Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

nice. your girls look great woods! Nice shots man. looks like that camera is becomeing an extension of your arm. I like that 'get up and move' high. thats what I was talking about when we were talking about the trichome cloudy/amber a while back. remember? The couchlock is nice though, and i actually prefer that in the evening. Either way is always nice tho. Tomoroow is harvest day for me, (and family pictures, yuk.) so it'll be a busy bee day. lol I might let c99 go a little longer, but the Rhinos are begging to be cut down. How long are you thinking you have left before you cut down the first of your girls?

Nice work buddy>! ;)
I made it over finally...I read slow....:roorrip:read, space, read a little more...:Rasta:

Hey I seen something on your buds......BEAUTY!!!

The buds are really looking tasty bro, great job and still going too...any amber yet?

:peace: Woods, my friend.

Glad ya made it over my friend! they're looking tasty and Fatleaf 'looks' like she should have been done already! Not too much green left on her. She has mostly cloudy/clear trichs with an amber here and there. Taking her good old time for sure.:cool:

beautiful plants and great report....remember when you asked me if i really could get that speedy med witha indica, and i said yeah,.....it isnt as much, but i still say yes, and you just got it....now....dont work yourself to death...both hubby and i have been smoking nothing else for about a wk, and the work getting done is unbelievable....but with it comes the pain in the eve...out come the amber t's....and sleep....anyway, it is looking great....really happy for you, and...you're getting the garden done...talk to ya later, lavendar....been real busy here also...:thumb:

Always nice of you to drop by Lavendar. I guess I'm used to the heavier smoke of an indica. Just don't think indicas were made for that 'sativa' high. I am definitely waiting for a more 'amber' feeling.

Woodsman.....WOW! :thumb:

Man, you take better pictures with that thing than I did! Just beautiful!:grinjoint:

Loved the smoke report...I was sitting there with you, serene and at peace with nature.:yummy:

Wham, speed rush, up and working. amazing.:surf: More amber please;)

I think Big Girl is going to be the one that will really give you a bountiful harvest from the looks of it, but you never know.;)

Spring is great! I stay out side as much as possible. I even volunteered to help Joanne plant flowers out front. We have an 9' round place in cement out front that hasn't been used for years. We're gonna try to make it flower heaven.:grinjoint:

Your sooooo close now and then you will have that stash to use while you grow outside. Wonderful Buddy!:cheer:

I thought about all you folks when I smoked the stuff out there, but then I got spacey and forgot what I was thinking about! I really like the camera O. and it takes wonderful shots, I just wish that we could put the 'full size' photos on line! I should have plenty of stash for the 'warm season'. Nice to hear you and Joanne are working together out there, sounds like a pretty flower garden!

nice. your girls look great woods! Nice shots man. looks like that camera is becomeing an extension of your arm. I like that 'get up and move' high. thats what I was talking about when we were talking about the trichome cloudy/amber a while back. remember? The couchlock is nice though, and i actually prefer that in the evening. Either way is always nice tho. Tomoroow is harvest day for me, (and family pictures, yuk.) so it'll be a busy bee day. lol I might let c99 go a little longer, but the Rhinos are begging to be cut down. How long are you thinking you have left before you cut down the first of your girls?

Nice work buddy>! ;)

Good luck with the harvest Jason! I've got no idea when these girls 'should' be cut! They just don't want to mature it seems! Last week I thought Fatleaf would be ready about now. Now I couldn't even guess when she'll be ready! The way she's going, she's libel to dry on the stem before she get's amber! I think that Indica strains are mature when they have amber trichs and Sativas are mature when they have a clear/cloudy color. So an indica plant smoked with clear/cloudy trichome does not have the same strong effect as a sativa with the same color trichomes, while an indica with 50 amber trichomes is at it's peak and at it's 'full' potential a sativa at that same stage is over ripe and 'past it's time', Am I making sense? If I had a sativa variety and it was at the same stage that Fatleaf is at now, I'd harvest and it would be at it's 'highest potential' and 'kick my ass'! The indica at clear/cloudy was OK but not as powerful as my bagseed sativa strain (pretty sure it's a sativa) that I've still got. It's not in the window quite yet. It sure looks like it is though!
Great pics Woodsman my friend. Glad you are enjoying using the camera. :thumb:

I miss taking all mine now I have changed the schedule to be dark for the plants during the day. I really need to get some brighter lights in the house to take more.

If you are in flowering dark hours and take them into daylight just for few minutes for soem photos do you think it will stress them out/do harm?
I do not recommend in general any interuption to the dark period but if you want to try this it will be the most likely to do no harm. Wait until after the intial 14-21 days and do not interupt the dark period at all. Then starting in roughly week 4 you could pull them out for pics for a couple mins (the quicker the better) and then you could safely do that every 2 weeks roughly until harvest. no more than that and no more than absolutely needed. So you can get week 4 pics week 6 pics and week 8 pics then depending on harvest date then harvest pics. I only know this because I breed so much and work with all forms of stress very often and experiment for the sake of knowledge. Sativa dominant strains will be less likely to have issue with this treatment for the sake of pics and indica dominant strains will occasionally start reverting depending on there type of photoperiod response ie if they only require 8 hours darkness to start flowering. Also try to wait until after 8 hours into the dark period before pics. If you follow these guide lines I would give you a 90% chance of no harm but you will have to ask yourself if its worth it? The negatives are possible reversion or herming which shouldnt take place early enough to produce seed if you wait till after week 4 of flowering. Hope this helps but again this is not for the faint of heart or those of us that may depend on that sensimilla paying a bill or two.

Also Woodsman everything looks great and Hang in there looks like you might have some 10 week phenos just got to keep watching those trichs.
Also Woodsman everything looks great and Hang in there looks like you might have some 10 week phenos just got to keep watching those trichs.

Thanks for helping out 3Lions Cafghan!

Sure looks like it's art least a 10 week pheno doesn't it? I wonder if it's just the very late start they had after 12/12. With the pH problems in early flower and then the ladies taking two weeks to show sex, maybe that has jsut put me back a few weeks.
Hello OMM always nice to see ya here! I pretty much do it the same as you do. I use a white paper plate instead of white paper, otherwise we do the same thing! I will try to cut a few samples and this time take them outside to check. Could be that the 'yellow/orange' from the lights is distorting somewhat.

Hello Jas
I had some pH issues (deficiencies) early on in flower that may have slowed down the mechanisms and that was after they took their time showing sex. So I did get some 'interruptions'.

You got much more patience thaan I do !! I go directly to the micro wave. You don't get the good slow dryed taste, but you lose no potiency !! You should test them all, and regenerate the one you like best. Then clone, clone, and clone, then flower mama !! I got some seeds from a northern lights outdoor grow, and they're taking longer inside than they did under the big hid in the sky !! 7 weeks from the 1st. bud sighting outside, and i'm on 8 weeks now, and like you, I'm waiting. I hate this part the most !! Especially, since i can't get no good weed, for under $65 an 8th. !! And then you can tell the plants were'nt flushed, and it burns slow and taste like shit. I've probably took about an oz. in the last 10 days, a bud at a time !! This will be my last time growing NL, as it definately don't compare to White widow. As far as potiency goes . People say that there's more potent strains out there, but i'm not sure. I know one thing, you did a bang up job, with what you had to work with. I wish my legs would let me go outdooring this yr., but I can bearly walk a mile without colapseing !! Ha !! Just last yr. I could walk at a brisk pace for 3 miles. Going downhill fast !! Be 68 in august, so i'm getting there !! Did you take clones for the next grow ?? Ok, i'm gonna try and do that mile !! Do you have that camera in the micro mode ??:popcorn: :reading420magazine::cool:
Hello OMM always nice to see ya here! I pretty much do it the same as you do. I use a white paper plate instead of white paper, otherwise we do the same thing! I will try to cut a few samples and this time take them outside to check. Could be that the 'yellow/orange' from the lights is distorting somewhat.

Hello Jas
I had some pH issues (deficiencies) early on in flower that may have slowed down the mechanisms and that was after they took their time showing sex. So I did get some 'interruptions'.

You got much more patience thaan I do !! I go directly to the micro wave. You don't get the good slow dryed taste, but you lose no potiency !! You should test them all, and regenerate the one you like best. Then clone, clone, and clone, then flower mama !! I got some seeds from a northern lights outdoor grow, and they're taking longer inside than they did under the big hid in the sky !! 7 weeks from the 1st. bud sighting outside, and i'm on 8 weeks now, and like you, I'm waiting. I hate this part the most !! Especially, since i can't get no good weed, for under $65 an 8th. !! And then you can tell the plants were'nt flushed, and it burns slow and taste like shit. I've probably took about an oz. in the last 10 days, a bud at a time !! This will be my last time growing NL, as it definately don't compare to White widow. As far as potiency goes . People say that there's more potent strains out there, but i'm not sure. I know one thing, you did a bang up job, with what you had to work with. I wish my legs would let me go outdooring this yr., but I can bearly walk a mile without colapseing !! Ha !! Just last yr. I could walk at a brisk pace for 3 miles. Going downhill fast !! Be 68 in august, so i'm getting there !! Did you take clones for the next grow ?? Ok, i'm gonna try and do that mile !! Do you have that camera in the micro mode ??:popcorn: :reading420magazine::cool:

Hey my friend nice of you to drop in! I didn't know that the micro wave does not interfere with potency. In that case I will try it. Always thought that it destroys the trichomes.

I've never cloned before, I'd like to someday, but I don't have the ability as long as I'm married! I've grown my last indoor I'm afraid. Promised the wife.

Were you saying that the NL is not as good as the WW? Or that it just takes longer to mature?

Plan is to regenerate whichever of the three that is worth it.
Hey Woodsman just stopping in to give a big hello to one of my favorite 420ers! Your crop certainly is looking mighty good and they are some pretty fantastic looking colas you have going there... Sorry I haven't been around much but double pneumonia has a tendency to take you out of circulation... The good news is that I started harvesting my 4' White Widow (at least the bottom half, the top half went back into a full 2nd bloom) and it looks like I have yanked a few ounces off of her! I be seeing ya around as my health improves...
Hey my friend nice of you to drop in! I didn't know that the micro wave does not interfere with potency. In that case I will try it. Always thought that it destroys the trichomes.

I've never cloned before, I'd like to someday, but I don't have the ability as long as I'm married! I've grown my last indoor I'm afraid. Promised the wife.

Were you saying that the NL is not as good as the WW? Or that it just takes longer to mature?

Plan is to regenerate whichever of the three that is worth it.
take the bud off the stem and spread it out on a saucer, now cover that with another saucer. Let the micro wave run for 15 secs., and remove and quickly wipe the moisture off both saucers. Put it back in the MW for another 15 secs, and wipe the mosture again. Next time do 10 secs, and wire again, and when it gets to where there's very little moisture left, just let it set inside the hot saucers for a couple mins, and i take the top saucer off so air can get to the buds, and by the next morning, they're nice and dry. You can also put the bud inside an envelope, and lay it on top of your ballast for 5 or 6 hrs .
And yes, the WW is more potent than the NL. And the WW i have takes about 9 weeks. I hope this NL i have in bloom, makes me a lier, after the cure, but i don't think so !!
Too bad you have to quit growing inside !! I grow two crops per yr. inside, and that supplys me and wife with enough meds. This will be my last grow till after summer. Summer is not the time to grow inside !! when it starts getting cool in sept., then i'll do two more grows. But one thing for sure, if my wife tells me i can't grow anymore, then i'll move out !! I went through that with the last wife, and that's one of the reasons, why we're Xs !! I flushed my 2 gal pots again tonight. Run 4 gals thru each. This is the 1st time i've used the 2 gal, and i'll go back to the 4 gal next time. I can tell that these plants are rootbound, and therefore, smaller plants and much more frequent waterings !! And more importantly, less smoke !! Are you putting anything outside ??:reading420magazine::popcorn::cool:
oh no, did i read that right? no clones, no indoor plants? oh dear, lions and tigers and snow leopards and bears, oh my.....:goodluck:..how will you get ready for next spring? just wait and plant seeds? outside? no window sill even? i think i have to go away for a while....besides, i dont think i spelled that snow "cat" word correctly...i'm very sad....later, lavendar:thedoubletake::hmmmm::ban::surrender::surrender::sorry::cough::bigtoke::joint::peacetwo:hope you got as medicated as i did....:cheer: people do what they need to do to be at peace with themselves, wishing you the best....NOW, GO, AND GROW LIKE HELL....SO YOU HAVE ENOUGH PUT UP...later my friend, lavendar
Hey Woodsman just stopping in to give a big hello to one of my favorite 420ers! Your crop certainly is looking mighty good and they are some pretty fantastic looking colas you have going there... Sorry I haven't been around much but double pneumonia has a tendency to take you out of circulation... The good news is that I started harvesting my 4' White Widow (at least the bottom half, the top half went back into a full 2nd bloom) and it looks like I have yanked a few ounces off of her! I be seeing ya around as my health improves...

Wow Joe, you get well quick. I've had pneumonia myself and I know how terrible it is. Take good care of yourself and take in as much steam as you can, That was a godsend for me. I would wake up at night and could hardly breath with the non stop coughing. I didn't have a vaporizer so I just boiled water in a pot set it on the table, stuck my head over it with a towel draped over my head and let it do it's magic.

Glad you were able to come and take a look Joe. now go back to bed! Wishing you a speedy recovery and a great harvest when you can!

take the bud off the stem and spread it out on a saucer, now cover that with another saucer. Let the micro wave run for 15 secs., and remove and quickly wipe the moisture off both saucers. Put it back in the MW for another 15 secs, and wipe the mosture again. Next time do 10 secs, and wire again, and when it gets to where there's very little moisture left, just let it set inside the hot saucers for a couple mins, and i take the top saucer off so air can get to the buds, and by the next morning, they're nice and dry. You can also put the bud inside an envelope, and lay it on top of your ballast for 5 or 6 hrs .
And yes, the WW is more potent than the NL. And the WW i have takes about 9 weeks. I hope this NL i have in bloom, makes me a lier, after the cure, but i don't think so !!
Too bad you have to quit growing inside !! I grow two crops per yr. inside, and that supplys me and wife with enough meds. This will be my last grow till after summer. Summer is not the time to grow inside !! when it starts getting cool in sept., then i'll do two more grows. But one thing for sure, if my wife tells me i can't grow anymore, then i'll move out !! I went through that with the last wife, and that's one of the reasons, why we're Xs !! I flushed my 2 gal pots again tonight. Run 4 gals thru each. This is the 1st time i've used the 2 gal, and i'll go back to the 4 gal next time. I can tell that these plants are rootbound, and therefore, smaller plants and much more frequent waterings !! And more importantly, less smoke !! Are you putting anything outside ??:reading420magazine::popcorn::cool:

Well I normally grow enough outside to last till the next years harvest. Didn't work out last year so I persuaded my wife to let me grow 'one' crop indoors. I'm on my second crop now! So I won't even press the issue. I'll have plenty of plants outside this Summer.

I've got 10 very descent bagseed already up in 4 inch pots (sprouted within the last couple of days. One of them is up over a week now. I've got three Mazar seeds in a wet paper towel (last check earlier had one open already). Then I've got the three NL#5's that I'll transplant to larger pots and regenerate. If they're good that is. I hope to have 5-6 females in pots and if there's any more, then I'll plant them out in the yard for a 'see what happens' deal. Most likely won't get a full days sunshine out there, but what the heck! So I should be set to go once the NL finishes and I get them out. Then the Tent will most likely be history or at least moved to storage.

Good luck with your stuff Slow.

oh no, did i read that right? no clones, no indoor plants? oh dear, lions and tigers and snow leopards and bears, oh my.....:goodluck:..how will you get ready for next spring? just wait and plant seeds? outside? no window sill even? i think i have to go away for a while....besides, i dont think i spelled that snow "cat" word correctly...i'm very sad....later, lavendar:thedoubletake::hmmmm::ban::surrender::surrender::sorry::cough::bigtoke::joint::peacetwo:hope you got as medicated as i did....:cheer: people do what they need to do to be at peace with themselves, wishing you the best....NOW, GO, AND GROW LIKE HELL....SO YOU HAVE ENOUGH PUT UP...later my friend, lavendar

I know! A waste of perfectly good genetics gone 'kaput'! Just no way I'm going to provoke my wife anymore after she's let me do the 'two' grows indoors this winter. She's already 'fed up' with the fact that I'm planning to grow more than a 'couple' of plants outside! I wish we had more 'open' property than we have. Mostly wooded, so not a whole lot of sunny spots. Back deck and just alongside it are the best in the whole property. We've got a 3/4 acre mostly wooded lot.
Tis a sad day Woodsman:smokin: A sad day:smokin:

But a deal is a deal and your keeping your word to the wife. She was good enough to let you grow twice indoors, so I understand.

Buddy sounds like your getting ready to grow your butt off. I would too!
Plant them anywhere there is even half a day sun. Get all you can out there and grow as much as you can. It's long time to spring again. Is there a flat place on your roof that can't be seen? Try anything!:cheer:

Selfishly, I'm thinking "Oh! No! No Woodsman's journal this winter". I enjoy visiting with you my friend. :grinjoint:

Your a good man my friend! :bravo:
:passitleft:Good Morning. Was warming up the vaporizer and saw that you have been leashed again...sorry to hear that my friend. But we do what we must to maintain peace brother. ;)

I hope your outdoor harvest goes really well so you don't need to grow indoors. You will go crazy though not growing, but after this summer you can always drop by and keep us company in our garden's til next year's outdoor...assuming that doesn't gets nixed. I wish your wife was more canna friendly brother.

:bravo: for your perseverance Woods.

hi woods ,my friend,just a couple of comments on microwaving weed,i have done a few popcorn buds and if it reduces the potency,i couldn't handle it "full strength"LOL.
it gets smoother after a couple of hits and relight it.man do i love the white widow.:grinjoint::roorrip:
There is no logic to support microwaving bud will ruin the potency. It is something that I have wondered about lately. The best way is to put it on the lowest settings which hardly gives off any heat at all I reckon, on for a short time, take it out and air it and then in again, not allowing condensation etc to build up.

White widow is of course far stronger than NL, NL is well know for being for beginners, one of the most forgiving strains but not very high on potency. White Widow itself nowadays is probably about only half way up the thc tree

There is no logic to support microwaving bud will ruin the potency. It is something that I have wondered about lately. The best way is to put it on the lowest settings which hardly gives off any heat at all I reckon, on for a short time, take it out and air it and then in again, not allowing condensation etc to build up.

White widow is of course far stronger than NL, NL is well know for being for beginners, one of the most forgiving strains but not very high on potency. White Widow itself nowadays is probably about only half way up the thc tree


I disagree brother. I've grown alot of NL, and a few NL crosses, and most of them are kung Pow shit man. #5 & #9 are my favorites potency wise, yea it's beginner friendly (most indica are) but medium potency, nah. the last time I grew NL #9 that bud rivaled WW for sure. I actually liked it better. had more couchlock, and lasted longer. But hey, i just had to throw that in for conversation sake. you know.

Woods, No bueno about the misses man, but I understand. I hope that you get a massive yield (I know you will) and maybe you can buy her that nice neclace she's been wanting ;) and win her over for another grow, eh?

you ARE going to stick around 420 arent you? :goodluck:
I stand corrected bro, no probs.. I just meant really that it was grown for its ease as oppose to its strength or medicinal cbd properties overall you know?

Tis a sad day Woodsman:smokin: A sad day:smokin:

But a deal is a deal and your keeping your word to the wife. She was good enough to let you grow twice indoors, so I understand.

Buddy sounds like your getting ready to grow your butt off. I would too!
Plant them anywhere there is even half a day sun. Get all you can out there and grow as much as you can. It's long time to spring again. Is there a flat place on your roof that can't be seen? Try anything!:cheer:

Selfishly, I'm thinking "Oh! No! No Woodsman's journal this winter". I enjoy visiting with you my friend. :grinjoint:

Your a good man my friend! :bravo:

I can only push her so far and I reached that stage over the winter! I'll grow enough this summer that I should be fine for a year at least. If all works out the way I'd like, I'll have a few different 'tastes' to smoke this time. 2008's outdoor lasted me a year and a half, but smoking the same stuff for that length of time is just sad! This time I'll be able to select from a menu!

:passitleft:Good Morning. Was warming up the vaporizer and saw that you have been leashed again...sorry to hear that my friend. But we do what we must to maintain peace brother. ;)

I hope your outdoor harvest goes really well so you don't need to grow indoors. You will go crazy though not growing, but after this summer you can always drop by and keep us company in our garden's til next year's outdoor...assuming that doesn't gets nixed. I wish your wife was more canna friendly brother.

:bravo: for your perseverance Woods.


I will definitely be around to bug you and keep you all in line! Without my expert analysis and advanced thinking skills :Rasta: you would all be lost! I would never forgive myself.

hi woods ,my friend,just a couple of comments on microwaving weed,i have done a few popcorn buds and if it reduces the potency,i couldn't handle it "full strength"LOL.
it gets smoother after a couple of hits and relight it.man do i love the white widow.:grinjoint::roorrip:

I'll have to try WW one day! Maybe for next years outdoor.

There is no logic to support microwaving bud will ruin the potency. It is something that I have wondered about lately. The best way is to put it on the lowest settings which hardly gives off any heat at all I reckon, on for a short time, take it out and air it and then in again, not allowing condensation etc to build up.

White widow is of course far stronger than NL, NL is well know for being for beginners, one of the most forgiving strains but not very high on potency. White Widow itself nowadays is probably about only half way up the thc tree


I will def be microwaving something tomorrow!

I have to disagree about the NL or at least the NL#5, from what I've read and picked up through these types of grow sites, NL is no slouch on the potency scale. It may be an easier strain to grow, but that has nothing to do with it's potency. In fact I think that WW has some NL genetics as do many many strains. I do know that WW is or was one of the strongest strains out there, but it's not the only one.

Now the way I'm growing it, the potency probably won't be as strong as if it were grown with a more powerful system, but maybe growing outside will be an equalizer.

I disagree brother. I've grown alot of NL, and a few NL crosses, and most of them are kung Pow shit man. #5 & #9 are my favorites potency wise, yea it's beginner friendly (most indica are) but medium potency, nah. the last time I grew NL #9 that bud rivaled WW for sure. I actually liked it better. had more couchlock, and lasted longer. But hey, i just had to throw that in for conversation sake. you know.

Woods, No bueno about the misses man, but I understand. I hope that you get a massive yield (I know you will) and maybe you can buy her that nice neclace she's been wanting ;) and win her over for another grow, eh?

you ARE going to stick around 420 arent you? :goodluck:

I don't plan on going anywhere my friend. After the outdoor grow I'll be able to spend more time on your threads.

I stand corrected bro, no probs.. I just meant really that it was grown for its ease as oppose to its strength or medicinal cbd properties overall you know?


Lions, all opinions are encouraged my friend!

:passitleft: :passitleft: :passitleft:
Looking good, my friend. Northern lights 5 is a classic, and there are not many strains that do not have at least some northern light genes. They have spread their wings and are about to fly, may they bloom well, flower heavily and yield magnificently.
happy growing.

Howdy Superblue,thanks for coming by and joining us! You are correct about it being a classic and it is a 'fine' classic. Thank you for the good wishes also!
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