Trala’s Tent

So I got:-

Sunshine on a rainy day make my soul, makes my soul, trip trip trip awaaaaaaay



OMG lifting that humidifier! I literally nearly blew out my phoof phoo valve.

I’ve set my timer 12 hours lights on @Billpopy79. 0600 - 1800. If all goes to plan my light will be out at 1801. Pray this happens #dontstopbelievin Gigggggglyyyyyyyy
In my day they washed hair with meths and shaved our head!
Just In case fucking meths didn't work. :eek:

Threaten shaving hair!
You'll get compliant results!
Will do


At the moment she’s stood at the foot of the grow tent dripping and alienated.
About $5 huh, cool where do I sign up? Yup I’m the last of the big spenders!!!

reminds me - Last time I went to the house of ill repute she checked me over and said “Now who are you gonna please with that little thing?“ To which I promptly replied - “Little ole me” …. shish - boom. I’ll be here all night - be sure to tip your server!

Gorgeous garden as always Miss Tra, I love the wall to wall greenery! :green_heart:

Sorry about Kimee she looks pretty fabulous in spite of nits tho, maybe Carcass can help on spray schedule to break the cycle.

Yeah I’m so sick of critters and compromised plants in my garden, it’s taken the fun out of growing and I’m looking to recover that. The garden should be a place to let go of stress….. not add more.

Hope you are setup for a nice weekend!

- Laters
Timers suck!
I stay analogue.
Found some at Bunions.. that just have half hour adjust knobs!
Much betterer :green_heart: :jawdropper::green_heart:
So true!

But this time it wasn’t my fault, well it was but not entirely. Look it was entirely my fault but accidents happen. My timer was on the humidifier and in my haste to disconnect it I dropped the timer on the floor and something must have broken because when I switched to the veg timer, I set it and it worked a treat. I’ll go down and check in 20 mins that it’s come on.

Is analogue the whirrrrrrrrl click click click one? Coz that’s the one I have. I get so confused whether I click click click down or up.
They're looking spot on lady. Great shape, size and a lush green. Can't ask for more. :goodjob:
Thank you very much. They really are looking so good. I’ve just got to make sure it’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming home, it’s coming home, my flowers coming home.

TRA TRA TRA! I fucking love those plants! They look so good :green_heart:
Hello Ladybird :)

Thank you! See when you sit back and ask the universe to help, sweet fuck all happens. But when you get off your arse, make a plan, listen to advice and organise what you need you start to see results.


I’m so stoked.
About $5 huh, cool where do I sign up? Yup I’m the last of the big spenders!!!

reminds me - Last time I went to the house of ill repute she checked me over and said “Now who are you gonna please with that little thing?“ To which I promptly replied - “Little ole me” …. shish - boom. I’ll be here all night - be sure to tip your server!

Gorgeous garden as always Miss Tra, I love the wall to wall greenery! :green_heart:

Sorry about Kimee she looks pretty fabulous in spite of nits tho, maybe Carcass can help on spray schedule to break the cycle.

Yeah I’m so sick of critters and compromised plants in my garden, it’s taken the fun out of growing and I’m looking to recover that. The garden should be a place to let go of stress….. not add more.

Hope you are setup for a nice weekend!

- Laters

Its all coming together, K.

Kimee actually looks like a train wreck. She’s my little monster. She looks abused, unkept, uncared for and lost. I’ll get a pic. She is basically a plant version of a 14 year old me. I prolly should bin her, but I just can’t. It sounds so ridiculous I know, but when I can heal a broken plant, I heal a part of me too. #mental4lyf Seriously given the stress revegging is causing her I need to be on herm watch.

I‘m on a nightshift tonight, but I have a bit of a day planned. Starts with a walk, then yoga at 10am, then I’m going to buy 2 new timers, coz I’ll need to plug that humidifier in at some point. Clean my house, make tonight’s dinner to microwave later, then its couch and binge tv, then an attempt to sleep before my shift.
Is analogue the whirrrrrrrrl click click click one? Coz that’s the one I have. I get so confused whether I click click click down or up.

That's the kind that we had and I can never figure out how to use it and always have to ask my husband to set it for me, which I hate.

So, one of the GSC growers had a digital timer (@VetSmoke85 , I think?) and I thought "BINGO! That's what I need." So, I bought one to see if I liked it and I love it and now I've ordered 2 more. This is the one I got:

Autopilot 2-Outlet Digital Timer.jpg
That's the kind that we had and I can never figure out how to use it and always have to ask my husband to set it for me, which I hate.

So, one of the GSC growers had a digital timer (@VetSmoke85 , I think?) and I thought "BINGO! That's what I need." So, I bought one to see if I liked it and I love it and now I've ordered 2 more. This is the one I got:

Autopilot 2-Outlet Digital Timer.jpg
Good morning Hashgirl :)

Sweet mother of Jesus Christ! That looks even more confusing! You’ve added buttons! And lots of them!

I was nearly crying at my stupidness I really was, I kept testing, then retesting, then retesting, it just wouldn’t turn the light off. I was literally about to take a hammer to it when I thought “hmmm it took a Big Bang when I dropped it”. Then got my veg timer and abracadabra.

Is the one I’ve got analog?
These are super simple as they only have 2 clicks per hour.
Click in = off!
Out is on.
I've found the ones with more clicks,break easier.
One thing I will NEVER say is timer and super simple. I get sooooooo confused.

See because I use my sun predominately as my grow light, I only use the tent light to:-

a) top up to the needed 18 hours of light for veg
b) give me sunshine on a rainy day in the flower room and ensure I get exactly 12 hours of light.

Veg light was set from 0600- 2400 and my flower light is set for 0600 - 1800. This means once set I only need to move the dials to the right time to get the extra hours I need, if you know what I mean.
Oiii @Carcass

Firstly, good evening :)

Im just fiddling about with my girls before bed and I just want to make sure of two things.

1. I am still CARHOOKING TM and rock hanging to guide my outside branches out to make room in the middle, that’s correct aye? I am seeing distinct bending, like a supercrop bend but gentle

2. Even though Ive started the flower light schedule, I’m still feeding the veg 2.25/2L aye? I don’t start the 2.5/2L until flower like see the hairs. I’m 96% sure I’m doing it right, I think I just need reassurance.

If I was to listen to my plants I would say this feed schedule is on point and I base this on two things, their shade of green is just exquisite and the other thing is I am seeing remarkable growth from them every day. I have never grown plants this beautiful and I just want to do my best to do them justice,

Seeds shape so much better than clones. That symmetry makes my heart soar.
seeds do love symmetrical growth and why it is better to use them for training in quads ect. If you remove lower growth, it is easier to keep it balanced and uniform during the process too. We get the full planned DNA in a seed but a clone is a lower branch that kept growing basically. slightly less vigour and has no idea who is a merristem until the growth has sorted itself out. To keep a great plant going clones can't be beaten as you get a perfect match to rhe original but this also means only a single phenotype too. quite a few strains have different phenotypes that give a version of the original but differ as much as a different strain altogether. exploring phenos can be as engrossing as changing strains. A good example is my #3 Purple monkey who is totally different looking to her 2 sisters in growth and node spacing.
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