Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

Hey Woodsman. This is the time for patience.
Slappy and I put our girls in complete darkness for ~36 to 48 hours twice during the grow process. The first time is between veg and flowering (change of light cycle) and then again right before harvest. We open the doors and just start hackin' (sounds violent when I put it that way).

We have no data showing it helps but it has worked for us so we keep on doin' it.

How are you and the better half feeling? Hope all is well!
Hi Woodsman Wait on the trichs! She's doing her normal thing, eating herself. If you want her to go faster put her in total darkness for a day or two.
That's the word I got from Butcher, my last grow. It helped somewhat.
I would just wait her out myself.:surf:

Hope your feeling better.:goodluck:

Hey Woodsman. This is the time for patience.
Slappy and I put our girls in complete darkness for ~36 to 48 hours twice during the grow process. The first time is between veg and flowering (change of light cycle) and then again right before harvest. We open the doors and just start hackin' (sounds violent when I put it that way).

We have no data showing it helps but it has worked for us so we keep on doin' it.

How are you and the better half feeling? Hope all is well!

Thanks for the great advise OMM and Skooter. I plan on waiting for the trichomes, for sure. About the darkness period. I would do this except I don't think the three ladies will be ready at the same time. I don't have any separate area to take one or two of them and place them in darkness. Unless I put all three of them in darkness even though one or two won't be ready to harvest. What do you think about that.
Thanks for the great advise OMM and Skooter. I plan on waiting for the trichomes, for sure. About the darkness period. I would do this except I don't think the three ladies will be ready at the same time. I don't have any separate area to take one or two of them and place them in darkness. Unless I put all three of them in darkness even though one or two won't be ready to harvest. What do you think about that.

My thought is to let them all finish and don't worry about the darkness. IMO this is the most important time and the darkness thing isn't worth givin' up the time for the ones that may not be ready when the first one is. Keep on truckin' and let 'em finish developing.

My thought is to let them all finish and don't worry about the darkness. IMO this is the most important time and the darkness thing isn't worth givin' up the time for the ones that may not be ready when the first one is. Keep on truckin' and let 'em finish developing.


I agree with the Clowns on this one!:goodluck:
I'm thinking it depends on how close the others are to finish. I do something called intentional stress. I mess with their light cycle, bend and twist the plants, stick thumbtacks in the stems. Get's out my Marquis De Sade tendencies. My psychologist wife calls it venting. I figure it hard for them to hermie within two weeks of harvest. I've done it most every grow with no bad things happening. The purpose of the stress it to get the plant to sent repair nutes everywhere and make things bigger.
My thought is to let them all finish and don't worry about the darkness. IMO this is the most important time and the darkness thing isn't worth givin' up the time for the ones that may not be ready when the first one is. Keep on truckin' and let 'em finish developing.


I agree with the Clowns on this one!:goodluck:

I'm thinking it depends on how close the others are to finish. I do something called intentional stress. I mess with their light cycle, bend and twist the plants, stick thumbtacks in the stems. Get's out my Marquis De Sade tendencies. My psychologist wife calls it venting. I figure it hard for them to hermie within two weeks of harvest. I've done it most every grow with no bad things happening. The purpose of the stress it to get the plant to sent repair nutes everywhere and make things bigger.

Skooter, OMM and MC.

Like you guys say it's not neccessary and It's not possible for me anyway. MC, I don't think I have it in me to torture the last breadth out of them! What would the neighbors think!:Rasta:
Hey woodsy I'm with MC i'm kinda a twisted fella and i like to experiment i took a smalll cola today and bent her almost to breaking point and let her hang low still attached just to see what would happen and she already is fixin herself haha... but about the light and not to tangent i also change up the light cycle mostly cuz sometimes i don't make it home from a long weekend but i have had 2-3 instances were i have gone 24 off accidently and then about 24 on to make up for it and the girls saw increased pistil and flower production lol so do what yah feel my man cuz i don't think you are gonna have any trouble gettin some good smoke:goodluck:
I'll tell ya, I got some big fat ladies upstairs! Whew, all three have really fattened up, even the Runt is filling out. Big Girls main cola is so fat that I can't get my hand around her! Not bad for some tiny plants. I like this NL#5 strain. The Runt has the largest concentration of trichomes on her calyxes of the three.

I'm already starting seeds for the outdoor grow. I planted 12 seeds from the SD bagweed I have from last month. Sowed them together with my wifes vegetables in a propagation tray form Wally's (I'll be culling those numbers down to one female) In the end I will try as many as 5 plants. That's stretching it with the wife, big time! Ideally I'd like the three NL#5's regenerated (Fatleaf, Big Girl, and the Runt), one Mazar female and one bagseed female. If I find that one of the three NL#5's is not a quality smoke after the cure, I'll toss it's second generation out. Anyway that's the plan for now.
Hey woodsy I'm with MC i'm kinda a twisted fella and i like to experiment i took a smalll cola today and bent her almost to breaking point and let her hang low still attached just to see what would happen and she already is fixin herself haha... but about the light and not to tangent i also change up the light cycle mostly cuz sometimes i don't make it home from a long weekend but i have had 2-3 instances were i have gone 24 off accidently and then about 24 on to make up for it and the girls saw increased pistil and flower production lol so do what yah feel my man cuz i don't think you are gonna have any trouble gettin some good smoke:goodluck:

So let me get this straight. You're ok if the neighbors see you hacking it to death but a little torture is too far? LOL!

I normally don't hack mine to pieces in front of the neighbors (their kids may be around), but S&M :cool: is a little too much!

Dude when I was your age, I couldn't remember what day it was let alone know when to turn lights on or off! So your doing just fine for a young adult human. A credit to the species!
hey thanks woodsy maybe there is hope for my generation eh haha when do we get some more budporn of your sexy ladies?

With you leading the way for your generation, there is hope! :cheer: I should be posting some pics later today.

Still say you'll come to appreciate it one of these grows! It's cathartic!

Maybe I should then? So it's a stress reducer huh? I need the release. I'll go wrestle with them now! Thanks buddy.:Rasta:
With you leading the way for your generation, there is hope! :cheer: I should be posting some pics later today.

I hope I'm not leading the way haha just on the growing front but then again i got some pals that are my age and have been growin since High School so we will lead the way lol can't wait for the pics dude
COmmjDude aren't you just saying you super cropped your plant, bye bending the bud over almost to the point of snapping? I do that to most mine most the time anyways. Guy I grew with for along time always beat his plants witha rolled up newspaper. Them about 2 weeks before harvest he use to take single edged razors and cut half way thru the stem leaving the blade in. Said it wood put the plant in shock and it wood make more resin to heal itself. We grew side bye side for afew crops, I couldn't tell the difference. Sounds like that one needs to flush dude. Give it 4-5 days and cut it down. If your close to 50/50 on the colors, should be fine. Maybe cut the main colas down and try for a second harvest. That way the secondary buds will fill in. Just take the one down and let the others caught up. Then you'll have smoke and no need to hurry on the others. Just my thoughts. Gl with whatever you do. Laters
I'm thinking it depends on how close the others are to finish. I do something called intentional stress. I mess with their light cycle, bend and twist the plants, stick thumbtacks in the stems. Get's out my Marquis De Sade tendencies. My psychologist wife calls it venting. I figure it hard for them to hermie within two weeks of harvest. I've done it most every grow with no bad things happening. The purpose of the stress it to get the plant to sent repair nutes everywhere and make things bigger.
Had to reply to this post lol I got to love ya MC =)
Your right 100% a plant that gets stressed takes atleast 1 week to form nanners (male flowers) and atleast 1 week to mature and release pollen(also most strains are hard to stress into herming if they have been stress free up til late flowering). So no harm can be done in the last 2 weeks unless the plant was already in the process of producing male flowers and then you were getting a hermie anyway. Also the slight pollination of a female isnt that big a deal if the trichs are just about right for being chopped. In most cases a plant will actually go into a faster ripening and produce more crystals if pollinated in the week prior to harvest with no loss in potency or yield. So even the slight accidental pollination in the last week or two isnt that big oh deal. It takes most strains 4 weeks after pollination to produce seed. So anytime in the first week after pollination there isnt enuff seed formation to ever tell really. Geez I always end up typing a book when I just mean to comment sorry guys lol.
Update - Flower Day 62

Wondering because it took these ladies so long to show their sex after switching to 12/12 (almost 2 weeks), if that has something to do with these ladies taking their time to mature? I'm a day short of 9 weeks and I've got at least a week or two for Fatleaf and Big Girl and maybe more for the Runt! The strain is listed as a 7 to 10 week strain.

I'm still going to wait for the trichomes to go amber (30% to 50%) no matter how long it takes!

I really like the camera OMM! I still haven't progressed past page one yet in the instructions, but I plan on it in this life time or the next. That's for sure! Alright, the photos!

Group Shot


Big Girl


Fatleaf (with her ragged looking foliage)


The Runt


The Runt's main cola on the right and a secondary from Big Girl on the left


Big Girl Buddage




The last two are of Fatleaf's main cola



Hope you've enjoyed the photos (thanks to OMM). A big improvement!
Great pics Woodsman my friend. Glad you are enjoying using the camera. :thumb:

I miss taking all mine now I have changed the schedule to be dark for the plants during the day. I really need to get some brighter lights in the house to take more.

If you are in flowering dark hours and take them into daylight just for few minutes for soem photos do you think it will stress them out/do harm?
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