1st Grow - Kingsnake235's - Soil - HID - Hash Plant & Black Indica - 2015

Any thoughts on adding the baking soda to a light nutrient solution to up the pH? Biobizz says don't add ph up or anything cause it will kill the microbes, but baking soda might be ok..? Either way, the pH was way too low, so i have to use it.

Wish I had some info for you here. I don't. I can't imagine such small amounts of baking soda causing any real issues with microbes in a medium, but hell, I've seen stranger things.
Day 80 - 32 of flower

Just a note for myself so i don't forget when i watered.

Watered the 2 LST's after 6 days: both took a full gallon this time, but still get immediate runoff, so a lot of that wasn't actually absorbed. The soil is very dense under the loose top soil, like i can't push my finger into it. But there are roots right at the top, so i guess thats ok..

1 Gallon each @ 5mL/G Bloom, Heaven, TopMax and baking soda to up the pH, went it at 6.5-5.8 range

thats only half the nutes i'd normally give, so we'll see how they like it.

the other 4 are still quite heavy today, but will probably be ready within a few days.
So... I went back to page1 and looked at your soil mix. Are you still in Seasoil original with 1/4 worm goo?

kind of.

When i up canned to 4 gallons, i mixed 20% perlite into the new soil (still sea soil, with EWC, but no lava rock) but only in the large pots

so the LST's ONLY have the first soil, since they weren't transplanted.

i've learned so much about my rookie mistakes, i can hardly wait to start the next grow, lol!
any suggestions are more than welcome; I'm always open to information/ideas i haven't come across yet!

pretty sure i got my wife convinced on the Clackamas Coots LOS for the next run and beyond tho, cause we can use it for the veggie beds too I'm sure. (right?)

watering with just water, not having to worry about pH or NPK, thats just too appealing.
any suggestions are more than welcome; I'm always open to information/ideas i haven't come across yet!

pretty sure i got my wife convinced on the Clackamas Coots LOS for the next run and beyond tho, cause we can use it for the veggie beds too I'm sure. (right?)

watering with just water, not having to worry about pH or NPK, thats just too appealing.

Not really... you appear to be "Killin it".
I recently got an intro to LOS from Sweet Sue. I love the idea. Kinda been doing a good bit of it over the years. No fit for a soil free mix grower like myself, but I've been implementing it in my herb garden.
And I'm a fan of the low maint grow... that's exactly what I have going with my osmocote+ plants.
well cheers! haha. I'm a big ball of anxious stress sometimes, so thats reassuring.

yeah! i haven't spoken with SweetSue directly, but i've read a fair amount of the organic soil thread, and a few others. its great that you can get the nutrient/mineral kit from buildasoil, cheap too, even shipped to canada! I figure i can get 4 x 4 gallon pots set up with LOS for 80-100 CAD and eventually extend that into the garden when i know more what I'm doing.

if not, i've considered if going soil less or maybe a promix with the Natures Nectar line of organic liquids would work - pretty sure it was Marzbadrock who suggested it in a thread i was reading. I like the idea of having 1 bottle of each N P an K instead of bottles with various amounts of each, seems much more straight forward and reliable that way for me.

If i had space for 60 gallons of soil, i'd likely go the route of DocBuds high brix kit, but thats a ways down the road i think - some experience with LOS first might prepare me for that.

I'll definitely start a new thread to get some clarity before i commence on any of those roads tho.

its been good to let these ladies grown and learn with them, much more motivating that way, rather than trying to absorb copious amounts of biological theory before planting a seed.
Day 84 - 36 of flower - 7 weeks in veg, 5 weeks in flower

okie dokie, 10 days since the big girls got some water, and the LST's are thirsty again already.
everyone took 2 gallons this time, and i re-evaluated my nutrient volumes.

so following the labels as close as i can with my spoons they each (all 6 plants) got,

15mL/Gal (3.75mL/L) BioBloom, BioHeaven - 5mL/Gal (1.25mL/L) TopMax, FishMix

I also was compelled to defol a bit more, they really got quite bushy and most of the bud sites were hidden with foliage, so here they are after a feed and a trim. Black indica 1 is damn near bare now, as you can see, but i didnt wanna take tooooo much off the other ladies, since they seem a bit behind.

Here are a few angles of the whole tent, you can see the lightening of the leaves pretty well, but also notice there is no more yellow or spotted leaves. Hopefully it stays that way!

and Black indica 1's Cola (lighter roughly the size of a bic)

all in all, i think its looking pretty good. Hoping to stay on schedule with 3-4 more weeks to finish!
The BI lady is nekkid. I can see her bare branches. OH MY!

Lookin mighty pretty.

i've felt kinda bad for her lately with her disheveled yellow leaves and bare branches..
but once i was done taking off all the excess, she's not looking too bad!

Man how are you getting 10 days between watering of any of these girls? My jack is behind your girls and is sucking through 7 pounds of water a day.

i assume its my original soil mix, not enough aeration, just lava rock, so its very dense. but it also kinda feels like a forest floor thats full of roots when you press onto it, it resists and bounces back but doesn't make an impression, and its hard to saturate; i can only scratch the surface without seeing small roots through it all tho.

the big ones were surrounded with more loose soil with perlite, but unfortunately there was nothing i could do about the root ball.
that was 10 days from flushing to correct the pH, its usually 6 days and 3 for the little ones.

*wanders off, muttering something about next time, next time..*
Whoa! Looking amazing bro! I need some tips on defoliating.. Not sure what/when to take off and how much... Impressive looking plants! Keep up the good work!

Stay high my friend!
-Captain Howdy ;)

cheers, thanks!

i wish i could give you some, but i'm just kinda wingin' it, so we'll see how it goes haha..
yeah it does! smells really good while I'm watering, it seems pretty sticky so far too; just starting to get a bit darker now too! looking forward to see how it finishes.
Day 90 - 42 of flower - last day of week 6

sorry in advance for the sideways shots.

Fed the 2 LST's today after 6 days;

1 gallon each @ 15mL/G Heaven, 5mL/G TopMax, 10mL/G Bloom, 10mL/G FishMix

Following the labels exactly now, +/- 1-2mL given the sizes of my spoons.
pH is stable, and the soil was well saturated this time with the 1 gallon, all in all, looking good.

really happy with the amount of frost on the BI below, but hoping for a bit more swell before they finish; a little disappointed with the lack of weight they all appear to have, as you can see in the first photo they're a bit lacking in mass, but the 2 larger BI's are getting a bit thicker now.. I definitely caused some stunting of growth along the way, but its ok - gotta grow to know. quality over quantity!


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