got on there from when @Bill284 and I were talking about my Golden Girls mug! That was weeks ago! Must be another @Paul Squiggle security breach
@ppm Charlie where did the Golden Girl reference I posted last night come from? That doesn't make any sense at all and I am so confused. I had to have inserted that quote from somewhere else initially. Sheesh I need a nap already
I knew what you were puffing last night was quite "impactful", since you used the "Golden Girl" scene. I thought - "damn, @Krissi1982 has finally copped a hard buzzzz...good for her...whare's my GOOD stash? - let's PARTEAAA!" - in any case, I persist. :hookah:
I knew what you were puffing last night was quite "impactful", since you used the "Golden Girl" scene. I thought - "damn, @Krissi1982 has finally copped a hard buzzzz...good for her...whare's my GOOD stash? - let's PARTEAAA!" - in any case, I persist. :hookah:
What a flipping combo! That and I was emotionally and physically exhausted I'm sure made it worse. I'm really losing it... @Zephyrs is wrong! :rofl: he told me I was fine!
F freaked out
I insecure
N neurotic
E emotional

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