Van Stank's Nukehead Sponsored Grow

Where have you seen them susceptible to bugs? Just the mention of bugs gives me the shivers.

Lol Jay's nuke... That thing was absolutely ridden with mite damage top to bottom on the leaves while the ATF right next to it hardy showed any signs. He will still make it to harvest though just needs to keep treating and do a hell of a bud wash... He does need to make it a point to save some money for treatments...
Then his orange cream was male which sucked as it looked the best... He should have bought the 80$ nutrients I guess since Cody claims his nutes almost gaurentee every reg seed to be female... Lol :CoughICallBullshitCough: but that's an entirely different subject lol.
Yeah well I think the ATF is a bit hardier than other strains. Most things from Alaska tent to be a bit tougher. Ever seen Alaskan mosquito LOL, there is a reason its their state bird.

The mites in my veg tent targeted the Blueberry the most, moved a little to the Durban Poison and a touch to the Blue Kush, but more or less left the ATFs alone when given the choice. I am hoping I will not ever have to comment on how my Nukeheads do against pests.
Yeah well I think the ATF is a bit hardier than other strains. Most things from Alaska tent to be a bit tougher. Ever seen Alaskan mosquito LOL, there is a reason its their state bird.

The mites in my veg tent targeted the Blueberry the most, moved a little to the Durban Poison and a touch to the Blue Kush, but more or less left the ATFs alone when given the choice. I am hoping I will not ever have to comment on how my Nukeheads do against pests.

Better go knock on wood that nuke puts off a scent them mites love .haha
Nukehead #1 Update

Despite my best efforts to kill Nukehead #1 last night (still amazed that stem didn't just straight up snap) she made a full recovery and seems to be enjoying the new tent. Discovered my humidifier DOES have a way to adjust its output. Have the humidity in the tent up to about 55-60% using the middle setting (it has 3 just push the button again for the next setting). It gets up to about 80% on the max setting. Temps are hanging in the mid to upper 80s (84-88) in the tent with both the Perfect Sun and the T5 going during the day. Drops down to about 70 with the lights out. We are getting this dialed in.

All the plants will be getting an ACT feeding today.

Here is the new and improved Nukehead #1




And is what I did to her! Let the training begin!!!



Notice how thick that stem is up at the top....less than half an inch from the top and its about the same thickness as below.



And what she is looking like from the top view



And from the side view


Gonna give her a day or two to recover before I start tying the new shoots down and I will take more of lower level fan leaves off. Gonna be slow here with Nukehead #1. For anyone wondering why I left a couple of the lower side shoots on, well its because I intend to take a couple clones from this one as well. Anyways, hope everyone has a warm seat to watch the big game tonight. Enjoy the rest of your weekend brothers and sisters!!
Not sure we want to start walking down the slippery slope of allowing anyone to copyright any cannabis strains. But thats just me.....all I see happening if that starts is a couple huge companies starting to 'copyright' strains to squeeze out the little guy. Imagine when they can start controlling the strain, then setting up 'exclusive' contracts with certain growers and begin creating monopolies. Now goodluck to the family that needs that certain strain to treat a medical condition. They can't get the seeds to grow it themselves and the local dispensaries (assuming they signed that exclusive contract) are either charging out the ass or just can't carry it. Nah...nothing bad could possibly happen.

Don't get me wrong, I get your point....but with plants its tough. How many different producers of roses and other flowers or even fruits or veggies are there out there? Thankfully there isn't only one authorized producer of each fruit and veggie strain.

And that sums it up. I hope you didn't take offense at my little interjection on the subject. We all worry about the Mosanto's, Phillip Morris and others if shit becomes legal, stamping patents on everything and branding it, but just like alcohol you can still brew in your basement and grow your own hops and grapes. You can't control the underground. Innovation will always be there.

Sorry if I painted things in any negative light with my post. My work is like a lawyer at times. Love them if you need them, hate them if you are on the other side. Should have kept my 2 cents to myself on that one.
I googled " stank soil" nada. Then I re-read your journal. Whatever it is it sure works well. Kudos.

Hey CS, thanks buddy. Stank Soil is just my home made soil. Its still a work in progress but its pretty spot on through its 2nd full grow. I added a few adjustments this go around.....I added a bit of Gypsum, Glacial Rock Dust, Basalt minerals, and some Neem cake and Karanja Seed to the soil a few weeks ago before transplanting. We will see how this run goes....but I am feeling really good. Thanks for popping in CS!
And that sums it up. I hope you didn't take offense at my little interjection on the subject. We all worry about the Mosanto's, Phillip Morris and others if shit becomes legal, stamping patents on everything and branding it, but just like alcohol you can still brew in your basement and grow your own hops and grapes. You can't control the underground. Innovation will always be there.

Sorry if I painted things in any negative light with my post. My work is like a lawyer at times. Love them if you need them, hate them if you are on the other side. Should have kept my 2 cents to myself on that one.

Not at all brother....I welcome any and all input as long as they aren't personal attacks on any other members. We see this situation through very similar glasses brother. Nothing good can become of patenting strains.
Whenever I bring up the fact that the United States government owns a patent on cannabis l or some of its claimed properties) people ask me how that is possible..... So I will ask you guys with regards to that comment..... How is it possible for a company to own a patent on a plant? Or, are you talking specifically about a strain or the name of the strain? I can't imagine that if a "Monsanto" style company could just buy a seed, that they could just call it their own?
Whenever I bring up the fact that the United States government owns a patent on cannabis l or some of its claimed properties) people ask me how that is possible..... So I will ask you guys with regards to that comment..... How is it possible for a company to own a patent on a plant? Or, are you talking specifically about a strain or the name of the strain? I can't imagine that if a "Monsanto" style company could just buy a seed, that they could just call it their own?

Well I am talking in reference to strain creation. So lets take Stankberry.......ATF x Blueberry. Using that as an example, I could cross that and either get that strain patented for treating back pain (yes I realize its not that simple) or something else and now I own the proprietary rights to all ATF x Blueberry seeds. Anyone that wants to make or sell Stankberry or use any part of the genetics would have to get my permission (at a cost of course). Now envision I do that Kushberry Thunderfuck, and DTF and ultimately every single cross that is made from the genetics I own. Wouldn't take long for a company to get a stranglehold on the seed industry that way huh?

I do believe that I read somewhere that there are something like 5 patent of plants by the US government.....what exactly they are, I don't know. But to me, allowing this to happen would be extremely dangerous.
I'm not overly familiar with patents, but I do know that up until recently, companies could patent sequences of DNA. That is frightening, but luckily the courts reversed that. Now, I think you can patent a plant if you created a unique plant that is reproduced asexually (i.e. clone only). There is a statute that gives breeders legal control and protections over new plant varieties but it's not a patent. There are requirement that need to be made to qualify. I don't know what those are.
I can tell you as much as I know about the plant hybrid deal. I grew up on a farm. My grandfather back in the day used to grow crops and take the best crop and put a portion of that aside in grain bins to use to plant the next years crop. Enter in Monsanto, Delkab etc... If you are caught doing that now you can be sued as they own those genetics. The proof become on the defendant to produce some documentation like a receipt for seeds. They typically would not know unless a particular trait was observed in a crop.

from looking into it a little bit it's the genetic sequences that they patent.
Gene patent practice across plant and human genomes | Nature Biotechnology

Even that being said the article states that there is about an 80% overlap. I know in the case of corn and soybeans Mosanto's big claim is resistance to Glyphosate, a traditional non-selective herbicide and certain pesticides. I doubt they could go back and claim what as already out there. That would never stand up in court as there is "prior art". A term used to describe a person documenting and proving out a particular process or product before another particular company came out an tried to claim it.

I personally wouldn't worry too much. I view the cannabis market like alcohol. You can do what you want in your basement. If you want to sell your wares you are going to have to jump through some hoops for licensing, testing same as the micro brewery market today. Look at all the grapes being grown. The market for wine world wide trumps anything out of the cannabis market and will probably forever. I just don't see the market going that way. It's not large enough. Just my 2 cents.
There are requirement that need to be made to qualify. I don't know what those are.

The requirements are claims made against a verified process or product that make it unique from anything else on available. I have over a dozen of them. I am not going to link them for obvious reasons but I can discuss them offline in another medium. All of mine were sold up front for next to no money for the companies that I was consulting with. I would never lay out the money myself for one.

There are two main types of mainstream patents, Utility and Design. There may be something different for plants and pharmaceuticals but I am not familiar with them. There are also US only patents and World patents. Intellectual property can always be challenged in court and revoked if vagueness or the ability to verify the claims becomes sketchy.
Nukehead #2 Veg Day 24 Update

I showed you all #1 yesterday, so I figured we would take a peek at her big sister. This one is really growing nicely. I don't think these pictures capture the true lush greenness of this plant. Ms Stank commented tonight that this one looks so nice that it looks fake. She is certainly happy in her soil. Both Nukeheads got a nice dose of ACT last night. I defoliated #2 down low a little bit tonight and decided to take a look at the leaves under the micro-scope, just to make sure I don't see ANY sign of the enemy.

If there are any bug experts, please let me know what the bug in this picture is......I really appreciate it.




Now for anyone that has never battled a mite infestation, these next pictures won't seem like a big deal. But for me, looking at the leaves and not seeing any mites or mite eggs and only seeing the hairy under regions of the leaves is a great sight! I will continue to check the leaves every time I do any defoliation. I strongly recommend all of you start making it a point to look at the underside of your leaves, especially if you have a loupe or scope to check it out. Always better safe than sorry. This is what I want to see......only a tiny spec of dirt!


Or better yet.....nothing!!!




And here she is, in all her thick green glory!




This was what was under her skirt before defoliation.........


and after a very light defoliation, I will take another level of fan leaves in a couple days.


Enjoy your evenings boys and girls!!
Nukehead #2 Veg Day 24 Update

I showed you all #1 yesterday, so I figured we would take a peek at her big sister. This one is really growing nicely. I don't think these pictures capture the true lush greenness of this plant. Ms Stank commented tonight that this one looks so nice that it looks fake. She is certainly happy in her soil. Both Nukeheads got a nice dose of ACT last night. I defoliated #2 down low a little bit tonight and decided to take a look at the leaves under the micro-scope, just to make sure I don't see ANY sign of the enemy.

If there are any bug experts, please let me know what the bug in this picture is......I really appreciate it.




Now for anyone that has never battled a mite infestation, these next pictures won't seem like a big deal. But for me, looking at the leaves and not seeing any mites or mite eggs and only seeing the hairy under regions of the leaves is a great sight! I will continue to check the leaves every time I do any defoliation. I strongly recommend all of you start making it a point to look at the underside of your leaves, especially if you have a loupe or scope to check it out. Always better safe than sorry. This is what I want to see......only a tiny spec of dirt!


Or better yet.....nothing!!!




And here she is, in all her thick green glory!




This was what was under her skirt before defoliation.........


and after a very light defoliation, I will take another level of fan leaves in a couple days.


Enjoy your evenings boys and girls!!
Looking fkn awesome buddy. Pterostychus is a bug expert. He blows my mind with some of the shit he knows.
I'm hoping it's a dead one. No room in the tent for bugs

LOL, no. Ms Stank looked at me and smiled and says "I'm gonna fuck with it" and she pokes it. So it starts to move and crawl around on the underside of that leaf. She keeps tracking it for a minute or two. Now keep in mind.......this thing while it looks about an inch long when viewing it on the computer via the USB cable, its really like the size of a grain of dust. Yes......a grain of dust. So back to Ms Stank 'fucking' with this vicious plant eating insect......the bug stops moving and is just kind of moving its spindly legs and antenna. Ms Stank is intently watching this bug do its thing and then suddenly........that little grain of dust jumped up and flew away. (now in her happened so fast that it looked like the bug just instantly 'vanished' or 'exploded' into nothingness) Needless to say Ms Stank shrieked and grabbed me. I guess she needed her big retired Marine to protect her from that spec of dust. Its good to be needed every once in a while guys!!
LOL, no. Ms Stank looked at me and smiled and says "I'm gonna fuck with it" and she pokes it. So it starts to move and crawl around on the underside of that leaf. She keeps tracking it for a minute or two. Now keep in mind.......this thing while it looks about an inch long when viewing it on the computer via the USB cable, its really like the size of a grain of dust. Yes......a grain of dust. So back to Ms Stank 'fucking' with this vicious plant eating insect......the bug stops moving and is just kind of moving its spindly legs and antenna. Ms Stank is intently watching this bug do its thing and then suddenly........that little grain of dust jumped up and flew away. (now in her happened so fast that it looked like the bug just instantly 'vanished' or 'exploded' into nothingness) Needless to say Ms Stank shrieked and grabbed me. I guess she needed her big retired Marine to protect her from that spec of dust. Its good to be needed every once in a while guys!!
I kind of expected the end because my gf is the same way with creepy crawlies, you know theres flys in the house when shes screamin. But you had me lollin.
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