1st Time Grow For My Beautiful Broken Brain

" hahahahahaha. Go back to your penis colony u tard! (was thinking it but didn't say it)." please forgive me for pointing this out but I almost wet myself laughing.....@bobrown14.

It was in your last post to GN, hi mr. ninja sir how are on this fab day, hope you doing well and your girls bless you with a bountiful harvest with all the love you have shown them....:thanks::welldone:
Would be good to meet up and share a bowl. Will be enjoying some delights this evening as i no got work till mon morning. The chances of them coming in for a spot check on a bank holiday sre almost none but gives me a couple of days for my saliva to clear up. Got a shift next tue as well but as soon as i am done then it free smoking for a week for me as on hols (apart from a cheeky wee shift on fri night but they wont come in to check then either). Got a pal coming in from canada with some delights so that should be fun.

US gallon is 3.8L, UK gallon is approx 4.5L. All measurements should have been made the same worldwide meaning it is easy for everyone. Stupid bloody metric system and any other weights/measurements.
I’m so glad I read this today because it’s been 24hrs of the malted barley and EWC bubbling. No worries, better caught now.

Just out of interest would it do damage to my outdoor veg and flower beds, I’m not one for wasting if it can be used elsewhere? :D

Thanks bud, I’ll definitely take you up on your gallons conversions.

My brain really struggles with numbers now, that was the strangest and scary experience when I was first asked during an neuro assessment to do a simple sum and I couldn’t do it :oops:.

It’s all good though, just takes a bit longer.

Smell it .. you can tell if it already started fermenting (smells like beer)... I've used it bubbled and always did it that way but I only bubble for 12~20hrs max. Coots the person that came up with the idea of malted barley is the person that said recently to not aerate it and risk making alcohols.. but it takes a bit of time to get yeast going .... I've brewed my own beer. Even with yeast added in it takes a lot of time.

Yes you can use it outdoors ... containers are not very forgiving. Mess the soil up in a container, not much to do but change out the soil. I always dilute my teas at least 50/50 with water.

That lady may be a MacDonald, so there’s a long blood feud going back to the Glencoe Massacre of 1692 at the end the Jacobite uprising.
Don’t think you’ll be able to turn that friend round bud.

Probably I think at the cursing incident she mentioned it. Of course I had no idea what she was talking about. I'm familiar with the written version of the 1692 massacre... Campbells coluded (became traiters) with the British and gave away the Jacobites which ended up a massacre... the Campbells got sent to the "new" world instead of the penal colony.... something like that?

Yeah that lady never talked to me again...just like that. A lot of hate that I had no idea about.
Morning mr.Ninja, your girls are looking beautifully stunning each in their own way, but a while back the finola won me over, and she is still my favourite....:green_heart: How are you feeling/coping this week as I know you up/down and it's not easy finding that balance to function normally...:green_heart: as I've found out...

But I do believe I owe you :cheer:" MASSIVE :thanks: " :cheer: as you were the first to befriend me when I'd gotten over my shyness when I joined back in January.
This last week past till now my fishbowl world has literally exploded with the kindness of so many members " so so many @ " that id miss miss my tea and shortbread meds later this morning. so excited to share that with you mr.Ninja .

Funny how life's curveballs come at you when least expected but once you've made your peace with your inner self that light at the end of the tunnel brightens enormously.

:thanks: mr.Ninja you are a diamond among many....
A lot of pretty white buds there!

I checked my 5 pineapple kush plants last night, just as pretty as yours except 4 of them are males. Oh well. I'm gonna juice 1 of them tonight and drink to your health, and your girls. :)

Why dont you harvest the pollen from 2 of the best males and then make your own seeds? Use colloidal silver to feminise the seeds. Not sure how but there is plenty of info out there to tell you how.

All looking good ninja. Not been able to contact you outside of here. My s7 went on the blink, got it back for a few days now it buggered again. It froze on me earlier and then turned off and i cant get it back up and running again. Hopefully i get sorted soon or i will just pvt message you here. I had 3 of my seeds not germ. This is the first time it has happened to me. 2 x ak49 and 1 amnesia haze. Got an order in to replace them but they will be approx 2 weeks behind the rest which could make for chopping a bit of a nightmare.
Why dont you harvest the pollen from 2 of the best males and then make your own seeds? Use colloidal silver to feminise the seeds. Not sure how but there is plenty of info out there to tell you how.

No need for seeds, I have plenty of seeds from prior pollinations. Plus I took a clone of the 1 female looking plant when I first suspected the other 4 were males. And I don't think I could handle more than 1 Kush in the rotation. It's good medicine but it knocks me out! :)
Hope all is well in your world.

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info.

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

If you need any help with posting photos, please read our Photo Gallery Tutorial.

I am moving this to Abandoned Journals until we get updates.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

Hi everyone

First things first, let me apologise for disappearing on you all for a while there.

I am ok, still doing the daily juggle of life to maintain a balance in my energy and functioning.

I have been helping my local brain injury support group to set up an allotment and sensory garden for our members to access.

I was needing to get myself out into the world more, get more physically active and I have also now taken on my own small allotment at the same site.
My kids love it there and all of them like a chance to help and get their hands dirty.

That’s the goal here, teach my children how to be self sufficient and grow the most nutrient dense food and herbal medicine.

Ok, so I also need to get my reading and writing time back into the daily schedule as I have fallen behind in my progress with this part of my cognitive functioning.

It’s all about finding that balance sweet spot folks.

You will all be glad to here that I made it to harvest with lots of learning moments.

Here’s the results folks:
Medical Mass results

126g plant total harvest.

69g for fresh harvest oil


142g plant total harvest

36g fresh harvest bud & sugar leaves

41g bud to dry


12g fresh harvest bud & sugar leaves

I left the rest on Finola to let any potential seeds mature but unfortunately there was no successful pollination.

More to updates to tell you all about in the next post so I’ll leave you with some pics of my 1st ever medicinal cannabis harvest.

Thank you all to everyone for all your support, help, love and friendship on my 1st time grow for my beautiful broken brain. :green_heart:


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More of the harvest pics folks


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boom mr.Ninja, whoop whoop.....:cheer::cheer::cheer::circle-of-love:

thought you'd done a runner on us there....... so happy/excited to hear you ok the harvest close second but it's all bout you and how you are doing.
Even better is the allotment you have for helping yourself and others, takes a big heart to lookout/help others through their troubling times......:cheer::circle-of-love:

mucho green love and well wishes mr.ninja....
Hey ginga glad to see you back here. I knew you had finished as whatsapp'd you but then never heard back from you. Glad to see you got plenty of meds, was just a bit confused by your weights that you posted but seems a good haul. A question for you - how do you get your pics to show in a grid view on your posts? This seems a lot better as i like posting a lot of pics but you have to scroll down the page to look at each one taking masses of room whereas with a grid you can see them all and click on them to enlarge them.

No luck with the pollination but you can try again. I read up on using colloidal silver and apparently seems really easy to use and administer to make some healthy feminised seeds. May try this method to harvest some strawberry blue pollen and cross it with a lowryder next year giving me an auto version of this lovely strain that gives you major giggles.

My grow has gone well but having a few problems. Nothing too major apart from 2 that have yet to start flowering. You'll see the updates on my journal. Do you have another grow on the go and how are your meds treating you?
Hope all is well in your world.

Thanks for sharing this grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

You can use the Report feature found at the bottom left of every post and we'll move it for you right away.

Sending you lots of love and positive energy.

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