I ordered the two ingredients on eBay. One cost about six dollars. The other was around ten bucks but now I think I see them selling the same package for $2. But whatever, it was cheap. It will make more STS than I could ever use in my life.
I sprayed three times about 5 days apart. By then I had lots of pods so I isolated the plant and stop spraying, which may have been a mistake.
My isolation room was too cold in the recent cold snap and the plant didn’t do much of anything for several weeks.

It warmed up in the last week and also I gave her a couple more sprays. Now I’m finally seeing some pollen when I shake the plant- so last night it had a romantic date with my other flowering Chocolope, and will do the same with whatever other likely sativas are around in the next while.
...if Ya' could shoot me the links, it would save a lot of time researching products...was it easy enuff to measure the 2 parts to get a good working percentage?...I'm thinking I would maybe order some before leaving Mexico, so it would be home about the same time as me...gracias......cheerz... :high-five: ...h00k...:hookah:...
I’ll pm you those, and the basic recipe is around in the forum various places, but I copied it from this thread here Fem Seed Producing Attempt which I believe you’ve already seen.

You’ll want a scale that weighs to 1/100 of a gram. My only difficulty was trying to weigh such tiny amounts. Three grams total makes ten litres of spray. I made one litre, which involved weighing out 0.05 grams of silver nitrate. Even then I dumped half of the final mix out to fill my half litre spray bottle. For what I’m doing I’m sure that bottle will last me all year, or until it expires and stops working.

Besides silver nitrate, the other ingredient, sodium thiosulfate, apparently comes in two forms (anhydrous or pentahydrate)
which affects the amount used in the recipe. The seller didn’t seem to know which form he was selling so I just used the amount specified for ‘anhydrous’ which seems to have worked.
fabulous harvests friend,, nothing less than your usual,, :thedoubletake:

i'm gonna rant on about early harvests again,, gotta say,, it does make a difference

seems one can't harvest early enuf either

i just culled one of my lemon haze afghani crosses, a 'lem-s' , perhaps not the one i shared with you,, maybe so,,

anyway,, culled it cuz of male flowers,, it has been in flower for not even 30 days,, not even half way thru flower,, not a cloudy trich to be found

i kept it all to make some hash from, or oil or something,, and i put a bit out to dry,, and i smoked it,, well, me and the missus volcan:volcano-smiley:oed it,,

it might be the most potent weed i have smoked in ages,, just wicked, indeed

and i noticed that same affect with my other early harvest experiments

i really believe we has been doin it all wrong all along

and no reason not to harvest early when it pays to,, early harvest makes for faster turn around, which makes up for any lost volume by harvesting early

i really wanna get you to help me test this theory out friend,, i think you will be impressed,, of course,, as long as potency is what one is after

it is??? is it not??

more potent just means one consumes less,, right?? not that one is in zombie land constantly

i dunno,, i might need to go on a mission, to spread the word,, the truth,, i have seen the light friend

ok then,, rant over,, ha,, cheers friend
Nivek I’m sceptical. But then all my early harvests have been because of some sort of screwup or other so probably the bud wasn’t ever a good example.
When I get some likely sativa strains going I can test this. Maybe if these Chocolope seeds work out. Or maybe a bunch of little clones harvested at different times as testers. Usually I’m not around the grow enough to baby plants in little pots though.

Part of my reason for growing the D Pream was to find a nice colourful one for grafting together into some sort of a show plant with a bunch of different colors. I thought the Peyote Purple and the Chocolate Mint would be good together, along with one other. I’d like to get back Into grafting plants again, but I’ve never been able to find a lot of use for it other than just entertainment. Entertainment is good though.
Hey Weasel, I see the discussion here about silicon and a couple of you forgetting about using it.

It’s main purpose is in cell wall development making for stiffer stems. As you grow in soilless medium or soil, if you can get your hands on some diamotaceous earth, it is considered “flowable silicon” and is more readily available to the plants. Mix a half cup in your soil before planting and they will have all the silicon they need without having to add it into your feed.

Cthanks for the tip Celt. I’ll buy some DE. I trust it’s not a PH destroyer like some of the bottled versions? I tried composted and ground up horsetails (the plant not the animal :laughtwo:) at one point but I couldn’t really detect whether or not it accomplished anything. Maybe not enough life in my so-called soil to break it down. I’ll check out your journal I’m curious to see what pheno(s) of pineapple chunk you have going
Found it and subbed.
BTW I see you’re an ‘active member’. Would have thought you’d have some grander label after all this time. I don’t think I’ve seen that one before. Sounds a bit naughty.
Been away for a busy few days. I was worried the plants might be dried up when I got back, but they squeaked through. Got a trio of awesome packages today including one from a friend in Spain, an amazing box from a 420 friend :thanks:, and the Mega Crop I ordered.

Somehow my thermostat in flowering got stuck (?) while I was gone. The vent fan was going full blast in there when I snuck in during lights out. It was 45°F aka 7° Celsius. Not sure how long it’s been that way but it probably helped bring out the colour in the Durple Pream :)

Harvested that and the Carnival, now I get a few minutes to chill and admire my new stuff.

~Durple Pream~

GDP x Blue Dream bred by Big Irish Doode.

Re the question that was raised of how this cross is different from Purple Dream, I will quote this info I was given by an Aussie friend of ours who shall go nameless lest civilization as we know it grind to a standstill on the forum.

“Durple pream. My guess, be the same as purple dream but it's not purple dream, as that was breed by whoever using whatever. This is BID’s using his selected cuts of same listed parentage, same but totally different.. who knows reasoning behind purple dream, what p1's were used etc.. durple pream was made to grow purple orange haired buds... Same parents don't create the same kids”

This isn’t the purplest plant I’ve ever grown but I’d say it’s definitely the most ‘rainbowy’.


This one isn’t really lime/citrus smelling like the other two. More generic fruity with the occasional hint of something horrible. Maybe stale piss/sewage.

Both these plants were very very satisfyingly sticky. Again I give credit to the bunny turds. I don’t know the exact reasons - but almost every plant I’ve harvested, since I started supplementing with bunny poo, has been a 10 out of 10 on the sticky scale. Over the years I’ve harvested many a plant that didn’t have that satisfying goo texture I love. Once in a while I’d get a good one- lots of others were lacking a little something. Seems like the poo finally pushed them over the line.

Sometime I’ll do a side by side, with/without.

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