Van Stank's Nukehead Sponsored Grow

Van....what are the Nukehead genetics? Went back to page 1 to check but didn't see it. :Namaste:
Growers can expect a 25 — 30% THC concentration even with inexperienced growers

Huge stalks ... we have seen 2 inch thick stalks on plants only 22 inches tall in heigh

Will grow upwards to 15-ft tall due to it's hybrid line of phenotype gene history

Strong medical effects but due to high concentrations smoke this lightly as you can get extremely paranoid or sedative quick.

The effects of this strain vary due to it's gene line, it will couch lock you, yet once you get used to the smoke it acts as an energetic smoke.

Great for back pain, and awesome in producing hunger for chemo patients

Grows very thick dense foliage with ultra fat leaves when indica pheno behaviors show out, but sometimes it's sativa genes will dominate and show thinner leaves.

This strain consistently grows polyploid ( Double Headed Buds ) and it's this odd and very rare character that we pride in as we have smoked these freakish buds and the effect and taste is surely something to experience for yourself !

Last I heard it's a secret... I'm not a fan of Cody but I've already made that clear before so yeah maybe somebody else knows I could very well be wrong but I remember him refusing to say because he didn't want copycats.... But anyhow it's apparently a plant that will be whatever you want it to be and even if you abuse it you'll get 25-30%... He is a self proclaimed master grower after all.
I find it amusing. It’s copyright. Although they used someone else’s genetics to breed it.

It’s like someone taking one of MY photographs, editing it, and posting it to their website saying it’s “custom” and a “secret” lol. People these days.

But that's how copyright and patent laws work. I can take something someone else has patented and make a verifiable improvement in the product and apply for patent on the improved version. I am not saying it's right but that is the way it works. I have done this many times for the big corps. Its' sort of what I do for a living. If it didn't work this way you would never get advancement. Where it gets into a grey area is that both copyright and patents need to have documents filed with specific claims. I don't know if they have filed anything on it or not. My guess would be no because it's federally illegal.
Nukehead Veg Day 21 Update

Gave everyone a quick shot of the Nukeheads above, but I wanted to give a full update. Temps are rising with the Dwarf Star in the little 2x2 tent. I have to keep the zipper cracked halfway with the lights on to keep the temps below 85 (will hit 90+ if I keep it closed tight). I will be replacing the veg tent from the 2x2x4 tomorrow to a 2x4x5. Hopefully the extra room will make it a bit easier to keep the temps down. Was going to do it today but with my back acting up, I figured it was best to wait for Ms Stank to help.

Measured the two Nukeheads for the first time today. Nukehead #1 is about 3.5" tall and is on its 7th Node. The Nukehead #2 is just over 5" tall and is on its 10th Node which is kind of mind boggling to me. I know I haven't grown a lot of Indicas but damn it man, she is one tight little wench!!

Feedings - only ACT consisting of 1 cup of EWC with 1 teaspoon of dried ground Kelp in 2.5 gallons of water. Please note that the 2.5 gallons isn't strictly for these two Nukeheads, its also for all household plants. Each Nukehead is getting about a quart (32 oz) of ACT about every 3 or so days. That time period between waterings will likely shorten as their roots spread and they get bigger. Soil seems about right where I want it. No signs of being too hot or any deficiencies. It's rolling along nicely.....I am loving the deep green these girls are showing me.

Training - None yet. As stated before, I am cancelling the training on Nukehead #2 all together in favor of growing her out naturally. All I will do to #2 is continue with the leaf tip spreading, and add a little defoliation. Its kind of becoming sort of a science project from an observation stand point. I will be topping Nukehead #1 tonight to begin its main lining journey.



Nukehead #1 - I feel a little bad, I have been ranting and raving about #2 and have kind of been neglecting my coverage of her little here she is!





Nukehead #2



Both are looking lush and ready to pack on some weight. Im loving the pics.
Van....what are the Nukehead genetics? Went back to page 1 to check but didn't see it. :Namaste:

Hey BL, hope you are having a great weekend brother. I don't know anything about the Nukehead genetics.....or much in generally other the claims made by the breeder. Definitely a lot of indica in her for sure. Whatever the genetics, I have been very impressed with the plants (Especially #2). Hell even #1 is impressive.....LOL.....I was putting together the new tent for the veg area last night and despite my best efforts to kill #1, she is better than ever. I even threw her off my work bench (accidentally) and dropped her right on her head with the pot and soil going everywhere. To avoid breaking anything else in the house, I decided to go upstairs and attempt to calm down....and when I came back downstairs 45 minutes later.....Ms Stank had it back in its pot without a scratch on it. I thought for sure that the whole stem would have snapped as the entire weight of the pot and soil came down right on top of the plant.

Growers can expect a 25 – 30% THC concentration even with inexperienced growers

Huge stalks … we have seen 2 inch thick stalks on plants only 22 inches tall in heigh

Will grow upwards to 15-ft tall due to it’s hybrid line of phenotype gene history

Strong medical effects but due to high concentrations smoke this lightly as you can get extremely paranoid or sedative quick.

The effects of this strain vary due to it’s gene line, it will couch lock you, yet once you get used to the smoke it acts as an energetic smoke.

Great for back pain, and awesome in producing hunger for chemo patients

Grows very thick dense foliage with ultra fat leaves when indica pheno behaviors show out, but sometimes it’s sativa genes will dominate and show thinner leaves.

This strain consistently grows polyploid ( Double Headed Buds ) and it’s this odd and very rare character that we pride in as we have smoked these freakish buds and the effect and taste is surely something to experience for yourself !

Last I heard it's a secret... I'm not a fan of Cody but I've already made that clear before so yeah maybe somebody else knows I could very well be wrong but I remember him refusing to say because he didn't want copycats.... But anyhow it's apparently a plant that will be whatever you want it to be and even if you abuse it you'll get 25-30%... He is a self proclaimed master grower after all.

I know there were some issues with claims made by Cody about this strain, and I get that. I have gone into this with an open mind and all I am hoping to do is give an unbiased account of what growing the strain is like and how it smokes. I can assure you and anyone else out there that I will call it as it is as it relates to the Nukehead strain.

When these two finish, I will continue to grow out the remaining 4 beans on this journal as well so we can see what people can expect over multiple phenos.

Must be talking about the 1 in 50 mutant pheno. And i bet its all they claim it to be. If someone gets one send me a clone.

I am afraid any clones I might send you would die before the got there LOL.

I find it amusing. It’s copyright. Although they used someone else’s genetics to breed it.

It’s like someone taking one of MY photographs, editing it, and posting it to their website saying it’s “custom” and a “secret” lol. People these days.

Not sure we want to start walking down the slippery slope of allowing anyone to copyright any cannabis strains. But thats just me.....all I see happening if that starts is a couple huge companies starting to 'copyright' strains to squeeze out the little guy. Imagine when they can start controlling the strain, then setting up 'exclusive' contracts with certain growers and begin creating monopolies. Now goodluck to the family that needs that certain strain to treat a medical condition. They can't get the seeds to grow it themselves and the local dispensaries (assuming they signed that exclusive contract) are either charging out the ass or just can't carry it. Nah...nothing bad could possibly happen.

Don't get me wrong, I get your point....but with plants its tough. How many different producers of roses and other flowers or even fruits or veggies are there out there? Thankfully there isn't only one authorized producer of each fruit and veggie strain.
Can tests be done to verify any Genetics in a strain????

Is that even possible. Maybe compare two strains to determine if they are the same, but even then phenos come into play

Whatever the claims on nukehead are, what has been grown so far on these forums looks impressive, be nice when someone actually flowers and harvested it
I find it amusing. It's copyright. Although they used someone else's genetics to breed it.

It's like someone taking one of MY photographs, editing it, and posting it to their website saying it's "custom" and a "secret" lol. People these days.
My buddy on Instagram (and one of my best friends) has a dude stealing his shots and reposting them as their own.... Lol. I feel bad for that person if my buddy catches up with them. He's not the forgive and forget type of dude .


Hey van I got your Valentine! Thank you and miss stank so very much for the kind gift!
Can tests be done to verify any Genetics in a strain????

Is that even possible. Maybe compare two strains to determine if they are the same, but even then phenos come into play

Whatever the claims on nukehead are, what has been grown so far on these forums looks impressive, be nice when someone actually flowers and harvested it

The Phylos galaxy site is supposed to compare samples of strains to show what is related to what and to show the genetic make up of strains. It is all over the place though because who knows what someone is actually sending in samples of half the time.
That’s what I was getting at. You don’t own strains. You can’t copyright them. So to tell folks it’s “secret” or that you own the rights to laughable.

I have seen plenty of breeders keep their strains lineages secret. Bomb seeds wont tell anyone what bomb#1 is which is what they cross almost everything to. there is a need for secrecy fopr some breeders and I get that. i much prefer to know what is in the strains make up. It is tough though with everything being poly hybrids now. You need to go back generations to get the whole picture!
nukehead veg day 21 update

gave everyone a quick shot of the nukeheads above, but i wanted to give a full update. Temps are rising with the dwarf star in the little 2x2 tent. I have to keep the zipper cracked halfway with the lights on to keep the temps below 85 (will hit 90+ if i keep it closed tight). I will be replacing the veg tent from the 2x2x4 tomorrow to a 2x4x5. Hopefully the extra room will make it a bit easier to keep the temps down. Was going to do it today but with my back acting up, i figured it was best to wait for ms stank to help.

Measured the two nukeheads for the first time today. Nukehead #1 is about 3.5" tall and is on its 7th node. The nukehead #2 is just over 5" tall and is on its 10th node which is kind of mind boggling to me. I know i haven't grown a lot of indicas but damn it man, she is one tight little wench!!

Feedings - only act consisting of 1 cup of ewc with 1 teaspoon of dried ground kelp in 2.5 gallons of water. Please note that the 2.5 gallons isn't strictly for these two nukeheads, its also for all household plants. Each nukehead is getting about a quart (32 oz) of act about every 3 or so days. That time period between waterings will likely shorten as their roots spread and they get bigger. Soil seems about right where i want it. No signs of being too hot or any deficiencies. It's rolling along nicely.....i am loving the deep green these girls are showing me.

Training - none yet. As stated before, i am cancelling the training on nukehead #2 all together in favor of growing her out naturally. All i will do to #2 is continue with the leaf tip spreading, and add a little defoliation. Its kind of becoming sort of a science project from an observation stand point. I will be topping nukehead #1 tonight to begin its main lining journey.



nukehead #1 - i feel a little bad, i have been ranting and raving about #2 and have kind of been neglecting my coverage of her little here she is!





nukehead #2



the beast!
Hey BL, hope you are having a great weekend brother. I don't know anything about the Nukehead genetics.....or much in generally other the claims made by the breeder. Definitely a lot of indica in her for sure. Whatever the genetics, I have been very impressed with the plants (Especially #2). Hell even #1 is impressive.....LOL.....I was putting together the new tent for the veg area last night and despite my best efforts to kill #1, she is better than ever. I even threw her off my work bench (accidentally) and dropped her right on her head with the pot and soil going everywhere. To avoid breaking anything else in the house, I decided to go upstairs and attempt to calm down....and when I came back downstairs 45 minutes later.....Ms Stank had it back in its pot without a scratch on it. I thought for sure that the whole stem would have snapped as the entire weight of the pot and soil came down right on top of the plant.

I know there were some issues with claims made by Cody about this strain, and I get that. I have gone into this with an open mind and all I am hoping to do is give an unbiased account of what growing the strain is like and how it smokes. I can assure you and anyone else out there that I will call it as it is as it relates to the Nukehead strain.

When these two finish, I will continue to grow out the remaining 4 beans on this journal as well so we can see what people can expect over multiple phenos.

I am afraid any clones I might send you would die before the got there LOL.

Not sure we want to start walking down the slippery slope of allowing anyone to copyright any cannabis strains. But thats just me.....all I see happening if that starts is a couple huge companies starting to 'copyright' strains to squeeze out the little guy. Imagine when they can start controlling the strain, then setting up 'exclusive' contracts with certain growers and begin creating monopolies. Now goodluck to the family that needs that certain strain to treat a medical condition. They can't get the seeds to grow it themselves and the local dispensaries (assuming they signed that exclusive contract) are either charging out the ass or just can't carry it. Nah...nothing bad could possibly happen.

Don't get me wrong, I get your point....but with plants its tough. How many different producers of roses and other flowers or even fruits or veggies are there out there? Thankfully there isn't only one authorized producer of each fruit and veggie strain.

But it goes further back than that I thought. Even if he told us the two strains that made the nukeheads that's only a tiny percent of lineage and just mixing those two strains won't get you the same results most likely. Unless I'm wrong? I haven't seen a breeder not mention what strains what... Like how apple jack is White Widow X Jack Herer it seems if you just breed those two strains it wouldn't be the same because these plants are bred via multiple generations aren't they? I'm not a breeder so I'm genuinely asking because I'm not experienced with it.
But it goes further back than that I thought. Even if he told us the two strains that made the nukeheads that's only a tiny percent of lineage and just mixing those two strains won't get you the same results most likely. Unless I'm wrong? I haven't seen a breeder not mention what strains what... Like how apple jack is White Widow X Jack Herer it seems if you just breed those two strains it wouldn't be the same because these plants are bred via multiple generations aren't they? I'm not a breeder so I'm genuinely asking because I'm not experienced with it.

Some breederss work their strains for many generations to get it as stable as they can and to display the characteristics they are trying for. Most just take strains and make F1s (the first generation of a breeding) and they will sell those and just continuously breed the F1s to sell. You are right that people will probably end up with something different even if they breed the same two strains together. It will all depend on the individual plants that are used in the breeding. Not all phenos are the same and even ones that are very similar still have different genetic make up and thus the offspring from different breedings will have different results. On the other hand though people could try and recreate the cross and make a lot of money just producing knock offs of what the real breeder put time into doing. There are some companies that make a lot of money from selfing elite clones and putting those seeds out. Just like some people will buy someones gear and self it and sell those seeds. I am staying unbiased as I watch the NukeHead journals but it does bother me that all of the strains are listed as if they are his crosses. He did just what I was mentioning above. Taking cuts of peoples gear and selfing them to sell S1s. If he is producing strains that are true to the clones and are stable then I say have at it. Whether I ever spend money on his gear is yet to be seen. There are a lot of breeders out putting time and effort into what they do and I have seen the results people get from those breeders. So for now those are the breeders I choose. If the NukeHead is exceptional I would consider making a purchase in the future if funds allow and I have the urge to do so.
But it goes further back than that I thought. Even if he told us the two strains that made the nukeheads that's only a tiny percent of lineage and just mixing those two strains won't get you the same results most likely. Unless I'm wrong? I haven't seen a breeder not mention what strains what... Like how apple jack is White Widow X Jack Herer it seems if you just breed those two strains it wouldn't be the same because these plants are bred via multiple generations aren't they? I'm not a breeder so I'm genuinely asking because I'm not experienced with it.

As someone who researches lineage of a lot of strains....even creating a master spread sheet of the genetics of almost all strains I can find (which can be difficult to say the least) and I can tell you that while most strains out there today DO reveal their lineage, Nukeheads is far from the only one that doesn't reveal its genetics. Let me roll through my spreadsheet and look.........ok, so I have the lineage of about 200 strains broken down and there are 10 that list either 'Unknown', 'unknown hybrid' or 'secret' as their lineage, not including Nukehead. Hell who knows if he didn't take a hybrid from a local friend that created at home and he doesn't really know what strain might be in there.

Hell just on here on 420, poking around different journals and threads and i have seen numerous home breeding projects where they come across some sort of bag seed and grow it out and find some crazy nice growing plant that they didn't know what kind it was and bred it out with other strains.

For me, the proof will be in the plant. So far so good and I am liking what I see.
As someone who researches lineage of a lot of strains....even creating a master spread sheet of the genetics of almost all strains I can find (which can be difficult to say the least) and I can tell you that while most strains out there today DO reveal their lineage, Nukeheads is far from the only one that doesn't reveal its genetics. Let me roll through my spreadsheet and look.........ok, so I have the lineage of about 200 strains broken down and there are 10 that list either 'Unknown', 'unknown hybrid' or 'secret' as their lineage, not including Nukehead. Hell who knows if he didn't take a hybrid from a local friend that created at home and he doesn't really know what strain might be in there.

Hell just on here on 420, poking around different journals and threads and i have seen numerous home breeding projects where they come across some sort of bag seed and grow it out and find some crazy nice growing plant that they didn't know what kind it was and bred it out with other strains.

For me, the proof will be in the plant. So far so good and I am liking what I see.

Only iffy thing I noticed about it is it seems very susceptible to bugs compared to the ATF .
I can also say someone that reads A LOT about breeding.......there are almost as many opinions by 'experts' on breeding as there are about growing by 'expert' growers. I have read that IBLs give you great stability and increased chances of finding the pheno you are hunting for. Then I have heard other 'professional breeders' say they don't like going past about F6s because you can loose the vigor that you see in earlier generations so they try to keep it under the F6 mark. I have seen others say they like later generations better.

In my opinion, so many of the newer breeders creating all these crazy 4 and 6 hybrid crosses DID not take the time out to truly stabilize the crosses before continuing to breed them. Is that bad? Who knows. You might find some wilder growing and unique monsters doing that. Is that better than producing a better stable line that might not grow as crazy and wild? My perspective might be drastically different than other growers. A tried and true Northern Lights that gives me the same consistent crop, similar yields and THC levels, growth rates, etc might be just what I need for my medicine. The casual recreational grower that isn't treating something might be more open to some of those more unstable but potentially mind blowing strains.

Thats the great thing about this plant and it become more legal and mainstream. So many things for us to try. We can grow a Skunk #1, an Afghani, or one of those crazy 8 strain hybrids that we don't know what we might get but we might get something amazing. Its kind of like food. Nothing wrong with a good burger or steak....but sometimes I might be in the mood for a crazy sushi dish. I generally know what i am getting when I order a burger or steak.....but with sushi, who knows it could be a bit too much for me and I might hate it or I might find a dish that is a surprise hit. Its all about our own unique wants or choices.
Only iffy thing I noticed about it is it seems very susceptible to bugs compared to the ATF .

Where have you seen them susceptible to bugs? Just the mention of bugs gives me the shivers.
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