Would like to hear from old timers like myself - the 70s

I live out in the sticks, in the 70's we had a disco hall about 3 miles from my house called "Cottonwoods".... like I said "sticks". That place was under 21 only but the booze and weed were everywhere! Damn! that place was fun... met my first wife there... LOL
Hello! I think that it maybe helpfull to put your seed in the ground by the root go down and the hard part of the seed would be lain on the ground and waiting for the roots are taking some necessary action
Re: would like to hear from old timers like myself..the 70s

I know this a old post but I started growing in 70 the first time I really didn,t know what I was doing.It took a few years to figure out how to do it right.These day,s there is so much information how can you go wrong.Mistakes I read about I have already been threw.But I still learn things all the time.When I,m not sure of something I can ask on 420 and get a lot of good answers .
First Smoke, First Primo Smoke
Asking older folks to reminisce about the good ol' days is like asking a dog if it wants some bacon. The answer is always affirmative.

I started smoking around 1976, my last year of high school. Vietnam was over for most Americans. Between that and the bicentennial celebrations, the year felt optimistic.

I learned to roll a joint before I ever started smoking. A lot of the tokers at school couldn't really roll a good joint, but I rolled my own cigarettes sometimes, so I knew what I was doing. When hanging out with friends, I'd roll for 'em, but for a long time I wouldn't partake.

First smoke. Hanging out one afternoon, I finally decided to see what all the fuss was about. All we got was Mexican at that time and place. It had a kind of peppery, spicy taste that I liked. After my first few hits of the forbidden flower, I leaned back on the couch with my legs stretched out. It felt good. The music sounded so much better. If I stayed still, I'd feel like someone was holding my feet and gently swinging me around through the air. "This," I thought to myself, "is a Good Thing." Since I knew how to roll well, as soon as I started smoking I was promoted by my fellow students to the coveted position of "head".

First primo smoke. '76 or '77. My oldest brother had come up from Texas to visit. As he was about to leave, he called me and another brother around to the trunk of his car. He looked around to make sure nobody was watching, took a joint out of his cigarette pack, and handed it to us. He said three words.

"Hawaiian. It's killer."

It was a teeny-tiny, skinny-pinny, absolute joke of a joint. Thanks, you stingy bastard. Remember, we'd smoked nothing but Mexican until then, so we thought all joints were big. Later that night, my younger brother and I lit it up.

Holy mother of fuck!

To this day, I've never had a high that good. It was giddy, giggly, euphoric, trippy, and energetic. It made balloon animals out of space and time. We wandered around the neighborhood, playing run-from-the-cops. Some of you know that game. You see a cop car approaching, and you take off running. Without fail, the cops would leap to the pursuit. What they didn't realize is that there was about a three-acre patch of woods in this neighborhood, all owned by relatives. One one side of the woods was a school parking lot. On the other three sides were houses that were mostly owned by relatives. When we took off from the cops, we could either vanish in the woods or duck into any number of houses to "visit".

After a long, stony night of games and visiting, we woke up the next morning still well buzzed. It finally occurred to us to see what happened to the roach, which turned out to be about two-thirds of the original joint. We'd barely started on that thing.

Hawaiian. It was killer.
I went from nice guy to asshole in about 4.3 seconds. A personal best for me.

I absolutely LOVE this story. :thumb: First, because I applaud people standing up for what's right. Second, because one of the benefits of getting old is that we can get cantankerous as hell and get away with it. (I remember the first time I called a cop "young man" while he was trying to get authoritarian with me. Really changed the dynamics of the situation.)

I think I'm going to shop for a cane today. Soon as I stop laughing...
Smokin' Mexican, pretty good one actually, grown by myself :rofl::tokin: I loved both stories, very refreshing in this climate of general conformity :thumb:
Re: would like to hear from old timers like myself..the 70s

Hey there Fellow Old Schooler. I may not have been growing for decades but I have been smoking Marijuana since 1976 @ 13 yrs old. I don't know about anyone else but I had the KEWLEST Black Light Room (for special LSD Or Mushroom Trips. Was A HUGE HIT. I was Growing up in the BEST Decade & the 80's where Quite the Blast Too Eh? I was just surfing around in here & caught your / wanna hear from Old Schoolers & 70's and I had to stop in and say hey there. Hows things? Nice to see ANYTHING Old School TODAY as it's a lost ART Today & I am always lecturing this Generation in regards to this FACT! TO NO AVAIL. I Fear For the Next Gen Big Time. :bravo: for staying Old School
Great story, Smokyjoe. Had good times in the 70's. I started smoking in '76 and growing in '76.5--------poorly. Lol But back then, pot was just pot and people weren't such dicks about it. :thumb:
Smokin' Mexican, pretty good one actually, grown by myself

I started catching up on some of your work recently. I'm going to do a small, stealthy, outdoor grow this year, and I hope to learn from your experiences. I especially liked your smoke report on the Malawi Gold. That strain's definitely on my wish list.

I won't be doing full-season grows, though. Just autos. We have great growing weather here in spring, but the summers can get brutal. 38C+ temperatures, and the last few years have been very dry.
But back then, pot was just pot and people weren't such dicks about it.

Yeah, it pretty much was just pot then, wasn't it? I don't think we even knew there were different kinds then. Maybe some vague rumors of Panama Red, but we never saw it. And no weighing. It was a three- or four-finger bag, about half bud and half shake.

And strawberry papers! :)
I started catching up on some of your work recently. I'm going to do a small, stealthy, outdoor grow this year, and I hope to learn from your experiences. I especially liked your smoke report on the Malawi Gold. That strain's definitely on my wish list.

I won't be doing full-season grows, though. Just autos. We have great growing weather here in spring, but the summers can get brutal. 38C+ temperatures, and the last few years have been very dry.

Good luck in your grow, man :thumb:
Yeah, it pretty much was just pot then, wasn't it? I don't think we even knew there were different kinds then. Maybe some vague rumors of Panama Red, but we never saw it. And no weighing. It was a three- or four-finger bag, about half bud and half shake.

And strawberry papers! :)

Strawberry papers!!!! First pot I smoked was a joint rolled with those...had forgotten that...thanks for the memory!
Yea, pot was 3-4 fingers an oz. And 'skunk weed' was someone's homegrown that you bought as a last resort! Lol. Anyone remember the giant rolling paper that came in the Cheach & Chong record album? Came out when I was in Jr. High and all us "Stoners" got them and smoked up a storm before school started! (I would hang with the high school kids for that) Lots of good memories..........
I still have an unopened Big Bamboo ... Maybe worth something one day ... probably after C&C or I are dead!

In the 70's, you only needed a bathroom scale to measure LBs, as far as an OZ, well we just stuffed the lid full and called it a OZ, could have been more or less, but is was $10 and everyone was happy!

And yes, I know the lineage of the "lid". Anyone else?

Best of Buds

4 finger lid, yup..... got more seeds some times than weed... good old brick Columbia...... after growing my own meds for just a couple decades I thought "WOW! remember when I used to have to find weed".... days long gone.
Hope for an early spring!
Thanks for question, i think that maybe useful if you do bad growing to boil in water with cup of milk not so strong plants (in metal washbowl for example). Maybe for about one hour, and add a little lemon juice or so after all. :geek:
Hee, hee. My wife and I, both in our 60's, said we need to ditch the pipe and start using a water device for our old lungs. Checked all the new stuff and all looked to be a PIA to clean. Wondering what ever happened to the old Toker I had years ago, and, son-of-a-gun, it has made a comeback!! It's called Toker II the Legend. It's $100 now but just as good as ever and a snap to clean! I had my first one around 1976, broke several and the company went out of business. Bechta some old stoner with a little money realized what a great water pipe this was and invested in a comeback.
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