Utopian Submarine - 2000W, Indoor, Perpetual

Lighting Chart

Butcher posted this elsewhere - I just wanted it here where I could find it easily. Has nothing to do with anything we're talking about now - but is very handy.

First pics of all 5 Zones

Starting from the newest: Montana. Arrived as a snippet on the 11th.

The New Veg Area - mmm yummy clay net pots - The Barney's started on the 1st so 14 days from seed. Pretty sure I cost myself 1 during germ, but aside from that on track.

The Mom's Area. Gonna hook up the plumbing the next time the res is empty. You can see the Kali that croaked in the back. Those are all clones of the ones above in the scrog.

Another of the Veg Area:

And since I'm so pleased that they all fit - I have to be honest, I wasn't sure it would work til the last one arrived - you can see there is 0 extra inches anywhere:

Up to the ones in Early Flowering 6 x NYCD and 2 x AK47. I have both phenos of AK there - the tall one in the back, and the bushy one up front left. If the bushy one is female I will be very pleased cause she produced great smoke last time - and its a much more small room friendly plant.

A better sense of the color I guess.

And now over to the Scrog. The AK is front left, the Kali in the middle (looks like lillies on the pond) and the Dog Hair in the back. Which right now is looking a hell of a lot like the AK.

A quick look around the room:
Ye Olde Shelf of Luv:
Gravity, PurpleMax,HydroPlex,PureBlendPro Grow,Liquid Karma,CalMag+,PureBlendPro Soil,Sweet,Silica, phUp and phDown. The calibration fluid is behind the pH.

The Second Shelf of Luv, above the door. It also has the Carbon filter on it at the back, and that duct is a return from the Flower area if I want to circulate. Hygrozyme, Olivia's,BlueLab ComboMeter, Rootech, Neem Oil, MediWipes.

The CO2, humidifier, PureBlendPro Bloom, Clearex,Hydroguard

The reverse shot from inside with the door closed:

Finally, as we depart - a closing look:

Gotta put the curtains down:

And the other:

Hrm, might be time to clean just outside the door:
Holy moly I totally feel you on the last picture and comment, lol :) I think every DIY grower can relate to that :p

Your setup is looking really nice and professional: good work
Holy moly I totally feel you on the last picture and comment, lol :) I think every DIY grower can relate to that :p

Your setup is looking really nice and professional: good work


I don't put the stuff away because as soon as I do - then I will need it again. If I leave it out - I won't need it til I put it away. Therefore - the more I leave out, the less I have left to do.

Riddle me that, Batman!
Me again WP

This site always make me feel so giggly stupid. Such a wealth of good folks and info.

Thanks for that. That's exactly how I feel about 420. Giggly Stupid. Well, said.:grinjoint:

If and when I do a scrog. I will come back here to see how it's done properly.

Thats the way I feel too! this site and these people here are the greatest! and your tutorial on scrog is really good...cant wait till I have the room to do that...great job and great journal man :cool:
Very cool pics of the sub my man. Gives real perspective. I got a mess o tools and what not right outside my tent as well lol. The buds are looking good, little fluff balls right now, but I am sure that will change soon enough. Look like yummy popcorn to me heh.

I'll be back!

Day 21 of Flower Bud Pics

Since the room is all but done - we can focus on the plants. So to kick things off right - some better pics, gonna start slow...

Started the day by super-cropping the tallest AK


Here's the scrog 2 days after the weave the other day:

I don't mind telling you I think I pulled every muscle in my body climbing up to get this net overhead shot.

And now for the good stuff. BTW these are all un-color corrected or retouched, if you'd prefer a little Photoshop on them I can do. I was doing more a journal/documentary type feel.

All the following are Day 21 of Flower:

Dog Hair:







This one is actually one of the bud sites moved 2 days ago:

I hope those are pleasing - cause I'm gonna flake on getting any other real work done today on the controller - Gonna go see Avatar. And I'll take the Budding Clones at some point today.
Very nice set-up WP! :goodjob: I'd rep the heck out of you but it won't let me yet.

The plants are lookin' so fat and happy all tucked away like that. You are blessed to have organizational skills 'cause mine are crap! I see good things a coming! :bong:

C'ya L8r.

Thanks Guys.

BTW LR - It occurs to me that I was accidentally very rude in your journal. I didn't mean to say your plants look ugly in relation to any others. I meant they are ugly like I think ALL Thai plants look ugly even though yours aren't thai). That's not to say it isn't great smoke.

And yours are awesome plants period.

I've been feeling bad about saying that comment about the Ugly Dog contest - even though I really did mean it as a compliment - in type and given that you don't really know me - it was rude.
I cut 14 clones of various phenos today. Pics to come later.

All's well in the Sub - I'm hyper after the movie - Gotta wait an hour before I can work in the room.

I don't put the stuff away because as soon as I do - then I will need it again. If I leave it out - I won't need it til I put it away. Therefore - the more I leave out, the less I have left to do.

Riddle me that, Batman!

LOl, that is great. Hope you don't mind but I will have to use your phrase on occassion. Love it. The grow is looking good. Like the handywork.:peace:
Re: pH to Nute Availability Chart

Another image has nothing to do with current discussions - just handy and I wanted it here.


According to that by running my pH at 5.5 my plants could be having trouble getting P and Mg. I think I'll let it climb a bit and see if the plants can pull extra P and fatten the buds up faster.

Thanks for that.

Re: pH to Nute Availability Chart

According to that by running my pH at 5.5 my plants could be having trouble getting P and Mg. I think I'll let it climb a bit and see if the plants can pull extra P and fatten the buds up faster.

Thanks for that.


Thats what I ended up doing as well. and I've mentioned this before: just because it doesn't "show" that potassium is uptaken at 5.5, it is. It's just not the Optimal amount. The chart is meant to show that you should let your ph drift from 5.5 to 6.1, because most nutrients are uptaken the best in that range. So i'd say it's okay to use a 5.5 ph as long as it's drifting upwards slowly so no lockouts will happen.
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