hey man,

im in my first grow (just began 3rd week), im also using the GLR... it seems as tho the girls are lovin it, i just switched to Blue Planet Nutrients and they are takin off!!! been readin thru your journal and im going to keep readin... interested in the tissue culture for when im gettin ready to start perpetual...

MOTM! good job...:bravo:
I'm assuming for GLR to work you have to be able to control your dark periods. If you're working in a spare bathroom I think you're probably better off sticking to 24/0.[/QUOTE]

Oh shoot!! i just switched it to 19/5 you think that will be fine, should i do 15/9???? i need input. you and steve are my gurus.:adore::bravo:
jjames ~ Thank you. Congrats on using the GLR. I'll check out your journal.

kola bear ~ 15/9 will work, GLR is heaven. :}

Thanks 12, i can't set my tent up until after all the holidays are over since fam and friends will be over and that bathroom is gonna be used but not till around dec.:thedoubletake: These two starts i'm just trying to get them around a foot tall then i'm gonna throw them outside under some palms in 3 gal pots just to let them do their thing without getting too crazy. Once tent is in use i will def do the GLR method. Thanks for the lesson and for sharing wisdom.:Namaste::adore:
Command Center v1

Time is the essence. The Command Center v1 (more details added soon) help manage the secret garden so I know how they are doing in term of growth stages and their current assigned location. Each growth stage require a small portion of my time since they are under my control, with the perpetual grow I can have multi-strain going at the same time. :love:


From experience each growth stage require small amount of time. :phew:

Veg - Under Gas Lantern Routine
- Germination: 1 - 7 days
- Seedling 2nd node: 10-15 days
- First cutting: 10-15 days (best for 12/12 to determined sex)
- Seedling into mother plant (clone factory): 20-30 days
- Cutting rooting: 5-14 days (12-15 for optimal root structure)
- Time Capsule (for extra cuttings to be rooted): 3 weeks - 1 month hold

- Stretch in bloom: 1-2 weeks
- First bud: 2 weeks in bloom
- Finish flowering: 7-10 weeks

Got plants covered in all the growth stages, perpetual. The stages in bold are on going while the non bold stages are only for starting from seeds. :geek:

Permanent collection:
- Super Lemon Haze
- Pineapple Express

Trail run for every other strains until proven worthy to help others with me till the end...:Namaste:
Twelve, that's so funny! I just posted a worksheet, two minutes ago, that I came up with to help me manage my SOG! I guess we're both getting confused with all these plants in all different stages of growth. I just have a lot less plants confusing me! :rofl:
Nice buddy! Congratulations on the MOM win, well deserved my friend. Congrats also on the new BPN lineup. Please document your impression of those vs. your FF lineup, if you dont mind. I Currently use the FF line too, and am pretty happy with them, but would love to know how they stand up to BPN.
Oh yeah and I'm subbed to a couple of your journals, just keeping quiet as theres not much I could add!
Love the command center! Your organization and attention to detail will reward you with beautiful flowers, happy cannabis plants, and bountiful harvests. I'd love to grow out one/some of your new strains someday. :bravo:
Update: Time Capsule

I've been testing out the duration of the Time Capsule to see how long the preservation last before the clones dies or take roots. Got different strains going to get a sense of time for each (in different container). The longer the cutting stays alive in the capsule without rooting/dying the better. If they root I'm not complaining. As long as they don't die. Actually, they do if the stem is not in the water or the water level is low (cuttings continue to use water).

There are many ways a grower can use the Time Capsule. It can be a rooting method (warning, extremely slow) to extend rooting time (I know it's strange to extend since we all want fast rooting. Not the case if all the cloners are used up), and a place to keep the clones alive until knowing what to do with it.

I use the it to hold the extra cuttings (I try to save all the trimmings). Since the aero/float cloner is always full when I make the trimming, the Time Capsule is where they go before into the next available slot in the cloner. The male plants are also kept in there too, extending rooting time before the need of a male again for breeding.

Hope is not too confusing on the use of the Time Capsule.


From the experiment so far it looks like Vanilla Kush in a jar with plain water will take roots around 20 days. Looks like this strain reacted fast while most other strains currently in the Time Capsule has not show sign of rooting. This could last up to a month or two for some strains. We shall see.

For true cuttings preservation look up Tissue Culture. This is not it.
Quixilvir ~ Thank you very much. I'll do my best to make the comparison once the grow is complete. So far I'm liking BPN, plants are taking off with speed, frosty buds even the stem has trichomes on some strains. I'll have the conclusion in about a month or so.

Xlr8 ~ Thank you. I think the next cycle will be optimal, still experimenting with some stuff and will use all the best results from the experiment for the first official run. After that, it's 1/4 breeding and 3/4 bud production! I need to do some research on how to get a seed bank started. It's going to take awhile…

kola bear ~ Thank you. It should work fine with LED. I'm running the LED for clones and HID for mothers and they are growing fast. Keep the light closer so the 1 hour on have enough intensity to break up the floral hormone. Too far away or too much red spectrum may trigger flowering. Heisenberg is correct if the restroom is used then dark period will be interrupted and may stress out the plants even more. If the restroom is unused then GLR will work.

Oh crap! I've been thinking that it was okay to let them get extra light, since they were in veg. For a whole week before I got my cooling set up, I had the tent open while the room lights were on, even during "dark". I've also been taking them out for photos during dark, so as to give them the full time under the MH. Am I gonna screw them up doing this? Y'know, I love all I learn here, but damn, now I gotta go research tissue culture and your time capsule technique. I can put plants into stasis?! This is amazing! Is there anything these plants can't do? Did you know that Granny420 is using colloidal silver to turn the bottom half of a female plant male, then pollinating the top half from the bottom?!?! I wouldn't believe half the stuff I'm seeing out here, if it wasn't for the proof in the pics! So, with the time capsule, they're right in the veg tent with everything else? Just still water with no oxygen? Do you find clipping leaf tips makes rooting faster in clones, or is that just for space? If complete leaves slow root production, could that extend the Time Capsule's effectiveness?
Please keep innovating and being an inspiration to the masses!
Hi, new to the site and looking for a little direction into how to start a how journal , I found the layout, and have that concept down, but can someone provide me a link as to where i can start my own thread, preferably in a t5 section...? I'm running t5 , ffof, 3 gallon pots 2 weeks into flowering, blue planet nutrients starting in a few days, totally experimental budget grow, also have 9 ebb n flow under 400 watt hps and 400 watt mh..any help would bw appreciated
Smoke2Js ~ Appreciate that brother. 90% of the likes is from me to others for posting :} Congrats on using BPN exclusively. Looking forward to SteveHman result on organic with coco coir, once the results in and it looks good I'll be switching to organic too. I'm using just the Bloom from FP line and you're right, it smells! All for the good though.

SauronBlue ~ You should be fine, vegetative growth is forgiving with mixed light schedule. Just don't give it too much dark hour, once the plant bloom the stress really show with crazy light interference. Tissue Culture actually lock in the growth for 4-6 months if done right, and Time Capsule is a shorter version of it, about 1-2 months for some plants, and 20 days for others. Tissue Culture require mixture of solutions act as food for the plants in holding. Granny420 made feminized seeds making look easy. This will come handy when I decide to create feminized seeds for my stabilized strains or favorite plant.

So, with the time capsule, they're right in the veg tent with everything else? Just still water with no oxygen?

The Time Capsule is with the clones under 180w LED and some in the Veg tent, both are set to GLR. I'm fixing to make a Time Capsule area for all to be in one area this weekend. Need some more trays and it's on!

Do you find clipping leaf tips makes rooting faster in clones, or is that just for space?

Yes, it's for space allowing other cuttings to get lights without the leaf shading them off. Also help with reducing moisture lost through having more leaf surface. Not sure about rooting speed with them being clipped. I think they slow down little having less leaf surface since there isn't enough chlorophyll for photosynthesis so growth is somewhat slowed.

If complete leaves slow root production, could that extend the Time Capsule's effectiveness?

Actually complete leaf will speed up root production. I'm thinking of just keeping the stem and some new leaf on top (newest growth) to slow down the root production even more…without leafs the cutting should remain a hermit for a good few months without rooting (just a theory). Going to test out some tonight. Sub experiment here we come! Now we know Vanilla Kush root in Time Capsule after 20 days with the leaf clipped in 1/2. Going to run the Vanilla Kush again fresh from the mother plant, this time without any leafs and see how long it will take. Longer the better. When the cutting take roots and is in veg/bloom they'll grow out new shoot and resume normal growth.

jdub ~ Welcome to 420 Magazine! Looking forward to your journal. To start one click here and make your first post by click on "New Thread" at the top left . Be sure to put the link in your signature so others can check them out.
Awsome time capsule buddy amazing that you have roots with no Oxygen just shows how hard it is to kill MJ

So just so i know once you have had your trims in the cup of water for a wile would you just transfer to your cloner as seen or would you prepare further.. i.e. with new cuts, stem scrape and a little hormone (oviously if there are no roots pressent) ?

I have been running GLR also and this morning i noticed some pistils :( im going to give her another week or 2 and if she continues to to produce more i will switch her to 18/6 have you not had any signs of flower atall?


Never thought this day would come but I have decided to do this full time. Expanding my garden to another room which is 15x15. The current room is 10x10 with 2 of 4x4 tent will remain as is (part veg and part flower) and use the flowering tent for breeding while the new room will be only for all girls party. Like one time I've been to a soroety house in college when they were setting up for a party, walked in, all girls sexy as hell just like that with better aroma.

64 of 2L bottles in 4x4 and I wonder how many can fit in 15x15 (insert evil laughter)...I may have to crash some parties to collect the empty 2L bottles in the mean time...

Got 1.5 months before the launch. Still need to clean out the room and order more supplies. Will need a bunch of coco, 2L, trays, couple more lights (600w) and make a few more aero cloner. Looking to harvest every week with the perpetual grow. I'm only going to grow out my permanent strains in the new room while continue with the trail grow in the tent (in the current room).

So, if I'm not as active as I have been this is why...

I'm no pro and growing out many strains and plants increases my success. Will implement the proven experiments I've done towards the new setup and let it rip. Raising a clone army and fight the prohibition. Guess this is my new job which I don't mind working past retirement. :love: :peace: :Namaste:
Re: Expansion

Never thought this day would come but I have decided to do this full time. Expanding my garden to another room which is 15x15. The current room is 10x10 with 2 of 4x4 tent will remain as is (part veg and part flower) and use the flowering tent for breeding while the new room will be only for all girls party. Like one time I've been to a soroety house in college when they were setting up for a party, walked in, all girls sexy as hell just like that with better aroma.

64 of 2L bottles in 4x4 and I wonder how many can fit in 15x15 (insert evil laughter)...I may have to crash some parties to collect the empty 2L bottles in the mean time...

Got 1.5 months before the launch. Still need to clean out the room and order more supplies. Will need a bunch of coco, 2L, trays, couple more lights (600w) and make a few more aero cloner. Looking to harvest every week with the perpetual grow. I'm only going to grow out my permanent strains in the new room while continue with the trail grow in the tent (in the current room).

So, if I'm not as active as I have been this is why...

I'm no pro and growing out many strains and plants increases my success. Will implement the proven experiments I've done towards the new setup and let it rip. Raising a clone army and fight the prohibition. Guess this is my new job which I don't mind working past retirement. :love: :peace: :Namaste:

I'd wish you luck, but based on your thoroughness , I don't think your going to need luck. I know you'll do great.
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