Tunes420 600 w KC-33/Bud Lady

Hey Slim least you didn't make the mistake I bet ever grower has done one time or another, think that you can get by with a smaller lite only to kick yourself in the ass because you got the smaller one. Looking good dude.
:laughtwo: norcaliwood good point brother grower ....was thinking of bigger flower room in near future and small flower room just being temporary. Would rather have 2-600's than 2-400's if we get bigger room cause i want to have room for 10 plants when i do upgrade again :thanks:
Tunes you are growin some mighty nice strains brother. I like that cheap and simple dishpan setup, looks so easy to set up.
Got a favorite strain?

max reps and ratings . Gotta take a closer look at your journal.:nicethread:
Damn nice tunes...Awesome grow you got some beautys goin on there..A+++
:thanks: Mmmmick your plants are coming along nicely....can't wait to try scrog myself ....Blueberry will be my fav :yummy:

:thanks: weedtastic mate....I did hear drum roll ....that was you? tks brother grower :passitleft:Will get some Mona Lisa shots tomorrow :)
:thanks: SS ....was accually small yeild...didn't train till it was halfway thru streach in flower room.....21 grams dry off her...But super good stuff the taste and high with this stuff :yummy: I break up a bud at friends house and everyone close looks cause they smell it.....omg they all want some ...but told them sorry all.... i smoke too much and 21 grams don't go far ....told them to grow there own :smokin:....I'd help :grinjoint:
:thanks: siscokid Loving light man.....showing great results in short time...hope you are able to grab one for yourself brother grower. Mona Lisa is really nice...never grew one that was dome shape that exploded into these nice shoots that will form nice colas ....all over....will have to get some pictures up tomorrow been like 3 pages since i posted any :passitleft:
:thanks: moslowjj and congrats on your harvest so far....unbelievable bro!
LMAO can't believe i messed up posting with that name already ....that is too funny... stoned moment all ....WoodTunes is me....sometimes :scratchinghead:
:thanks: Screwnuts33


come to think of it I think you mentioned that somewhere else. I kinda remember readin it....or I'm havin a stoned moment as well. It could happen, I did have one once. lol
Well dude its all good I been out getting fucked up for my b-day tonite. Whatever you do is fine just im me. It's all good. Besides Janet got beat up on the slot machines. We'll hook in a few. Lates
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