Vick's - Organic Triple Strain'ed Sea Of Green - Wiw!

Just driving thru. WOW that is one sweet looking canopy you got growing there. That's going to look pretty with all them colas having 7-8 weeks on them. Hey I was just reading thru January's High Times and someone talked in their grow hints about changing spectrums. I myself don't have the luxury of it, seeing I had a perpetual grow going for the last 6-7 years, but they say that inducing flower under hps over the mh. They give the reason that that shorter days coupled with the change of colors kicks them into flower faster. Funny I just read that 20 minutes ago while having a smoke. Now I've believed as you and as full as your room looks you want as little stretching going around as possible. BTW BID I use the cheaper blubs myself and just change them out once a year. Oh I just earned enough points for another free one from my store.
Great Looking grow my Friend Keepem Green

Thanks for dropping in wood man!

I've actually done just that before, putting the HPS in a week before flip and it works great for kickstarting flower, especially when used with GLR. (showing in as little as 4 days after flip).
Running three different strains, 2 of which I know what to expect, but the coma kush's seem to be leaning a bit more to the sativa dominant side of things. Glad I kept that MH in there for the first week, or I might have had problems keeping an even canopy.;)
Funk me that's BEAUTIFUL (and what I was aiming for, but yours kicks the shite out of mine) bit hammered but going to try and read thread before asking questions you've already answered. BEAUTIFUL <3

Thanks cherry!

Feel free to ask any questions, even if I've already answered them, I'll try to accommodate!
Day 7 of flower: :tokin:
a few shots of the OG's and Coma Kush's coming of age..







Just little niplits showing so far on the coma's and OG's..
But everyone's transitioning as they should.
Ambrosia's are smaller than everyone, but double the bud size so far.
Every time with this strain, I don't know what it is, but no matter what they're fed, they get N toxicity.
Even with watered down organic teas! they just can't handle their drink like their roomate's can.
GLR seems to start flowering with this bird. Good to know, if I was to do another grow with her, but she's done.
This will be her last appearance in my garden. (that is unless she blows me away this round with the organics)
I'll try to take some photos of them in the next few days.
Whats happinin' Vick!!! by the look of it a ton!!! Holy $#%# man!!! Now that is one heck of a sea of green! The plants are looking really healthy and happy man, great job! Definitely going to be an awesome bloom going on here!!
hey man I must say awesome grow I recently joined this site because I was following some grow journals I really got interested in the high brix by doc and well the organic cleaner ,I am also growing in coco but synthetic nutes I see your doing the same but your organic I wanted to clarify what exactly is your soil recipe I know you posted it but maybe u added something else that you left out I ask because I would like to give your style a try and leave my synthetic nutes man I have lots of coco and I can source pretty much anything im in cali so its a lot easier for me to search around and find stuff hopefully its not a lot to ask for and help me into the organic world:)
Whats happinin' Vick!!! by the look of it a ton!!! Holy $#%# man!!! Now that is one heck of a sea of green! The plants are looking really healthy and happy man, great job! Definitely going to be an awesome bloom going on here!!

Great to see ya Iceman!
Thanks for the kindness my friend.
hey man I must say awesome grow I recently joined this site because I was following some grow journals I really got interested in the high brix by doc and well the organic cleaner ,I am also growing in coco but synthetic nutes I see your doing the same but your organic I wanted to clarify what exactly is your soil recipe I know you posted it but maybe u added something else that you left out I ask because I would like to give your style a try and leave my synthetic nutes man I have lots of coco and I can source pretty much anything im in cali so its a lot easier for me to search around and find stuff hopefully its not a lot to ask for and help me into the organic world:)

hey Wicked,
Coco is great, you're going to love it.
Especially when you mineralize it with some organic amendments.
When I first mixed up the Coco for this run it was like this. (posted on my first page)

Before clone transplant, Coco has been amended with:
-HF Flower power mix (fish meal, bone meal, green sand, canola seed meal, langbeinite, kelp meal, rock phosphate.
-Dolomite lime
-GH Sub Culture M (mycorrhizal root inoculant)
-GH Rare Earth
(wish i added):
-Yuccca extract

Ive grown with synthetic nutes in Coco in the past, and it works great!
I just wanted to try organic, grow a little cleaner, give the strain a chance to really bring it, plus I really believe in the theory of feeding the soil, not the plants. Then everything they need is available to them whenever they need it. Just makes more sense.
In the past when using synthetic nutes, I was sometimes adding 12-15 different things. (which is exactly what every nutrient company that has a full line wants.)
Just a suggestion, maybe try a run with synthetics in Coco first? While researching organics for a prior run..
That's a bunch of very healthy looking plants. Looking really good Vick, very impressive

Thank you GK!
I'm coming over to see what you got cooking!
hey Wicked,
Coco is great, you're going to love it.
Especially when you mineralize it with some organic amendments.
When I first mixed up the Coco for this run it was like this. (posted on my first page)

Before clone transplant, Coco has been amended with:
-HF Flower power mix (fish meal, bone meal, green sand, canola seed meal, langbeinite, kelp meal, rock phosphate.
-Dolomite lime
-GH Sub Culture M (mycorrhizal root inoculant)
-GH Rare Earth
(wish i added):
-Yuccca extract

Ive grown with synthetic nutes in Coco in the past, and it works great!
I just wanted to try organic, grow a little cleaner, give the strain a chance to really bring it, plus I really believe in the theory of feeding the soil, not the plants. Then everything they need is available to them whenever they need it. Just makes more sense.
In the past when using synthetic nutes, I was sometimes adding 12-15 different things. (which is exactly what every nutrient company that has a full line wants.)
Just a suggestion, maybe try a run with synthetics in Coco first? While researching organics for a prior run..

yea vicks I currently have a grow going its in pure coco and im using lucas methoth in a 3 gal pott my plant looks nice and green but as you I wanted to have a cleaner organic grow that is why I asked you I wanted to know what exactly are you amendment measurements just so I can get an idea I will also be experimenting but I would like a head start at what my soil should be looking likeidk if you understand what I mean?
yea vicks I currently have a grow going its in pure coco and im using lucas methoth in a 3 gal pott my plant looks nice and green but as you I wanted to have a cleaner organic grow that is why I asked you I wanted to know what exactly are you amendment measurements just so I can get an idea I will also be experimenting but I would like a head start at what my soil should be looking likeidk if you understand what I mean?

Oh, I get it.
I looked for the measurements that I had all written down when I made the mix, but I can't find it.
But I start out with 70% Coco, 30% perlite.
Then I added to 40 gallons of medium in my bathtub (approx):
-1/2 a package of HF Flower power mix (about 4 cups)
-3/4's of a package of GH Sub Culture M
-1 1/2 cups dolomite lime (granular)
-1 full small package of GH rare earth
And I'm not sure yet as to what the measurements would be for Azomite and Yucca as I haven't used them yet.
Ordered some Yucca extract from T&J and hope to have it next week. I'll be adding this to my teas.
Hope that helps, it might be a bit vague as to the exact measurements, but you'll have to do a bit of research to be certain before you mix.
I was just guessing as to what mine were.
If I had everything I needed locally I would be making supersoil hands down. Let it cook in rubbermaid's for a few months and voila. Transplant, then all you have to do is water your plants as the soil is a living organism that the plant feeds off.. No mixing nutes, no PH'ing, no PPM'ing, just straight water them mofos! Then re- amend the medium after and re- use it!
Lookin' fine as always Vick :thumb:

Am I the only one that misses the porta-scrogs? :winkyface:
Lookin' fine as always Vick :thumb:

Am I the only one that misses the porta-scrogs? :winkyface:

Yo man!!
That was one long hike you took!
Great to see you drop by.
It's funny you mentioned the porta scrog's.
Ive got 4 OG's going at a friend's place in a 5x5 tent.
They were just transplanted yesterday into 20 gallon pots of mineralized Coco.
We were just thinking the other night they'd be perfect for that grow.
So you may be seeing them again sooner than you think!
Day 10 of flower:
Some of the Ambrosia. Trucking along much faster than the others.





Some of the diamond OG's:




And this is what I walked into tonight..
This tea's been brewing for 24 hours.


Hey Vick :) Man your plants are looking great. Just a word to the wiser...DO NOT ADD YUCCA UNTIL AFTER YOU BUBBLE YOUR TEA...IF YOU DO ADD IT BEFORE...YOU WILL HAVE A FOAMY MESS ON YOUR HANDS. Sorry I cap locked you...but I really want to get that point across :)

Thanks for that Curso.
Just got my Yucca in the mail today, so it didn't go in the tea yet.
That foaminess I got was without it believe it or not.
I read all the directions and instructions for use, and says to add it to the diluted tea.
So I'm going to break this down tonight 3 parts RO water to 1 part tea, then add the yucca.
How much Yucca do you use? Should I just use the recommended amount?
Thanks for that Curso.
Just got my Yucca in the mail today, so it didn't go in the tea yet.
That foaminess I got was without it believe it or not.
I read all the directions and instructions for use, and says to add it to the diluted tea.
So I'm going to break this down tonight 3 parts RO water to 1 part tea, then add the yucca.
How much Yucca do you use? Should I just use the recommended amount?
The first time I do it heavy like 1/4c to 5gl of diluted tea (1/4c is plenty for whatever amount your making the first time though). After its in there like 1-2 Tbl per 5gl :)
The first time I do it heavy like 1/4c to 5gl of diluted tea (1/4c is plenty for whatever amount your making the first time though). After its in there like 1-2 Tbl per 5gl :)

Right on!

thanks buddy!
Day 7 of flower: :tokin:
a few shots of the OG's and Coma Kush's coming of age..



Vick, these pictures are outstanding. Your plants look picture perfect. No spots, no curled leaves, beautiful green color. And the quality of your pictures is VERY nice. You must have a great camera. I vote for you for SOG OTM!

I have lots of questions, but I'll scroll back to day one to get caught up first.
Yo man!!
That was one long hike you took!
Great to see you drop by.
It's funny you mentioned the porta scrog's.
Ive got 4 OG's going at a friend's place in a 5x5 tent.
They were just transplanted yesterday into 20 gallon pots of mineralized Coco.
We were just thinking the other night they'd be perfect for that grow.
So you may be seeing them again sooner than you think!

LOL I try to keep up. I often just like some posts and hand out a little rep. I haven't been posting as much until the last couple weeks, but that's gonna start to get sparser again as the holidays come upon us :)

Hurray for porta-scrogs! :blalol:

I'm hoping to find some tomato cages this weekend when we go to "the big city" (Spokane), so maybe I'll make a couple finally. I did already acquire a few cages locally on clearance, so now I just need some of the wide mesh hardware cloth. hmmmm... I'll find something in the shed to use. :blalol:
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