The Red Cup!

I am thinking contained,, because if I could let solo's legs walk a bit,, man,, there would be no limit :)

Thats the idea though... i trimmed about 30% of the longer roots yesterday. Then fresh soil.

Its the final countdown!!!
Anyone want some ramen? Cup-o-noodles? :rofl:

We flip tomorrow :yahoo: made it through veg, and solo is still green, (the green monstah) Doesn't seem like she is growing as fast,, (good thing too), I allways seem to see new white roots growing at the bottom, and it appears to be pushing the top ring up. so.. gonna have to cut soon i think,, maybe tonight before flip?

or, I could just be lazy and let it go,,, 'run it' :rofl: I guess it depends on how high I get after work. :lot-o-toke:

So, Miss Solo pre-flip...
Well, I'm late but all caught up and want to see how this turns out! Honestly I came here because I heard about the solo dwc cup lol I have wanted to venture into the dwc world myself and this may be a good place to start before moving on to a bucket :) Great looking root ball!! I would imagine you will need to do some trimming in there to make it get thru to harvest? Should be a tangly mess to try and sift through :rofl: Looks great though, good job!

Great contest though, I would enjoy this. Maybe by next round I will be doing some cloning and jump in on it. Trying out the auto solo cup grow as well with a freebie seed, not going well, it's a mutant :rofl: Should be interesting to see if it comes out of it lol

Best of luck to everyone, I will be watching now for the fun part :)
You heard about the SWC? hmm, :rofl: guess she is getting around, the tramp. I wonder who else she has been talking too, gonna have to have a talking to her tonight... :rofl:

Tangled mess?, oh you aint joking. My plan is to cut about a 1/2 off the bottom, take out the air stone, pull the air tube down to the bottom of the mass, and put on a new air stone. Probably should trim the bush a bit too.

To be honest, I am as surprised at her growth, and my ability to keep her alive so far. But, we have 8 weeks to go,,,, a long time. The fact that it is already fully packed with roots is going to make it very tough to finish.. we will see.
Ok cool, wasn't sure what your exact plans were.. I had pictured a sort of thinning out and leaving some full roots intact :) will be interesting to see either way! Glad I made it for the flip to flower!

Oh yea, I heard about it on the other solo cup grow thread. She's been mingling with some of the auto babies, dirty thing :rofl: Guess it's about time to rein her back and make her do what she's supposed to be doing instead of running around like that haha
That's kind of what I was thinking.. maybe a thin out for half of them, then if they don't want to grow back quickly you still have some other main roots doing the job while those ones repair themselves. Losing half of ALL the roots to a plant is quite the shock, happened to me transplanting one time lol But, I have heard of a technique call root scoring when transplanting. Helps the roots start to grow more vigorously once repaired if they were root bound, they start branching off like the plant would if it was topped. Haven't tested this myself, would have to try it in a clear green cup or something.
That's kind of what I was thinking.. maybe a thin out for half of them, then if they don't want to grow back quickly you still have some other main roots doing the job while those ones repair themselves. Losing half of ALL the roots to a plant is quite the shock, happened to me transplanting one time lol

yup, done that before, accidentally rip off the bottom half while transplanting,,, :rofl: I've killed my share of plants before, thats for sure.

But, I have heard of a technique call root scoring when transplanting. Helps the roots start to grow more vigorously once repaired if they were root bound, they start branching off like the plant would if it was topped. Haven't tested this myself, would have to try it in a clear green cup or something.

when I was a teen working in landscaping, that is what we used to do. Most of the nursery stock was severly root bound, so when dropping into the ground, we would score it with a knife, vertical lines, about 5 or 6 evenly spaced, used to cut in about the thickness of the blade, then kinda flared the bottom out as we dropped into the ground. that was my first experience with planting, growing, etc, lots of new construction landscaping, and then maintenance, just being told what to
When i transplant, even if they arent root bound, i always tear the roots a bit and open them up. so that original root ball doesnt stay so bunched up and spreads out evenly throughout the pot.

I have thought about this when doing my transplants but at the same time I hate the thought of dropping the bugger or ripping the roots in half again haha. I usually just give the root ball a gentle squeeze to help loosen the roots up a bit and then set it in the pre-made hole lol

yup, done that before, accidentally rip off the bottom half while transplanting,,, :rofl: I've killed my share of plants before, thats for sure.

when I was a teen working in landscaping, that is what we used to do. Most of the nursery stock was severly root bound, so when dropping into the ground, we would score it with a knife, vertical lines, about 5 or 6 evenly spaced, used to cut in about the thickness of the blade, then kinda flared the bottom out as we dropped into the ground. that was my first experience with planting, growing, etc, lots of new construction landscaping, and then maintenance, just being told what to

I was quite surprised, the one plant that had the roots ripped off actually lived, didn't look like it was going to die at all, was crazy! And this was an auto strain as well before I started using peat pellets. It's actually ready to be harvested now :)

And so this is an actual practice for many types of plants then, I had never thought about root scoring until Stinky Snid had mentioned it one day and we got talking about it. Good to have these conversations about stuff we never would have thought of previously!
Are we allowed to let the roots grow outside the cup or does everything have to be contained inside the cup?

Roots must stay inside the cup but you can trim them. Thats what i did.
Seeing stretch already,, I think. Or, I am in for a ride...

So, I know I will need to cut out some roots soon, like last week. So, now my dilemma is, how am I gonna lay this plant out, on what, in order to do surgery....

but tomorrow, she needs a few runners cut off, some thinning out in the center, and maybe a lessening of roots to match the lessening of foliage.. balance,,?
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