The Mega Crop Thread

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I have always had good results with the Ocean Forest for about 4 weeks, wouldn't it be better to let it go at least until then?.
You can, but you can also feed it half dose for the first couple of weeks. I use FFOF and another product very similar, if not hotter than FFOF, and feed starting at day 3 above soil. I give them 1g of MC/4L of water. You'll get good plants waiting a month before feeding it, or you'll get gooder plants by feeding early.
You'll get good plants waiting a month before feeding it, or you'll get gooder plants by feeding early.

This approach is more better.
Hey everybody...

I thought I would post this bit of information about the effects of excessive N throughout flowering. I only point this out becasue GLN is good enough to make a feed calculator on their website and although there is some room for going over the recommend maximum doseage there's a reason why you shouldn't go extremely high. If you are wondering what I would consider extremely high it would be anything over 7.5g/gal.

An optimum level of nitrogen throughout the plants growing phases will result in vegetative vigor, bright green leaves due to chlorophyll production, increase the number of leaves and size of the stems. Other advantages to an optimum level of nitrogen include an increased resistance against insects and fungi.

On the other side of the pond, too much nitrogen reduces yield and flower quality and causes weak stems, excessive foliage growth, delayed ripening of your fruit and creates a less sweeter end product. Your plant will show little resistance to pests as well.
More importantly though is too much nitrogen during the flowering stage will cause your plant to produce much smaller buds.

So if you think you are doing good by giving the plant all you can, think again. The goal is the end harvest, not how big the plant gets throughout the grow. Proper training will grow you a big plant, proper feeding will give you a bountiful return.
Finally caught up and my MC arrived yesterday.Still got a couple months before I start up but reading this thread has really helped me feel confident on my upcoming grow.Thanks heaps to everyone that has posted so far

The simplicity with quality product is what really makes it work out
Ohh Ohm's law how I hate thee.

Had to bug out of town for a bit. Watered the girls and headed out. Came back to find my breaker tripped and my garden in near ruin.

I immediately performed CPR (cursing pleading ranting). After a few days they perked back up. So everything seems to be ok....

Really wanted this biscotti to be beautiful. Now it's all yellered up and has crunchy bits lol. Ohh well it's about the journey good or bad. At least it survived and I can harvest next weekend.

The nugs themselves look to be fine.


What blew my breaker? Don't know.
I run my entire setup veg&flower off one single outlet. I am a watt Nazi and wield my killawatt with great care so I don't overload things but my last light addition may have sent me to close to the sun on wings of wax. Time to make some changes and get more efficient. My quantum strip light project being step one.

Hope all your gardens are green. (Mines not)

oh shit @FatBeaverBuds. i've had bad stuff happen when gone as well. it sucks.

it's not what the garden pulls, it's what else is on the circuit.

you need to track everything on that circuit to get an idea of the draw it is facing. easy way to do it is trip the breaker and see what does not have power. this was key for setting up fort st veg/clone. that space is running at the edge of what i can do. the space itself draws very little, but there are things i cannot control on the circuit.

the jungle room got built with a dedicated circuit. we put it in just for the space. that is total luxury, and something i've never had before.

thanks for that @InTheShed . @Dutchman1990 's journal is amazing for anyone looking for pointers. so past my level.

Start feeding from day one it does well in coco here are my girls now there only a few weeks old o

hiya @Jack420 . hope you are well... everything is normal i see ... :p

It's obviously supercrop day :).

it's always supercrop day at jacks..
a couple MC hempy shots to start the day..
state of affairs about this time yesterday

everyone green and healthy. the MC is so easy to work with. a few plants had got bushy enough that the light didn't penetrate lower, and a few little fans got choked off. it was the first time i had seen the plants consume a leaf since the transition from seedling to veg, and that was due to me not ramping the feed fast enough for the growth.

everyone got a grand mauling and tie down... :cheesygrinsmiley:

bunch of sad angry wet cats.. :laughtwo:
was stage two of the defol and tie down planned for the week. likely was the last of anything major. will probably just be a maintenance snip or two from here in til flower.

on the bounce back after the big pout this morning ...

the gals are all back to snackers.
now to watch how they grow from here. :)

still at 5.5g / gal on RO ph'd to 5.8(ish) and holding steady.
1050 - 1070 ppm depending how precise i am pouring water in to the revered orange bucket. :p
feeding by plant read.
Last night had to take my Yorkie to vet . Was watering mama’s ivy’s with the spent water and it ran to the drain in the garage when I watered to run off . Checked the cameras this morning and She had licked the runoff a little tooo much . Got her to the vet and they said she had been poisoned and we didn’t know what till this morning. Thank goodness she’ll be fine ! Just wanted to pass this along , must be tastie mixed with water because she was lapping it up !
CO2 I use the bottle off my keg dispenser !
Last night had to take my Yorkie to vet . Was watering mama’s ivy’s with the spent water and it ran to the drain in the garage when I watered to run off . Checked the cameras this morning and She had licked the runoff a little tooo much . Got her to the vet and they said she had been poisoned and we didn’t know what till this morning. Thank goodness she’ll be fine ! Just wanted to pass this along , must be tastie mixed with water because she was lapping it up !
CO2 I use the bottle off my keg dispenser !
My Buddy is very interested in the MC bucket once I get it mixed up, and I am sure that he would lap it up if I let him. Be very careful with your pets around this stuff, it is so easy to poison them with people food and cleaners and such. I am very glad that your Yorkie is going to be ok!
take care of the dogs !

on a brighter note, we gave cbd pills to my friends german shepherds as they got older. made an incredible difference, greatly increasing their value of life. thc can really mess them up tho, so none of that.
take care of the dogs !

on a brighter note, we gave cbd pills to my friends german shepherds as they got older. made an incredible difference, greatly increasing their value of life. thc can really mess them up tho, so none of that.
The vet recommended cbd oil , if he only knew !
Day 18 of Bloom! Megacrop is the best!
Still using tap water, no pH adjustments or worries, highly minerally amended supersoil mix with Vulx in 5 gallon containers. Plants are drinking 1/2 gallon a day. MC is at 6g/gal, SK is no longer needed, BE is on hold till week 4, and SC has been resumed at 1g/g, for now.
Day 18 of Bloom! Megacrop is the best!
Still using tap water, no pH adjustments or worries, highly minerally amended supersoil mix with Vulx in 5 gallon containers. Plants are drinking 1/2 gallon a day. MC is at 6g/gal, SK is no longer needed, BE is on hold till week 4, and SC has been resumed at 1g/g, for now.
What are your thoughts on the cal mag product? Is it needed in bloom?
What are your thoughts on the cal mag product? Is it needed in bloom?
Every grow is different, but I know that so far I have not needed it. I am using tap water however, which contains a lot of both calcium and magnesium, and the new version of MC has included a lot more of both in its mix too. So far, so good, in my garden.
Regarding GLN's version of calmag... it seems to be made for applications other than growing weeds... maybe for commercial tomato farmers. Time and time again I see people getting in trouble using that product to grow weeds, and those that have seen a need for extra, have gone to outside products to make it work well with the MC.

At any rate, I would not blindly apply extra calmag, until a need has been seen for something extra, and only after finding that just increasing the MC at a reasonable rate won't fix the problem.
My new bag of MegaCrop arrived today, and it is my personal, subjective and unscientific opinion that they have partially ground this stuff up. I don't see nearly as many balls in here, and none of the really big ones. In addition to that, there are a lot of the shiny fine grounds that I have seen as a result of trying to grind this stuff up. I may be wrong, but this is what I think I am seeing with this larger 750g batch.
Day 16 and we have thrips. Treating with hot shot pest strips. Further study and Spinosad in captain jacks dead bug may have been better choice? I was slow to catch this due to inexperience. Last feed 2G may jump to 4G then 6G.
Yup, thrips. Get them now while its small. Soap, lemon juice and water will work to a degree. Hit the underside hard every 3 days until your convinced you got them.
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